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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Canadian bacon is really American ham and I will expose it for the fraud it is!
  2. Well, la de frickin da! Who cares if Maybin and Lankster are still in the league? That's like being happy that two of your ex-girlfriends are still seeing other people.
  3. Yep we need to emulate the Raiders. They are a blueprint to success.
  4. That doesn't incorporate any of their names. The 2nd question mark is useless. D+ for effort.
  5. I like Mike Williams as a person, not as a football player
  6. I am waiting to find out who snitched about Sapp's financial troubles on Twitter
  7. I agree. Even though the news line says 5 years at $35 million but it has since come out that the Eagles are only on the hook for one year and can cut him without financial penalty if it doesn't work out.
  8. Isn't it convenient that the Gregg Williams audio was released the very day that Roger Goodell was to review the Saints suspensions for the bounty program? Almost like he needed to validate his reasons to the public why he won't reduce their punishments. Does he really need to?
  9. Yep because Spiller was an explosive force that wreaked havoc on opposing defenses on the way to the Super Bowl which he was MVP of. The pick was totally validated by all of his major success and Pro Bowl appearances.
  10. There would be one hell of an economic recovery if we legalized it and taxed it like cigarettes. Oh yeah, and then played commercials about people talking out of their stomas. Because its not a parents job to tell their kids what is right and wrong, it's the television.
  11. So now that we have pass rushers, let's get some OL to protect OUR QB! That's how you win, keep your QB upright and knock theirs down.
  12. Despite what anyone feels about Fitz, I hate our lack of attention to the OL. We could have made the playoffs last season if we had any depth at all.
  13. Which year are you referring to? He seemed to be injured every year.
  14. I hope many millions of dollars were spent on this barely noticeable "change the panther whiskers color" campaign.
  15. Intangibles meaning "can't really prove why I really like this guy over others"
  16. I don't see Bellicheat jumping ship on the many 5WR sets, screens, and hidden cameras that have got him where he is today.
  17. My generation was just old enough to see Marino get injured so we didn't see Miami when they were a decent rival. Then we had to live down giving Bledsoe a kings ransom to take sacks and watching the Pats build a dynasty through spygate. New Jersey just got interesting with their jerk coach and QB who looks like Kelly Ripa's husband.
  18. If an OL turns down our offers to resign and goes elsewhere for a payday, it should be called "a Jason Peters"
  19. I would be surprised and pleased if both Merriman and Easley were not on IR before week 6. However the odds are low. This year Scott Chandler goes from unknown TE to a younger version of Tony Gonzalez. And with a pass rush with teeth, Jairus Byrd returns to Pro Bowl form and makes me proud to wear his jersey.
  20. The Bengals totally hijacked the "who dat" with "who dey" and that cheapens both. Excellent for making Saints/Bengals fans furious.
  21. Any respect I had for Robert Kraft went out the window when he tried to use his wife's death as a publicity stunt/phony inspirational backstory for the Cheatriots super bowl run
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