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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. I never wanted Trump nor Bon JovI to buy the team. I was confident it would have been the death nel of the franchise. Bon Jovi's not a businessman, and I learned about how Trump was about football back in 1986 with the USFL versus the NFL mess. Moreover, neither one knew nor cared about how the Bills franchise has been a strong part of the very fabric of WNY, and almost as an extension of our family. Those 2 guys are driven by ego and a "look at me, I'm the big show" mentality. The Pegulas being from the area understand what the Bills mean to WNY. Non-Bills people just don't get it!
  2. At New England on Monday night. Oh, wait, that's been driven into the ground already.
  3. Ha!!! K-9, LOL, that's great. That would be about my speed too. Or to committ hari kari if another "wide right" comes along.
  4. Here, here! My sentiments exactly. The AFL Bills must not be forgotten.
  5. Believe it. I've been convinced of that too ever since that game was played. Bills had a defense that just flat out got after people. Go Bills & the AFL.
  6. Trade him now while we can still get a draft pick for him!!! I heard he's great in the "bull" pen.
  7. I wonder if he's going to return to WNY.
  8. The best thing I liked about this video was the Dick Enberg classic "OH My!!!" comment. As for Losman? Sorry he didn't work out for the Bills.
  9. Yeh, NFL Network running replays of the Stupor Bowl this week. How's that working for you NFLN?
  10. How to beat the Patriots? Get your whole organization, ownership, front office, head coach & assistant coaches, franchise qb and players up to par with them. Where has Buffalo been in those departments since 2000? Especially from ownership to qb, if any one of those areas are dysfunctional/unstable, the results will always be the same, 29-3.
  11. 3rd and 12, I like the dry humor in the "Happy" in Happy Gilmore. I think Gilmore played better in Jim Schwartz's, a real D coordinator, than Archy & Jughead's (the Ryan Bro's) system. Even though I believe an NFL player should always try his best at all times, his last year or so, you could see he wasn't giving it his all.
  12. God bless you, Jim. Hope it stays this way forever.
  13. C Biscuit, good memory. You're draft day observation got me thinking.It had been so many years ago. So I looked it up on You tube and sure enough. A rather strange reaction by a draftee. And there's something else if you take a look. One of the guys he hugged, he purposely whispered something in his ear the opposite side of where the camera was so no one could see his expression nor read his lips. I'm not trying to be a conspirorist or anything, but I feel it was all part of his behavior at that moment. Just saying.
  14. No. I liked the pick on draft day and knew that he would be a bit of a work-in-progress. Watching him through the season, I'm very pleased with him going forward from here. The last few games have been particularly well done. The kid's a leader and has the fire in his gut and the heart of a lion. Something this franchise has lacked for decades at his position. I want to see less running with the ball with him from now on, and I think we'll see that as our (I assume) wr & te group improves. Lots to look forward to Bills fan. As one NFL player once said "CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
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