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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. It's about time let's just say that ! He should have had EJ with the arm the guy has & the speed that some of the guys possess going long A LOT more than he has to this point ! Although you couldn't tell it yesterday it also helps to open up the running if you go long more thn once every 3 or 4 games . So apologize i think not !!
  2. I haven't been able to see any of the games do to where i live but did see one while i was on the road & all's i could see is that the efforts at times do not match the pay check . Bruce was always a force & at least a couple times a game he made himself known by his play, i know they key on Mario but so do these teams key on Jared Alan, Tamba Hali, JJ Watt & others yet they are always right there in the face of the QB & making plays during the games & very seldom get shut out because of their motor . The only time i ever saw Bruce rendered a non factor was when he parred against Tony Boselli ! Boselli was Bruce's Kriptonight (?) if you will, & Bruce's toughest opponent by far !! I think Mario has helped in the fact that "AT TIMES" he makes it easier for others to come free but b/c of the attention he draws but i think another reason why those guys get free more than not is because of their motor . At the end of the day the question that has to be asked is Mario's out put & presence on the field worth the money or could we trade him & use the money to keep Byrd & others that will make a difference for a longer period of time ?
  3. With him Woods, & Stevie i think we have a good crew but i hope they put Stevie back on the out side & put Goodwin in the slot or at least change them around from time to time .
  4. He for sure sounded all in during his interview after the game . But he will want to be paid . If we finish the season with some wins i think it may help us in keeping him around , it sounded like he really enjoys playing in Pettines D which is a plus ! But we will have to come off some money to keep him here ...
  5. One game does not a career make . It may have been a good start & they need to continue to let him throw it deep to open things up , but i will wait to call him the savior as of yet ...
  6. A Bills fan that d drinks b beer at the game ????
  7. We still need to draft another QB this year, with the talent that this years draft has at the QB position it would be stupid or a typical Bills draft if we didn't . I just hope Whaley is the guy we think he is & drafts say Boyd or another QB with a better college resume than EJ had . Or even the guy that took EJ's place this year is setting the college land scape on fire with his play . Other good teams would do it for nothing else to trade that pick at a later date to get either a better QB for their team or a upgrade through trading that pick for another player they may be able to get from another team ...
  8. Since they put Stevie in the slot his production has went down i think he needs to be out side again if it aint broke don't fix it !! 3 Consecutive seasons over 1K yds & Oh i think we will change Stevies position, another college type coaching decision, that & all the decisions surrounding the QB & getting rid of other coaches & players just to say he has his coaches just never proved to be the best coaching move we could have made !! We need to draft another QB because if for nothing else the talent level this year is way above average & any smart team would do that , a above average TE prospect & a LB should be our priorities !! Plus if we are going to trade away players trade the older ones Kyle Williams is a great player but his health is always suspect trade him to a winner b/c he deserves it & bring Carrington back next year but Stevie is still young ...
  9. We have the Pitt connection with Whaley so i wouldn't completely say it couldn't happen , no matter what happens i think we need to get another QB weather it is in the draft or some where else . EJ had questions about his play in college as far as deep accuracy, decision making, & how quickly he makes those decisions . When it comes to character top notch you won't find another better, work ethic thats great too, but if the other stuff over shadows his playing abilities alls he will ever be is Fitz with a bigger arm... We need to be proactive & draft another QB !! Money we have like almost 20 mil in cap left & he knows Whaley . Might not be enough but could be more than other teams have to draw him in ???
  10. I am a Bills fan but i call them like i see them . At the beginning of the year we were to be better than the Jets & EJ was suppose to be better than Geno which at times EJ is in the short game but his deep accuracy is VERY suspect almost to the point of being afraid to go deep ! We all know that just good stats don't win games thats why Fitz is in Tenn. Then given what has happened this year nothing has shown me that we have our QB of the future so we still need to do what a team like the Pats would do draft another QB this year to make sure we have a good back up plan like the Skins, Eagles did !! And the Jets have already beat better opponents than we have in the Pats & the Saints so by that alone given the out come of our games against those 2 teams i still say yah they could very easily take the division ..
  11. DROY maybe OROY not a chance there has not been one that stands out making clutch plays when needed & has become a staple on this offense . Wood is the only one that has been even consistent , EJ is mediocre at best & we let go of some that could have helped the offense more than others that we kept . If Graham doesn't show he can at least catch a ball when he's open he would be gone even though he isn't a rookie sure speed is great but what good is it if you can't catch it once you get open ? We should have kept D. Rogers, B. Kaufman & let Hogan, Graham walk & resigned Nelson but as it goes here we are ...
  12. Well as it looks to this point the team that started out by making all the wrong moves at QB & cutting all the old & big name & big money players are poised to do it once again this year . No not the Pats The J.E.T.S After acquiring ED from Houston & just doing what they have been doing through out tis season i see them taking it all the way . What started out as what many thought was to be a dumpster fire & once again thought that the Bills would be the one coming in out front have thought wrong ! Rexy has once again made his team a contender & i think with what he is doing he will take the team to the play offs & save his gig & make all of the so called experts look really stupid . Man i hate it when it works out that way I just can't wait for the time that we can at least field a .500 team that will be a blessing . This week will be a proving ground for EJ to let every body know that we made the right choice in choosing him, if he looses this board will be in it's normal hate mode saying once again we made the wrong choice ... And if that is the way it goes our scouting department needs to be looked at long & hard because that has been the one place there hasn't been a lot of change in over the recent years .
  13. Well Pagano said it "A gifted rookie" It made really no sense after the fact but keeping hogan or as Hackett so loved to call him in the preseason 7-11 b/c he was supposedly always open HA the guy has done little to nothing for us this far . I would have thought that developing a "Gifted Rookie" to help turn around a failing franchise such as ours would have been a better route to go rather than keeping a guy that has been cut multiple times from other clubs.
  14. Well seeing as Fitz QBR last year was some where around the 80 mark & the good QB's in the league are some where around the 80 mark & higher i would then say yah he sucks !! Sorry i call it as i see it . Didn't get it when they rafted him where they did , didn't get cutting Fitz & paying him any way to pick up Jackson for a draft pick just to get rid of him then bring him back to cut him again , & then the best thing seems as though the trade for Thad ! Go Figure . Such is life when you are a Bills fan
  15. Yah if he got payed on his production the guy would be in the welfare line - trade him for a draft pick tired of the people that are suppose to be all that playing to less than their ability !!
  16. E.J. - 22 of 39 - 155 yds - 1 TD - 4 yd Avg. Henne 14 of 23 - 180 yds - 0 TD - 7.8 yds Avg Clemens - 9 of 16 - 247 yds - 2 TD - 15.4 Avg Tolzien - 24 of 39 - 280 yds - 1 TD - 2 int - 7.2 Avg Tuel - 18 of 39 - 229 yds - 1 TD - 2 int - 5.9 Avg Fitz - 22 of 33 - 264 yds - 2 TD - 0 int This is for all those Bills fans that said Tuel sucked so bad seeing as he has played a total of 2 games one of which he was not ready for in any way being a rookie . EJ knows the offense in & out should be playing a lot better given his 1st round pick . It's not like we don't have the talent or speed at WR , It's almost like either EJ or Hackett are playing scared , EJ has the arm but his accuracy has been suspect . Tuel & Thad aren't afraid to look or to go long . I don't know the answer but i hope the Bills don't completely close out the idea of drafting another QB if they are there at our pick next year b/c i don't for one think we have found the answer ! go bills
  17. Tuel - KC - 5 of 7 for 112 yds EJ - Pit - 6 of 14 for 43 yds If the argument is that EJ is rusty well the same can be said about Tuel & EJ should be more prepared b/c he has been the starter & got the lions share of the reps up until his injury. I'm not posting this b/c i think Tuel should be the starter i'm posting this b/c of all the flack Tuel was given for being a rookie & making the mistakes he's made in his 2 games he's been asked to play in . EJ should have a clear advantage weather or not he has been out , it almost seems as though one of two things are happening . 1) Either the OC is afraid to open it up for EJ (b/c he is as much a dink & dunk QB as Trent was) yet we know he has the arm strength, and his completion % is lacking big time . 2) His decision making or willingness to throw the long ball is less than he is confident in b/c to this point his long ball hasn't been all that accurate . I hope he can prove me wrong & unleash what it was that the Bills saw in him to draft him so high & put us in the play offs . But both Thad & Tuel have shown me a more accurate long ball than EJ to this point & i'll throw this in for free if EJ continues down this same road to finish out the year i think we should set our sights on a QB in next years draft just to add more competition at the position if nothing else ... Go ahead & tear me up i know the EJ faithful are shaking their heads but seeing as Pit just scored again i'll stand on my post ...
  18. WOO HOO !! EJ is tearing it up in his come back a 2-5 for 9 yards in the first quarter Oh ya we have to start him off slow & work him back into feeling comfortable in the game i forgot forgive me ! Yep even better into the half !!
  19. Well they kept 7-11 around & it's time he proves why ! Easley needs to take more advantage of his opportunity than he did last week, he doesn't have many chances left !! Go Getem guys -- GO BILLS !!!
  20. I wonder how much money that will save us on the cap for next year & on his over all contract ? Sexy Rexy will probably pick him up & put him back to work, never did really ilke the hire didn't ever see what Chan saw in his ability as a QB !!
  21. He should already be in a Bills uni !! But i don't see their owner letting him out of town , Schnieder isn't afraid to open that check book to keep a guy like him around .
  22. Not only that his entire future in the NFL is resting on this HC ing job if he fails miserably with the Bills he won't get another chance at a HC ing position. Just look at Greg Williams coordinator material , Mularkey well he had his second chance & blew it ! But the more i hire & see of Marone the more i like !! GO BILLS !!!
  23. Trade him to another team for a pick or another player ....
  24. Yes that is all true but some players need to be let go because of their performance you need to have those you can count on in a tight game & some continued to show today that we can't !!
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