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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Nah, he was just playing possum with his wallet for 50 years. But you knew he was fakin! You're the smartest feller!
  2. Shockey's work ethic, love of partying, and constant injury are why his odds of being picked up are low. Then the Sapp thing happened. If he does win money from Sapp, buy stock in Jack Daniels.
  3. We had better not draft any DL. I'd draft BPA 1st round then positional need all others
  4. none of which involve Brad Smith actually passing so why keep 2 WRs as 3rd RBs?
  5. I support Nix, and I welcome super Mario. However I feel that going out and getting the best player available wasn't inspired or thinking outside the box. I give more credit to Ralph for letting someone pry the checkbook from his miserly hands. He stepped outside of his M.O. to get it done. Nevertheless, I like the direction we're heading.
  6. He could worship a bag of chips as far as I'm concerned. He is better than Brad Smith.
  7. Gailey doesn't trust him to throw the ball so as far as I'm concerned, he better start catching or returning. Otherwise he is useless.
  8. I assumed by the title that it would be about how Colin Cowherd always defends the Patriots. Brady farts or Bellicheat sneezes, and its a brilliant strategic release of gasses.
  9. Who gives a crap what Tebow fanatics say? I just want to keep him away from the Patriots. I want 0% chance of Bellicheat improving his game and being the Brady heir apparent
  10. Unless those "cool points" can be cashed in for a decent backup QB that is better than our starter with cracked ribs, or an OL upgrade, then those "cool points" don't do jack squat for our offense.
  11. I love how everyone talks a good game about wanting a solid line but very few are calling for an OL 1st round in the draft
  12. Brad Smith hasn't thrown a pass running the wildcat. How am I supposed to believe he has the ability to? Marshawn Lynch has thrown more passes. When Old cracky ribs got hurt, Thigpen was never an option. That shows you how worthless he is and how we got screwed on that deal.
  13. Are we as dumb as Jests fans who need their team's name spelled out by a fireman every 10 minutes? Then why did we feel the need to copy their lazy "idea" of going to throwbacks? Because it required no new ideas and you didn't have to pay anyone to think of a design. I want the Sabres black and red converted to Bills since its apparently illegal for the Sabres to ever wear the design again.
  14. I'm surprised Whitner has kept his mouth shut about the bounty scandal. He was only about big hits and whiffing on them.
  15. Bills thought he was too old 5 years ago when we let him go, why would the FO think he was any better now?
  16. The D looks improved, but the offense still has to score without a #1 WR
  17. Schobel was great. But everyone forgets that he had lost his "quick first step," and that's why we let him go. His foot has had years to heal, maybe he's good for one more try.
  18. Yep, they sure have horrible chemistry in March. If only there was more time until the season started. Preferably 6 months or so.
  19. I saw him and his family at Pinboys and I was surprised how fast the word got around that Bruce Smith was there. He hadn't even got his shoes yet! He wasn't in the mood for autographs, but it was after his most recent DUI so I don't blame him.
  20. I'm sure he would appreciate your fan mail. I'm more insulted that people are already calling Mario the next Bruce Smith. Mario would have to drive drunk ALOT to catch up to him. Also he doesn't have as many sacks.
  21. If Ralph would have told us his plan of being cheap for 50 years to sign the best defensive free agent of 2012, we all would have been cooler about it.
  22. It seriously was insulting to read all these articles about how Chicago was the favorite to get Mario Williams when he was in Buffalo all week
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