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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. Disagree. The only thing Allen will learn on the sidelines is how to hold a clipboard.
  2. This post looks like one of those birthday cards you see:" If You Were Born In 1941". If you didn't have a sense of humor about this, you'd go nuts.
  3. Amen Gregg. We all knew that the offense and, parts of the D going into the season was suspect. So, here we are. I think that, at least in part, the D is playing so well is because McDermott was a D coordinator. It's a rebuilding year, like it or not. What made the offense worse was the decisions McBean made about cutting McCarron & keeping 2 very inexperienced qbs. What were they thinking!!!!! Go Bills
  4. A win is a win. I'll take an ugly win over a pretty loss any day. Go Bills.
  5. We all knew there were holes that needed to be filled from the start. I still have them at 7 wins. But see me at mid-season about the 7 w's.
  6. Nothing wrong with some cautious optomisum. After the season we'll certainly know more, but it sure looks great at this point!
  7. You forgot the biggest fault of all. Being a "leftist".
  8. ? LOL! If they sign him, I hope it works out. We need O- line help!
  9. Thanks WRR for finding this & putting it in here. We have some weapons, with more experience, Josh will see those open receivers sooner. Go Bills
  10. You're right. Trumane Johnson did play in that league. Forgot about him.
  11. Vikings will score more points than the Bills. The rest is just trivia.
  12. Didn't the Bills have a few other guys for a short while? I remember a receiver, last name began with a B that Kelly threw to a few times. Chris Burkett?? Walter Braughton? There was a punt/kick off returner too that played for Orlando. Can't remember his name though. I think his first name was Arro? Arrol? something. Anyway, some Bills trivia for those who might like the challenge. Nevertheless, I've enjoyed this thread and reading about various stuff people still remembered.
  13. Hey, tell me about the "memory banks" , I know hat you mean, man.
  14. 26Corner and cba, great job! I haven't looked it up, but cba, I think you got it. Two of the more solid clubs were the TB Bandits and NJ Generals. Pretty much all the rest were just financially just winging it. Not that I wanted the league to succeed (more on this later) but they decided to expand the league to other cities after the first season. That was too much for a lot of those teams. By the end of only the 2nd season, they were close to folding. I wanted the league to fold because then the Bills could get Kelly. That was really my overriding interest in the league. Just sign Kelly when the league is done!
  15. You did pretty good though. After all it folded over 30 years ago, plus, some of those teams jumped to different cities, re-maned themselves, or just plane folded after a year or 2.
  16. Not bad, there's a few that you left out. But you were game to try.
  17. Without looking it up, can anybody name all the USFL teams? I wanted the USFL to fold because I wanted the Bills to have Kelly. I was elated with the court's decision!
  18. The kid's a little rough around the edges and needs improvement in spots, but he's right out of college. Are you a Bills fan?
  19. Agree K-9. Not only he had no knees to move during his career, but he also played where receivers could literally be mugged down field as well other jabbing & hooking plus shots to the head that's been ruled illegal long after his time. Also K 9, thanks for the input.
  20. I agree man. But I have argued this to many here on the board for years, and all I get from the "Namath doesn't belong in the HOF" people is that his stats are too weak to justify his being in the Hall. I think, most of these nay-sayers may be a younger generation fans that didn't live in that time. He had a huge impact on the game & mostly, helping the AFL to become a legit league. I think that most of the people that didn't live in that time period, miss all of this. Getting into the HOF is not just about stats. It's also about the impact on the game the guy made during his playing days. on a side note about the stats argument: it would be like saying Washington doesn't deserve to be revered as a soldier because he lost more battles than he won. Really?
  21. Comparing Jim to Joe Namath? But 26, Namath "doesn't belong" in the Hall where Jim is.
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