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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. So i have been reading that next year could be another historic year for Qb's coming out in the draft , such as the year that we picked up Kelly . That year always referring as we well know to Kelly , Marino, & Elway . This coming year there will be the likes of Boyd , McCarron , Murray, & Mettenburg , just to mention a few. So if we are on the board & say for the sake of this post & that my 2 personal favorites either Boyd or McCarron are there at our pick do you take them ? Murray is looking pretty good too ... We did go for EJ this year but it has been said that he as taken to high & if by chance you can get another QB that has a huge resume & shows to be a better pick up (NFL wise) as far as upside do you n fact go for it & then have the possibility of picking up draft picks with the trade of one of the QB's that you have acquired like the Pats have so often done . Or do you just let that guy slide by & go after the guy on your board as we did with McCargo, Whitner, & of coarse who could forget Maybin ? And let Orapko, Matthews, Nata, & others slip by. Not to mention R. Wilson or A. Dalton . Just wondering what you all may think of this very real situation that could be there next year given what has happened in our recent past ...
  2. Heck you have season tickets & can't get on the field how do you think Easley feels & he's on the team ...
  3. Given his recent decision making history ---- Well never mind you fill in the blanks !!
  4. Like the Tuel situation i think if V. Young was given a legitimate chance to learn the offense in it's entirety that he would be a great QB in this system . The guy doesn't have a winning record for nothing . This year in GB he showed he still had something but was released & the chance he was given here last year was a joke to say the least almost as bad in comparison as bringing Leinhart in this year !! But that goes with the territory i guess ??
  5. Ya but his OC opened it up & let him play that is what our OC isn't doing it's like he's scared to play with the big boys & everything goes through the run game . All the teams know it so they key on the run game shut it down then there we are ... Open it up let the kid use his arm cause we've all seen that he has one !
  6. What EJ isn't top ten material ?? I think more than not it is the OC being so conservative with his play calling . Did any one see what the Jets did while opening up the field for their rookie QB last night ? I think that is what Hackett needs to do is open it up so the other teams aren't keying on our run game Heck even Fitz was getting it further down the field than we have with EJ & this kid has got a gun but it won't fire if you don't pull the trigger !!
  7. Well you can bet with this coaching staff & the decisiveness in their decision making they are looking at him
  8. OK Where is the fans confidence level at with this group ? Never mind that from an outside standpoint it seems as though chaos reigns at the highest coaching levels for the Bills & that yet another young QB's confidence could be trashed by recent actions by our Bills coaching staff . Let me first point out a few things that have got my confidence level dropping & questioning some of their moves . Earlier in the season our coach has said he doesn't believe that continuity in the offensive line is all that important or something along those lines. That is the first time i ever heard that from a HC or O line coach & He is the only coach that i have ever heard make that statement ! He has also said in his most recent interview on BB.com that they will be playing both Legursky & Brown at the LG position but they haven't come up with a plan on the amount of reps per player but will do it until one possibly shows deserving of being the guy ?? Any other coach i have ever heard has always said that that is one thing on the O line that is VERY important ! Continuity & Playing together as a unit !! And from last year to this year huge change ! I know the Tuel thing is being covered already but i need to talk about this to get to my point so i apologize to those of you that this may bore . With regards to keeping Tuel on the roster rather than putting him on the PS . I get it OK at first his explanation sounds valid, but if you look into it , he says"Tuel was playing at a high level in the preseason & they didn't want to take the chance of some one taking him because of his good play" great ! So what has happened between then & now ? They along with other coaching staffs put rookies in early all the time but the difference is they are prepped for that situation, that's what they did with EJ . So why the change of heart ? Then there is the Thad situation ! First it was going to be a outside QB brought in then realizing after stating such a foolish thing that the talent that they have is good enough they did just the exact opposite, Thad very professionally said on BB.com even he was surprised with the call by the coach ? So if he's surprised with all of what went on why aren't the fans ? Then again from the outside looking in with the recent move of putting Hopkins on IR this entire thing could have been avoided with a decisive coaching decision weeks ago but wasn't . So here's a question even though we have heard the explanation from the coach. Was the Hopkins move now made so the coach could cover his a** ? After looking back (b/c hind sight is indeed 20/20) did he now realize & do what he should have done weeks ago which would have been the better move for the team or was it a rookie head coaching mistake ? I for one don't see the Pats HC doing some of these things we've seen here, and if i'm wrong i'm sure you all will tell me because you ain't scared !! But & i hope i am wrong BUT at first i didn't like the way this hire went down with the talk of the exhaustive search conducted when guys like Trestman weren't even talked to but that's history now & i'm in with this guy hoping he is what they thought he was & proves me to be wrong. But i will say with all that has happened with Qb's & releasing kickers adding kickers then putting them on IR , keeping Easley after putting up the best WR numbers in pre season then not using him in games as a WR even with the injuries ? Then the Byrd thing we aren't going to trade him now we are going to trade him ?? All of this has got me not so sure where these guys are headed , yet i hope there is a method to their madness cause to me it kind of resembles madness & my confidence is not what it was in this staff ... But where is yours as a Fan
  9. Yet another brilliant move by this coaching staff ?? Why not do that weeks ago ? Man it just keeps getting better !!!
  10. Ya so to add a bit to your post, the decision making of this staff lacks some as you have pointed out to be nice about it . These seem to be the type of decisions that a college HC would make ! B/C there is no back lash to those decisions in college but there are in the NFL . Then after reading what the coach said in reference to Tuels performance at BB.com in the game last week it just confirms everything you have posted here. Then you add what very well could happen in a week or so . It looks as if when Hopkins gets 100% Carpenter will be released isn't that a fine how do you do or what he has done for the team , the guy has been money . So say if Hopkins injury comes back to haunt him or if he misses as he did in the preseason & a move needs to be made why in the world (besides money) would Carpenter even think of coming back after being treated in this way . Plus i think if he does get released another team will see just what he has done here & he will be history & the Bills may once again be stuck with another bad decision made by there staff ...
  11. To all of those that thought Tuel 's out come of the game was just his inability to do well here is what was said about that out come by the coach ... “This is what I told Jeff. What happened to him was tough. On a short week he didn’t get any reps during that week because we had to get EJ all the reps possible with the defense being different from the one we faced the week before. We really put Jeff out there in the toughest situation we can. A rookie free agent quarterback, who’s had some success in the preseason and taken some snaps, but mentally for me I think that was a tough situation to put him in. Jeff told me he was ready to go, which is what you want from a player.” The biggest part of this statement would be the part of Tuel not getting ANY , NONE , 0 reps during the week that is like telling a carpenter to build a building , give him the plans & take away his hammer & saw how would that work out ??
  12. First off the amount of praise that was thrown in Tuels direction from the preseason on, then EJ gets hurt in the preseason & they bring in Lewis & Leinhart , keep Lewis but put him on the practice squad cause Tuel is our guy . Why not turn it around Tuel to the practice squad & Lewis on the roster ?? Fast forward to game 5 EJ's injury & through a ROOKIE in with little or NO reps on a short week less film study the entire 9 & expect Tom Brady to come on the field - HUH ? Not only the fans but now the staff just blow this guys confidence completely out of the water by basically telling him in so many words by their actions " we don't believe in you & we aren't even willing to give you the benefit of the doubt by giving you a full weeks worth of work with the ones & you are relegated to #3" !! Then go on record to say "we will bring in another QB from outside of the organization" AND DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY SAID ?? This was straight up a college coaching move ! What must be going through this kids head ? It looks like this crew has as much on the ball with the development of a young QB as Mularkey had with JP , & then we ALL wonder why we can't have a winning team ? OK bring Thad up i get that, but if what you said earlier was true then give Tuel a FULL week of prep with the ones along with Thad getting reps then make your decision as to their performance during the week of practice & if he can't handle that then pull him but to do it the way they went about it is crazy . Why would this guy have any confidence in this coaching staff putting him in a game after this ? One more young QB put into the Bills grave yard of QB's , un freakin believable !!!! Lead by example & this example of this coaching move resembles a college mentality type of move !! What if after Peytons of Brady's first games which if i remember they weren't what they are now the coaches handled things this way ? Where would they be today ?
  13. HELLO !!! WOW this crew seems to have less of a clue in some respects than Chan did . At least if Chan chose a QB he stuck with them to not screw them up ! If i was Tuel i would be asking for a trade , these guys were so high on him this preseason giving him praise at every turn but they throw him into a game on a short week with little if no reps & expect miracles just like all of the fans i don't get it .
  14. Sucks but it ended in typical Fitz fashion throwing the game ending interception ... Looked good up till then !!
  15. The Tuel thing i'm not sure about but my question is now that Carpenter has done a admirable job for 5 weeks how do you just bring back Hopkins & say to Carpenter well thanks for the bail out & doing a great job but your toast ?? Talk about burning a bridge ! Then if the Hopkins injury resurfaces & they do need a kicker & Carpenter is available do you think he wouldn't think twice about coming back ? I would if i was him ...
  16. You got to at the least give the kid a full week worth of reps before you just bury him in the Bills QB grave yard . A lot of these Bills fans are the type that push the old lady into traffic or slam the door in her face & when it comes to football knowledge I'm glad they are janitors & carpenters !!
  17. I wish they would give Easley a bit more work other than a gunner to see just what he can bring to the team as a WR it's not like we don't have anything invested in him & that he wasn't one of if not the best WR as far as production in the preseason ...
  18. They were both running with the ball & legal targets so there shouldn't be any bitchin from either side about the hit unless it was a intentional helmet to helmet hit as they were launching into the player running the ball isn't that the rule ? I get them being pissed Hoyer was doing good for them & it really sucks when you lose a good player but rookies (EJ being one of them) take a while to learn how to slide if they don't believe it just look at RG3 tape !!
  19. We need to use our picks & if nothing else get more not give them away & keep the guys we had here before their contract year comes up . Like Jabari Greer, Andy Levetrie, we let Leonard walk but now he's back, Winfield, Peters (although i hate saying it !!) There are so many good players that we let walk & Byrd could be the next with Spiller being not to far behind him if they wait as they always do till the last minute of his rookie contract to start talking to him . They should be talking to him NOW , get the ball rolling don't do another Levetrie / Byrd move . Our FO is way to laid back !!!
  20. Not throwing balls into the ground , hitting down the field on the long ball , & develop his sight of the field better which was a knock on him in college . I'm not saying that he's doing terrible but he isn't lighting it up either, & i give part of that blame to the OC for keeping him on such a tight leash & not letting him air it out a bit more than 2 times a game ..
  21. I've noticed every one getting on Tuel for the miracles that he didn't perform when called on to bail out the team when our not so stellar #1 rookie QB was injured in last nights game . But i think a lot stems not only from the lack of NFL knowledge at the QB position but at the OC position too !! I saw like 1 maybe 2 screen plays to a RB that gained decent yardage but then went unused for a lot more of the game then used & when the FB was used some big plays like CJ's TD came from the block that Summer threw, yet when you think back the FB wasn't used as much as should have been if that is working . Then apparently the lack of trust in EJ throwing the long ball was pretty apparent i didn't see but a couple of plays over maybe 20 yds as far as throws & please (as i'm sure you all will) correct me if i'm wrong . So there's more here than just throwing our 2nd string ROOKIE QB in to a bad situation but we also put our ROOKIE OC in a bad situation !! It seems how soon we forget what Tuel did in the preseason , which i know it's gonna be "he was playing against the #2 & #3 personal & BLAH BLAH" but the kids accuracy from anything i can remember & his awareness of the open guy down the field could in some instances be a plus . But in typical Bills fan fashion lets trash the kid cause he didn't come in & put up Brady like numbers to save the day !! HE'S A ROOKIE !! Then Marrone says "It's not a stretch to say we could bring in a QB to start the Cincy game" ?? So we bring in a guy thats doesn't know the offense & expect him to do any better than say THE 2 GUYS ON THE TEAM !! So what message is the coach sending to the guys he drafted or chose to be on the team ? Not a very good one from where i'm standing !! If you don't think the guys you have are doing what is needed then get rid of them & get some one that will or keep the guy you had before letting him walk at least you know exactly what we had with Fitz for crying out loud ! At least give Tuel the benefit of knowing the Offense & give him reps with the ones to determine weather or not he is worthy of being the back up they thought he could be . Sure he threw a pick but so has EJ , sure he didn't do great but he got probably less than a quarter of the reps with the ones & has very little if any chemistry with them . So before we send Tuel to the Bills QB grave yard b/c of incompetent leadership in QB maturation throw some of the Blame to our rookie OC ! A rookie QB is probably more fragile in the maturation process than any other position & we not only have rookies at both QB positions but the rookie OC should receive just as much to blame for our ineffectiveness at the sometimes lack of offensive production while these youngsters are on the field so if you all are going to throw Tuel under the bus throw a bit of it to Hacket as well because to this point i've not been super impressed with his experience especially at his play calling either . OK cut me to shreds Bills fans !! Go Bills !!!
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