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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. I loved the play calling in the first half. Seemed we passed when they expected us to run. Did not understand what he was trying to do in second half at all.
  2. Yup. Which is what you would expect in a year where we fixed the cap and stockpiled picks. This is precisely right.
  3. I actually agree with the "average" post - which in Bills world is not that terrible. If we had a 6'5" rifle with pinpoint accuracy to put in who wouldn't? But you can win with TT if he has enough of a supporting cast. Today he didn't, and he could not overcome that with his own play. I don't know why people so readily conclude he cannot continue to improve, but today was not a day where that happened.
  4. If all the other excuses are valid, then you get my point. Taylor was not great, and not a positive, but there was so much more to the loss than him, in my view. If that costs me cred, so be it!
  5. Was a tough spot for an injured Bills team. Not TT's best day for sure, but bench him? Absurd. Did not like the play calling in second half at all either. When we moved Taylor in the first seemed we had Bungs on their heels. Not sure what offense that even was in the second, but I can't put it all on Taylor.
  6. I do believe if Dalton had to play QB for us instead of Cinci he would have literally been killed.
  7. Yeah, I am less harsh in my assessment than many. I don't think he played well in second half. The play calling did not seem to help any. Not sure of what scheme would have succeeded with the weapons we had. And like in many games, a few things go the other way and we win. Last series was quite bad, beginning with the sack. But people are so odd in how they see the world as "he is a franchise guy" or "he stinks" - neither is the case. He is a competent game manager that takes care of the ball. We have the balance of this year to see if he can be more. Little tough to judge based on a bad half, on the road, in the rain, with almost no weapons. But I am sure he will be roundly denounced on this board. I don't think it is that simple.
  8. Team competed well on the road vs a team that was recently considered among the better in the NFL, has some good players left and was playing for its season. This will sting for the entire two weeks, but it seems another building block for this team. They are going to lose a few like this and Carolina before they "earn" the right to win them. Tough game, played hard by both sides.
  9. Who wouldn't? What I think is under-appreciated about Taylor is he gives you a chance to win every week. He can't carry the team - at least at this stage.
  10. My definition of "okay" was that if other things had fallen into place we could have won. Taylor moved the offense pretty well earlier in the game. Once Clay went down you knew it would be tough. Granted, TT was not able to carry the team. Did not seem he had a lot of choice throwing options to me, and a few breaks could have made all the difference - Mabin drop, Logan Thomas hold. We were in position to win, couldn't get it done.
  11. Can't be with benching TT - team has an excellent shot at the playoffs. 3.-2 at the bye is better than anyone could have hoped. Could have been a game or even two better. Too bad.
  12. Did not play that well in second half at all. But I thought he was fine in the first. I question some of the play calling in second. Shady seemed upset on the one sweep at their 10 where he had no chance from the go-off. Win as a team, lose as a team. We have Gaines, Matthews and Clay I think we win today. Team played hard, showed well. TT needs to be in a position to be a game manager and they needed more than he could give them today.
  13. Mabin catches that ball in the end zone and everything could easily have been different. As a Taylor fan, but not a blind one, he is not now (and perhaps not ever) a guy I feel we can feel good about down more than a FG and needing a length of the field drive to win. Having said that, he had absolutely no help once Clay went down.
  14. Can't take that sack at the end. Just can't. And I love the guy for his effort, grit, athleticism. But you just can't take that sack.
  15. No problem with us drafting a guy a la KC, but Taylor is a competent pro and we are lucky to have him vs. a lot of the garbage that is out there.
  16. What do you want? No Clay, no Matthews. We were in position to win, relax. Bad last series for sure. Tyrod haters going to have their turn and I guess today is it. He was not why we lost.
  17. I watched Ducasse in preseason more than I care to ever again - will not forget when he got bowled right over the top of Taylor in about 1.5 seconds. Ugh!
  18. Anybody but the Imploder. C'mon! ANYONE ELSE! Worthy might need to rest his head a little - can't believe it is a performance sit down.
  19. I trust the process - except when it comes to Vlad the Imploder. NO NO NO NO - please help us. Poor Tyrod. Geez, NOOOOO! Please start Groy, please, please, please. Or move Cordy to guard. JUST NOT VLAD! Hell, put in Reggie McKenzie.
  20. Like a mofo. You know, all the Sammy missing Robert Woods would have been more affordable and he blocks well in run game. Would have liked to have him with Matthews and Zay! Plus he is crazy. Any word on Cordy today? Game time decision?
  21. Too late. I have gone crazy. What does this mean anyway, abstain from joy until we have absolute proof joy is justified? I hate this. Fan = fanatic. We have just cause for fandemonium right now. If it sucks later, so be it. It is sad to just wait for the other shoe to inevitably drop. Let's go crazy!
  22. Reilly, Philly or Powell all likely. Don't know much about Dupre. With this admin I feel like a trade is always a question of "relative value." If they could get the wide receiver equivalent of EJ Gaines for a pick I could see them doing it (a young, good character talent who they would want now and in the future - not a rental). But it likely would not be a player with a current high profile.
  23. How fun. Win this week, important road test vs conference opponent. This is the kind of game we should win if we want to be highly ranked. And if we do . . . welcome bye week!
  24. Carr could well be out for Bills. From NFL.com: Carr's return can't come soon with the Raiders set to play the Chargers in Week 6 and Chiefs in Week 7, two division rivals, before squaring off with the upstart Bills. It's not clear -- not yet -- if he'll be available for any of those contests.
  25. Stephon: Crud, couldn't copy in my toast picture.
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