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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. I am fearing this game. I believe we will win, but could see it going South - Jets playing for their season, short weak, division rival we already beat. Lots of risk factors. If McDermott has them as up for this as Raiders I think it will be one of the best moves he has made all year. Heard from a source inside that the players are very happy about Benjamin, fired up about it. So maybe this is a helper. Plus this does not seem a team given to letdowns. But I remain worried.
  2. I think TT is the kind of worker/character guy that will gradually improve until he starts getting hurt in his 30's. Cam, however, may have already had his best year. So I would not make this switch, IMHO.
  3. Absent major drop-off in performance there is no decision -- TT is the quarterback and leader of this emerging team. Deal with it. Having said that, if there is a guy you like when you pick, take him and let him compete. No need, however, to throw a snotball of picks at a rookie who will have a high failure risk regardless of when chosen. If we have a powerful roster and TT, Peterman and our pick all fail we can acquire a Cousins-like vet (albeit not Cousins because he will be gone) in the future. For now, I think we can find our championship QB among TT, Peterman and a pick taken wherever we choose. TT Baby!!!!
  4. So happy to see that lazy under-achiever out of here. He was a cancer with a huge attitude.
  5. Fed it through this large shredder we have - it was really funny. Some of the old ones I keep, some are destroyed. This was not a keeper.
  6. I can't even hear the name Sammy anymore. Love him, hate him, he is over for the Bills. Please let us win this one!
  7. We need a true #1 wideout and I would strengthen both lines. Perhaps a speedy linebacker or two? Need another good corner. We have so many picks!
  8. I will say 6-2, but Jets game scares me every bit as much as this one!
  9. He was virtually "dead cap" when we had him (another poster pointed out Cedric Thornton has more tackles). So dumping him is a straight $7 million save short term (this year and next). Plus free after next year! Yay! Watkins, Gilmore, Dareus - we have completely flipped our cap situation while stockpiling picks and improving on field performance. I am stunned. So pleased.
  10. Actually, none of the points listed above have really been his problem. Nowhere is (i) learning to finish his route or (ii) failure to catch the ball listed. Route stuff is being a rook. Drops are having the yips. CHILL!
  11. Admin has gone out of their way to compliment Big Puff lately. If he keeps it up, may have to start calling him Big Puff. I believe Bills are (and I would prefer) see if he catches up to the train, grabs a handle on the caboose and hops aboard. It is not too late. I think of Jones in Cinci - who was a lot worse than Cinci - while still a turd, he has largely remained available to Bengs the past years and played to his ability. Sometimes guys realize stupid is no fun, and I would rather give some time for Dareus to make that realization than give him away. Er, start calling him "Big Stuff" - sorry
  12. At minimum, Milano has proved he can be a valuable part of the rotation. And he is probably our best coverage linebacker. Both he and Vallejo run like the wind. The speed of those two later picks say a lot about what McDermott wants in LBs long-term.
  13. This thread is insane. Oh the hand-wringing! Six games, rookie year.
  14. Never like to see any player injured for any team. But if an injury must hurt some team, it might as well be the Pats!
  15. I agree with the poster mentioning Wilson. Give TT Seattle's roster and he will win just as many games and be doing television commercials. They are very similar in so many respects. If he continues to develop in second half I am confident we won't "chase" a quarterback like we were forced to do with EJ. Then we were forced to anoint him prematurly when Kolb was ruthlessly attacked by a rubber mat. We won't have to do this either - no reason to rush any QB we might draft. And they have to get through Peterman before they get the right to challenge TT, and he may have something to say about that. Our QB situation is the best it has been since Kelly.
  16. Yes. Pitts is the great nephew of Elijah Pitts. Okay, I am lying -- Perhaps son of Ron Pitts?
  17. Tyrod Taylor can cover Sammy Watkins. Jordan Poyer can't throw him open.
  18. Give 'em the local water and they will never stop the "run" again! In fact, their D tackles will weigh like 225!
  19. That is good to know. Pats could lose several of these. Including one to us. I don't see them getting to 12-4 at all. But then again, I didn't see them winning the division for 100 straight years! Fish beat them once, because they are crazy.
  20. Take a look at that sucker. Not easy for them going forward. Don't like that they get to play Raiders "on the road" in Mexico City. Conspiracy!
  21. Milano is Robert Woods crazy in coverage. When Humber comes back maybe play those two at outside LB in nickel. Moving Zo up to line is not a terrible idea.
  22. I take offense to that, but yeah, that's pretty good!
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