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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Dude looks like the real deal except if he doesn't get his head up he will be playing for free in the NFL cause he will be fined a lot for helmet to helmet hits. The guy hits like a tank though if we need to cut Byrd loose we could do a lot worse for sure . I'm in !
  2. Could it be that after seeing the offensive out put & the drop in CJ & Freds out put in the running although we were still ranked pretty high that Marrones confidence in Hackett's experience at the NFL level isn't as high as it was in the college ranks & it just showed more so at this level ? So by bringing in these others he has not only given a inexperienced OC more back up than what he had in his dad (which was a good OC in his day but the game has changed) as we saw when Wannstedt a once heralded SB winning D coordinator saw his D wasn't up to the modern day game ! But has set him up in a way that if Hackett doesn't do a good job given the help he has hired he can go ahead & make a change with out rocking the boat to much !! Actually a smart move by a HC & a great back up plan ! Hackett if he is as smart as they say he is should see this, realize it & be coaching his preverbal A** off this year to keep his job !! I just hope he realizes it & makes the right decision for him self & every one involved & our coaching staff doesn't make the choice to keep him around to add more dead money to the cap after he gets hurt again in the preseason. Why haven't they already cut this guy ? What are they thinking ?
  3. Agreed I couldn't get past the kids voice very irritating !! Shut it off just a few seconds in ...
  4. HUH ?? Allen is still a force & Hughes should be a good depth player or specialist for the pass rush if we can keep guys that can put pressure on the QB up front … As long as he's not expecting huge money !!!
  5. If this be true i hope they see this as a premonition & they start talks to extend him rather than do what the Bills normally do & wait until his contract is ending & having to pay top dollar , or like in the case of the Byrd situation in some instances be held hostage by the agent to pay way to much money which is becoming the norm in the NFL !! Including the commissioner !!
  6. Marino i could understand but Sharp ?? He is a natural born talker , besides it has been proven in the past if you have 2 HOF caliber TE's on a roster the team can be unstoppable !!!
  7. The Byrd thing is a different animal , in this age of free agency your not going to be able to every player that you want due to agents trying to get way over the top contracts . I would love to see Byrd stay b/c he is a great player but at what cost ? We have a guy that can do OK as a starter & if their is a guy in the draft that shows great potential as a FS then why spend that kind of money, the Patriots let great players go all the time & bring others in to replace them & have done it & been in the post season for the last decade so it can be done ! Then there is the given if you can get a younger talent in the first round like E. Ebron that you can bring in to be a immediate up grade at the TE position & Chandler is looking for to much money then once again if you can get a guy that has more up side & a longer shelf life that can help the team then you have to do it to stay competitive . Bottom line ... Some you ned to keep but as time goes on there may be circumstances that change these situations & a good GM along with his scouts & a front office that believes & backs him in the direction that he is going can do wonders for the team !! But the team only goes as the far as the GM & the coaching staff can take them . Which that ain't saying much for our last 13 years in B/Lo !!
  8. I think some or a lot of the blame has to be passed on to the coaching staffs that were here when these players were being developed then dumped . There were a couple of the QB's that we had here that with a quality coaching staff could have been molded into a serviceable NFL QB . Others were lifetime back ups ! I think 2 guys that were Bills QB's in JP & Trent given what they showed in their early time on the field as the Bills QB's COULD HAVE under a quality coach that knew how to properly develop a young NFL QB with the intelligence & proper skill set again COULD HAVE been very serviceable QB's . But due to the let's say incompetence of the head coaches put in charge at the time of their time in B/Lo along with a very below average offensive line & surrounding skill players these 2 guys were doomed from the start ! JP for the one year put up great numbers but later was constantly running for his life & never had a chance to make a good decision, add to that the coach at the time being Mularkey which should just about say it all pulling him out of the line up then putting him back in then sitting him the guy just killed any potential & confidence the kid had . Trent also showed at first that he was very capable of being a good QB but in the same vein as JP his offensive line SUCKED which got him tagged so hard it changed his entire career ! Given all of that if EJ has to continue to play with a O line that gave him the protection that we saw them give last year he will also be a top of the Bills scrap heap of past QB's b/c no matter how good the QB is if they don't have the time to go throughout their reads & make a good decision they are going to fail which is something that Bills fans don't get & above all don't care to here they just expect miracles !!
  9. OK , I get it that if you do a good job at your job you should get paid for it but come on !! After seeing the AIG bail outs & such & watching the CEO's & such earning multi million dollar bonuses & us complaining about it why shouldn't we complain about it in the NFL ? Here we are as Bills fans in need of a solution what ever that may be when talking about the new stadium or renovations & commissioner Goodell made a paltry $44.5 million last year what's up with that ? They have older players such as Joe D living on $2000 a month retirement & a ton of other issues like the concussion thing but when is to much pay for services rendered to much ? Do you all think Roger is worth $44.5 mill + per year ? That should be plenty for his entire career ! If his career spans 10 years that is almost a half a BILLION dollars !! I think if he was paid half that & every year $22 mill was put into a stadium fund along with some other profits from the multi Billion dollar a year TV contracts the NFL could build every team a new stadium every ten or so years starting with the oldest venues . Why should the fans continue to pay for the exorbitant pay roles of not only the players but the NFL FO & the stadiums too ? How much money can you spend when your annual salary is $40 + mill a year ? And if Roger is making that what are the others making ? Roger being a home boy to western NY should devote a part of his salary to the Bills to a stadium fund if he really wants the Bills to stay in Buffalo . RIGHT ! Like that's gonna happen !! Sorry just saw that there was already a article on this subject - My bad !!!
  10. That is exactly why we need to target another QB in the draft . A lot of fans think it is to soon to count EJ a bust which it is but it is never a good thing to put all your eggs in one basket !! Good teams don't continue to get good depth at most positions on the team by finding one guy & sitting all future plans on the one player unless it is a Andrew Luck ! Good teams are constantly picking up players that they believe have more than what it takes to step up if needed & take over what ever the position might be & not miss a beat QB included !! Why do we think the Pats have been in the post season 10 years running ? Because they don't sit on one player & expect him to be that guy for the next ten years, they keep bringing in other guys weather it be for depth, future trade bait or what ever it is they need ... Every time they lose or trade some one every one goes here you go this is the beginning of the end & what do they do they just continue where they left off & go to the post season once again ...
  11. Well what were our collective thoughts about Pete Metzelars ?? Chandler matched or beat his highest out put in his second year so i would say seeing as Metzelars is a highly touted TE of the Bills of the past that Chandler could be thought of as close to the same . If he can be brought back for a decent contract o would say bring him back ! With Moeoki & Chandler add in another good rookie from this years draft we may have a good TE group for a while rather than what has been on hand in the recent past !!
  12. That would be great, then we could do away with all this BS of having a London team & 3 games a year being stolen from the home fans of different franchise around the NFL . We as Bills fans know all to well what it's like to have games stolen & revenue taken from the area around the stadium just to feed the NFL's collective paycheck while leaving the fan base at a lose for their yearly NFL fix !! If they do continue to take games away from the fans let Roger take the money out of his $44 million salary to repay each of the franchise that lose their home games ...
  13. Thanks for letting me know that while the Juice was going for 2000 i was around 10 YO talk about feeling old !! Excuse me while i go change my depends take me prostate & testosterone, meds & put on my toupee !!
  14. If he is gone the front office would be pegged as no change bunch of sum asses because he is due 8 mil this year so that would be dead money if they let him go . Now if they could trade him along with his contract that would a possibility !! If you could trade him with his contract & pick up Anquan Boldin that would be a great move !!
  15. That looks good on top & i'm sure Fitz would as usual be a great team mate but to pay him twice for the a roster spot ah i'm not thinking they will do it ! Plus the real possibility of causing problems due to where players friendships lie, I think Stevie would be more a fan of Fitz than EJ & it could cause trouble .
  16. Well i kind of look at it like this if you know all this going in why don't you look for another job ! It's kind of like the guy working at Mcdonalds that expected to make a living . In the era that a lot of us grew up in if we found that we didn't make enough money on one job we got another one & if we didn't like the job or considered it to hard or to much work for what we were getting paid, THEN WE QUIT !!! First red flag should have been when they said they were going to be getting paid $2.85 a hour SEE YA !!! It sounds as though these cheerleaders are wanting to intentionally go through this & then complain at the end for a get rich quick thing seeing it's a NFL job & they have a S*** ton of money . Can you say Gold Digger !!
  17. Not to mention there are other teams like the Eagles that are in need of help at safety . I hope we can resign Byrd but if it takes a while we might be on the outside looking in when it comes to signing some one like Delmas b/c he will be long gone by the time they figure the Byrd thing out . But according to what Whaley has said he wouldn't rule out using the F tag on Byrd again so maybe he will be around another year ?? UM ----- OK ???
  18. With all the really good young talent coming out in this years draft class at the WR position why are there all of these posts about bringing in another veteran WR that is on the down side of their career ? The Bills are heading in a direction of getting younger not older, sure you need a couple of veterans around to get the rookies up to speed but we already have those guys . Not to mention the talk that there has been of the possibility of moving SJ our most accomplished & veteran WR, which if the FO did do that it would be another FItz type move to where they would have a bunch of dead money to absorb in the cap so it would be totally a foolish move unless they could get another team to eat that money . So keep SJ another year have him help the rookies by that time we have a couple of other guys with 2 years under their belt & they can take over . Plus they should have kept David nelson & let TJ walk given his out put & the offenses need for a big target in the red zone which Nelson provided . Another not so smart move by the powers that be !!
  19. Does it do the same to you as it does to me ?? I was replying to a post this morning & wrote that phrase in the reply & was just wondering if it is the same with even Bills fan that watched that SB ? When ever i here that phrase even watching any of the games today it immediately sends a chill down my spine & makes me want to start my therapy sessions all over again !! I know this is just another space taker & time waster during the off season but i just felt i had to ask !!
  20. I here you but i don't see getting rid of the extra point as making the game better !! If any thing drop it back say 10 or 20 yards make it a harder thing to achieve & not so automatic as they are saying . They moved the kick offs closer to do away with some of the really violent hits that happens during the run backs , so why not move the extra point further away to make it more difficult ? Seems pretty logical & it makes the game more interesting or at least makes the possibility of the kicker missing more suspenseful & brings the extra point back into the game . I hate to mention it but Wide Right (dam that term still gives me night mares) wouldn't have happened if the offense would have gotten 5 yards closer I'm just saying !!
  21. I don't see us taking a guard that high there are to many other really good players that we can pick up that will be available in the second round . But if this guy is as good as you say hey i'm game ! But i see them going for one of the other O line guys mentioned at the top like Matthews or the dude from Auburn . I do like the Mack pick the guy is like you said all over the field & is a bruiser !! But i don't think he will be there at 9 ...
  22. We have Stevie for a veteran presence for now we just need to get another BIG young receiver like M. Evans or (if he's there) a Sammy Watkins that won't break the bank for 4 or 5 years until the Bills FO can get rid of most all the dead money issues on the cap . We may need to bring in some vets but i don't think WR is one area that is in need of that veteran presence it is already there !!
  23. Agree'd in the offense it all starts in the trenches which is something many Bills fans have no patience for . We saw it with most all of our past & present QB's. Whenever they have a bad game it is immediately "OFF WITH THEIR HEAD" mentality, (look at Tuels first start) the fans don't look beyond the QB position to realize that if the QB has no time he can't make good reads it's pretty simple !! But instant gratification is a huge problem in the NFL with the fan base especially one like ours that hasn't seen our team in the play offs in 13 years . But even if we did make it to the play offs the fan base would find something to B word about !!
  24. WOW so much for that draft board or being prepared for the draft I hope Pettine has some no dose around cause it looks like he & his staff will be working a lot of extra hours . Man if any body in the league thought the Bills were a mess this makes them look like a well oiled machine in comparison to the dumpster fire that the Browns look like !!
  25. Sorry for leaving that out but i had to do a bit more digging for those . Derrick had 74 tackles for a loss in his college career & Reggie had 51 tackles for a loss in his college career .
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