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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Well i guess seeing as we have hired 3 of the Lions past coaches & the over all of their effort didn't have a very good result , the question i guess is ? Are we bound to stay (with these hirings) the Bills as we have known them or will these hires actually help our team out of the hole they have been in for the past 13 years . I for one hope the later of the 2 & that these guys learned from their past & put us in a better place as a team but Crossman has shown NOTHING to this point !!!
  2. At first i was happy with the Schwartz hire remembering that his D in Detroit had a edge to it that i thought would be good for the Bills to inherit , we need all the edge we can get . But after a couple of days & like all of you reading as much as i can find about Schwartz i am starting to wonder if we will indeed be the Lions in Bills blue ? The last time he had any really dominant defense was in 2010 in Detroit (but that wasn't real great) then in Tenn. which at least we have the Tenn. thing to fall back on as far as hope. But as with Pettine bringing a number of his coaches along with him to Cleveland if Schwartz does the same thing & brings a few of his guys along to B/lo will it be a step forward or back ? We already have seen what the hire of the Lions ST's coach has done for us in the rankings , dropping us from #8 to #31 or so. Then add in the hire of the QB coach of which we need !! I just hope that Whaley & company see more than i do as a fan . I'm not saying that i don't like the hire because i do , just after reading some of the stuff that undoubtedly you all have read too the doubt's have started to creep in so i'm looking to you all as the Bills faithful to pull me out of the funk that has started to over take the joy that was ...
  3. I could see Pettigrew, Young & Mathis as long as they come for a decent price ...
  4. Agree'd the Bills don't have what it takes to make the huge popular decision seems as though a lot of the promotions come from with in which is why a lot of our history has turned out like it has ...
  5. I am interested to see what happens to the team if Pettine does in fact leave . He & his D were the one bright spot last year . Marrone could show if he's got a set by firing Crossman which should be priority 1 & then i hope they are looking at other D coordinators that have a lot better resume than good friend being the top priority .. This should be a interesting off season & some what of a proving ground for the staff to see if what you said about Brandon letting Whaley do what he was hired to do & R.B. keeping to selling tickets & such ...
  6. Now we'll see exactly what Marrone is made of with out Pettine to carry the upside of the team ...
  7. The sucky half time music continues ! A couple years back i can remember when fans were saying to do better than The old Timers like the Who, Aerosmith, McCartney . Then they did The Black Eyed Peas & now this , whats next Justin Beber ?? If they were complaining about the old guys which just about every one they complained about are music icons they should really be going off about this stuff !!
  8. Well if that be the case then what does it say about Marrone having a ST's coach in B/lo that had the #8th ranked ST unit in the NFL & he brings in a buddy that his resume shows that his ST's units have stunk ? Not just one year but season after season . What will tell me IF Marrone is a good HC is how the D does if Pettine does leave . If Marrone does another buddy hire like he did with Crossman despite his past & our D goes considerably lower in rankings with the same personal then it will prove that Marrone is what he is . But he could start by firing Crossman & going on from there to take a unit from #8 to # 31 & the HC does nothing that is screaming something that the Bills don't need & if after next year there is no improvement on that unit & he is not fired then Marrone needs to go along with Crossman !!!
  9. Just on NFL experience & resume as far as what his units have done over all during his time as a NFL coordinator how can you not vote for Pettine ?
  10. We all know that if Pettine leaves to go to the Browns as their HC that our D will more than likely suffer greatly & the loan bright spot from last year could become a lot dimmer . But if Pettine does leave what does that do if any thing to the decision that J Byrd has to make ? I along with you all have heard that Byrd really enjoyed playing in Pettines scheme along with the fact that he gets along great with his team mates, so much so that he was thinking about bringing some of them to the pro bowl with him ... So do any of you think that if Pettine does get hired that it will have any thing to do with Byrds thought process of weather or not he (Byrd) wants to stay in B/Lo or if he decides to go to another team ?? I for one think that Byrd is hoping along with the rest of us that Pettine stays & think that there may be a good possibility that the Browns could even take Byrd with Pettine B/C i think their new FO has much more on the ball than the Bills FO . Because their HC ing search has been exhaustive & they are leaving NO stone unturned & not jumping to hire simply because of time restraints they are willing to wait to talk to all they think can make the teams future better & don't have THAT guy seemingly already chosen & just going through the motions as other teams have done ...
  11. So what does that tell us all about the offensive coaching staff & the defensive coaching staff ?? OH yah the ST's coach sucks too !!
  12. Compared to what they use to look like they seem a bit cheap looking maybe the guys were just too week to lift the old trophies after the game so they gave the new contract to Fisher Price ...
  13. The greed runs rampant so rather than just print up enough to have at the stadium in case it did happen the Pats win this guy BLOWS $500000 he deserves it to be that big of a ass !! Heck i'd settle for one or 2 ...
  14. I have a feeling until this Homey Hire experiment that Brandon has implemented with hiring Marrone runs it's coarse we won't see any thing but the same old Bills ... Until Brandon realizes he's not a football guy & backs off & lets Whaley do what he does well which is run a football team we won't get better ! In the exhaustive coaching search (which was a joke) & if you agree with how they put it your just drinking the Kool Aid there were way to many stones left unturned to call it exhaustive by any means ! That was a Brandon term if i ever heard one , 5 candidates & one weeks time does not a invoke "exhaustive search" as the main term ... So i guess i would agree with the guy you talked to at the bar because first you need coaches that understand how to use the talent they have & by our ST unit going from 8 to 31, our O line going from relevant to what ever it was this year , i can't see how even a QB as good as WIlson could develop running for his life .
  15. Exactly we want the big guy thats open when he's not So Ebron (which would add the big guy & quit the fans complaining about a TE) or the O line but the coaching staff won't have a clue how to use him so where do you go ??
  16. Start with the HC & OC position then if Pettine leaves DC if not make him the HC , O line coach OH & the ST coach as well once they find competent people to fill those positions we will have a good team . We can find the players NP !!
  17. Agree !! Especially the comments right after the play against Crabtree while talking to Erin Andrews , just another thug in NFL clothing ! To bad cause he's a great player ...
  18. According to ESPN the Bills special teams have dropped from the #8th position on ST's in 2012 to the #31st position in 2013 . If this isn't a reason to get rid of your buddy Marrone i don't know what is !!! You can't blame this all on the players they had some of the same guys, to drop that far in ONE season ? There is NO EXCUSE to keep Crossman if he fired the ILB coach that had the out put he had out of his rookie ILB !! Now we'll find out what Marrone is made of & if he has a set !! espn.go.com/blog/buffalo-bills/post/_/id/6628/bills-plummet-in-gosselin-rankings
  19. Were her knees trembling when she told you this ?? And did she have a hard time walking ??
  20. Well the year Brady did go down they plugged in Cassel & he did it in that scheme with that coach & since he left he has done nothing so i would say to your question you still have it all because he seems to make it work no matter who goes down & has done it for over the last 10 years !! Plus if you are comparing apples to apples what has Cleveland done since he left ?
  21. Especially seeing as Maroone is still seeking his NFL personality ...
  22. And if so maybe this time he will learn how to properly run a good defensive scheme instead of a defense-sive !
  23. Marrone will probably hire Crossmans brother in law because they use to hang out in college . He won't take into consideration that his record SUCKED but at least he'll have another homey to bro around with ... If Pettine goes they need to fire the rest of the bunch of the coaches because Pettine was the only saving grace of the hire !! If the defense would have done as well as the offense, O line , or Special Teams we would have been the team that was 2 - 14 . Marrone hit the lotto by hiring Pettine the rest of the league sees it & are now trying to take the best thing that Marrone has shown any one in his first year as a NFL HC which was his D coordinator !!!
  24. My reocurring dreams is that the Bills finally have a good coach to turn the team around & we actually make it to the play offs & then go back to the super bowl & this dream comes around usually once every year around the beginning of a new season . By the middle of the season this dream usually goes away & i realize it is nothing but a dream ... Alas such is the life of a Bills fan ...
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