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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Where to start ? I think some kind of consequence needs to be when a player makes a mistake, let's say if you drop a pass that hits you in the hands first time you get charged $250 second $500 & so on & donate the money to a local food bank or Hospital in B/Lo . If all were giving the way Fred & CJ do we would be undefeated & i think if this keeps up more players like Byrd, CJ & others will want to leave when their time comes . And can we blame them ? Chandler on the over thrown interception didn't even try to hit the ball or anything he just kind of put his hand up & watched it go over him . It looked to me that he may have been able to get a finger tip on it to maybe change it's path , i mean at least try Dam !! TJ & Easley had 2 balls hit them right in the chest or shoulder pad on critical downs to keep the drive alive & they didn't deliver (refer to my first sentence) Then that ignorant rule that Goodwin didn't catch that ball for god sake how long do you have to possess the ball why don't they just say you have to have possession until you get up off the ground & hand it to the ref . The guy was on the ground and had possession as he slid 4 feet across the turf , it didn't touch the ground , but when he came to a stop & rolled over he didn't keep possession Just stupid !! Then the block in the back to start the game that should be worth at least $500 when you have a score over turned b/c of stupid play ... What is it going to take ? Man i'm on the verge of needing therapy or some really good drugs (prescription of course) Take out the mistakes & we win this game & a few others & i don't know that if EJ was under center if it would have been a lot different i could be wrong but he hasn't really showed that he is a R. Wilson or even Geno S. Oh & to add some one tell Leodis to just fall on it don't try to be a hero !!
  2. To this point EJ hasn't shown me that he is hands down the future at the position for the team, if there is another QB at our pick next year in the draft like a Boyd, or McCarron we need to grab them . TJ Graham has shown nothing but you can't count on him in the clutch C ya !! Tuel didn't do terrible fro his very first game although his arm strength lacks some, his decision on the goal line was absolutely a rookie mistake !! Thad isn't terrible either but what needs to happen is the coach getting in peoples S**T when they screw up way to many mistakes ... The Chiefs didn't win this game we gave it to them !!
  3. And TJ Graham dropping a ball right in his hands , & Chandler for not even trying to hit the ball that was over thrown on the interception & that call on Goodwin not having control all the way through ??? How much BS was that ? That rule needs to be changed he was down how long do you need to be there to have it be a catch TOTAL BS !!! If he needs to be waived being a rookie in his first real start then TJ Graham should be sitting right next to him !! How much more do we need to see that he can't be depended on when we need a catch ??
  4. As it should be get behind the kid and lift him up instead of constantly being as Bills fans always are one bad outing & tar and feather the guy !!
  5. The kid definitely has a ton more time in the system than Flynn & should by now know the system . It just amazes me how the Bills fans turn so quickly on a player although by now it shouldn't . I could see if after this week with a full week to prepare & being in the offense as long as he has if Tuel stinks it up this time then i would get it if all that has been said was after giving him a fair shake, but the Cleveland game the kid had NO reps what so ever . Thats like giving a soldier a gun with no bullets & telling him to hold down a fort until reinforcements come
  6. WOW i never thought i would read a post like this , especially seeing as the Pats have been winning for over a decade . But you must admit they get the most out of that bad talent than most any other team in the NFL ...
  7. If the coaching staff could find a way to use both of them say like Gailey did last year in a 5 WR set & have those guys as go routes i would be a bigger fan of both . But i didn't get the pick of TJ last year it didn't make a lot of sense with the other players that were sitting there at the time it came our turn to pick .
  8. Tuel has a great out look on this entire situation, he is a lot bigger person than i because after what was being said about him by most of the fans on this site in the preseason to what was being said & is still being said after the Browns game i would tell every one in Bills nation to bite me ! But thats just me ! That's the way things go when you become a Buffalo Bill, with the fans one day your the best thing since sliced bread & after one bad outing the next day your the crust !! It happened when Reich took over for Kelly & it happened with the entire Flutie/Johnson thing . Can't wait to see what happens if EJ take 2 to 3 years to produce as some have said it will take ...
  9. Read the heading then ask your self does this really surprise any of us ? He leaves then expects to get something for nothing GO FIGURE !!
  10. We may be able to keep him the rest of this year but i don't see the Bills paying him the kind of money his agent is after & if they are not willing to pay him that kind of money to keep him why would they be willing to pay him on a franchise tag tender the same amount of money his agent is asking ? The only thing they may be able to do is to trade him in the off season if that is even possible ??
  11. I think it isn't a waste for EJ it's just going back to the old school way of doing things with him having to sit more than expected due to injury that was the way the NFL use to do it all the time, and i for one don't like the constant change with the man in charge on the field . If Thad gets on a role with the team & it is time for EJ to come back do you take Thad out just because ? I would hope that wouldn't happen especially if the play offs may be in sight ! Sure EJ is suppose t be our future & looking at the over all package it seems as though he has 85% of what it takes to be a GOOD NFL QB but the one thing that i have seen that scares me is his inconsistent accuracy issues & i hope that will come with time. To this point i haven't seen a QB come into the league (unless someone can tell me of one) that has had accuracy problems at first that has fixed them ? And just to add if at one of our picks in next years draft we have a chance to pick up another college QB with a better college resume than EJ i would jump on it ! I'm talking Taj, Johnny M, which will more than likely be gone but this years QB class i suppose to be a very good one & to pass over a player (like we have done in the past Orapko, Matthews, Nagta) just because we THINK we know the guy we have or want would just continue in a long line of dumb moves by the Bills FO ... Go Bills !!!
  12. He sucked in Detroit & his record & stats proved it & he still sucks in B/Lo !! Bad hire !!!
  13. He keeps us all informed on the inner workings & the real stories of whats going on in the organization he doesn't jump at every possible story line just to have to correct himself at a later date . But by the sounds of it thats what you would rather have some one go out & just make stuff up that has no substance or truth to it but that's why Chris is a good reporter & i think a stand up guy because when he reports a story to us you can bank on it being truth & not BS ! But hey if thats what your looking for pitch the idea to ABC or some body & maybe you can be one of the writers & just print a bunch of fantasy for TV junk . To each their own . But i for one have a ton of respect for the job Chris does in keeping us in the know about our favorite team !! And what was so wrong with the link article ? Was he lying , was it a true report , was it something that informed us all about what was going on at 1 bills drive , wasn't it some thing that came to be ? So what was your point ?? Go Bills !!
  14. Even with all the BS about Tuel being a developmental QB & not wanting to put him on the PS i think this entire situation has done absolutely nothing for his confidence ! When you keep getting pushed down lower & lower you can't tell me even with all the positive BS Marrone is feeding him that the kid is banking on it . The Flynn move is a waste I was all for brining him in before when he was a FA & i hope they got him for a song because to this point all he has proven is that he is no better than if not worse than Fitz . Of which we are still paying for so if you want to get technical we could say we have 6 QB's on the pay sheet . I'm not sure but it all looks like a College coach trying to run a NFL squad i just hope that the HC has a method to his madness !!
  15. But 7-11 is always open & Easley is way to good on ST's to give him a shot at WR !!
  16. You mean 7-11 the guy thats always open ... Did they even give Easley a shot with Stevie being out ? If they said in the preseason that Hogan was great & has turned out to be a dud & Easley was the highest out put of any of the WR's in the preseason yet they leave him on ST's why not give him a shot ? They say they are always looking to upgrade . They are just waiting for the Pats , Jets or Fins to get him & show his true potential !!
  17. HURRY HURRY LET'S TRADE HIM SO WE CAN GET A HIGHER DRAFT PICK WHILE HE'S PUTTING UP GREAT NUMBERS !!! Well heck it wouldn't be a typical bills fan blog if this reply wasn't in there, i just thought i would help !!
  18. Any thing is better than a rookie right now No matter where he was taken !!
  19. Well as we all know this year as others have been filled with injuries & although some have tried to work through them when do they need to let some of our stars sit to heal a bit more before going forward ?? Again as we know Jaruis Byrd has been waiting to get healthy so he could play up to his potential which for him & the team was probably the best call . Yet during that time other stars on our roster have been hobbled like CJ , Kyle, & others . With the likes of these injuries, Kyle's being his achilles & CJ's ankle, which has slowed one of last years most explosive offensive players & has helped to not allow him to be the player coach Hackett wanted to lean on in this offense . Do you let these players sit a game to get closer to 100% so the possibility of a late run at the playoffs with all our players healthy or do you let them go out with the possiblity of either getting worse or prolonging their full recovery ? I truly think our team has all the talent we need to make a run at the play offs but a team is only as strong as it's weakest link & if our strongest players are in a weakened state it makes us as a team that much weaker. I know that all teams have players that are dinged up & most are working through their injuries but i was just wondering what Bills mafia may feel about the subject ? Go Bills !!!
  20. So i have been reading that next year could be another historic year for Qb's coming out in the draft , such as the year that we picked up Kelly . That year always referring as we well know to Kelly , Marino, & Elway . This coming year there will be the likes of Boyd , McCarron , Murray, & Mettenburg , just to mention a few. So if we are on the board & say for the sake of this post & that my 2 personal favorites either Boyd or McCarron are there at our pick do you take them ? Murray is looking pretty good too ... We did go for EJ this year but it has been said that he as taken to high & if by chance you can get another QB that has a huge resume & shows to be a better pick up (NFL wise) as far as upside do you n fact go for it & then have the possibility of picking up draft picks with the trade of one of the QB's that you have acquired like the Pats have so often done . Or do you just let that guy slide by & go after the guy on your board as we did with McCargo, Whitner, & of coarse who could forget Maybin ? And let Orapko, Matthews, Nata, & others slip by. Not to mention R. Wilson or A. Dalton . Just wondering what you all may think of this very real situation that could be there next year given what has happened in our recent past ...
  21. Heck you have season tickets & can't get on the field how do you think Easley feels & he's on the team ...
  22. Given his recent decision making history ---- Well never mind you fill in the blanks !!
  23. Like the Tuel situation i think if V. Young was given a legitimate chance to learn the offense in it's entirety that he would be a great QB in this system . The guy doesn't have a winning record for nothing . This year in GB he showed he still had something but was released & the chance he was given here last year was a joke to say the least almost as bad in comparison as bringing Leinhart in this year !! But that goes with the territory i guess ??
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