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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. By that thinking he would have given us Luck or RG3. And we we're sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more successful the past two years, right? I mean, am I right? Crickets?
  2. Yeah supposedly they traded down to Washington like 2 weeks ago
  3. Wouldn't Nike have to be okay with sharing ad space on jerseys?
  4. So you're saying that he would step in for Fitz and do a good job? Not sounding too confident in Fitzmagic. Looks like a good move then.
  5. Rome vs Dan Patrick goes to Rome. Rome occasionally has banter with the engineers but not 50% of the show.If I wanted to hear from perpetually nasal sounding sound engineers and interns, I would listen to DP. I don't get why he feels that he can't carry the show on his own. He is a broadcaster that doesn't sound like he has a sinus infection, that's who is paid to host the show, I would like to hear his opinion not the Danettes.
  6. The overexposed least talented skank poll? I'll pass. However I would trade Fred Jackson while he's still worth something, as opposed to when he joins the Clinton Portis Willie Parker Larry Johnson club
  7. Have you thought of why Pittsburgh hasn't already re-signed Wallace? He wants Fitzgerald-type #1 receiver money. And since we have to overpay just to get people to come here, his contract would be astronomical.
  8. A. Samuel = Dante Hall. Overrated but will catch balls when Cutler throws 4 at your chest
  9. So if the best player is a punter? How does that help? We trade the player from the position we don't need for...a 5th round pick next year? Productive
  10. Warren Sapp has tweeted that Dareus is a very hard snitcher
  11. Besides we already had like 50 bags of Skittles prepared for contract negotiations with Lynch
  12. It would make more sense to ask Mike Ditka come back and fill in. He'd make sure that none of them missed the "extra pint"
  13. New Jersey probably thinks that having a mobile quarterback eliminates the need for a stout O-line. Expecting him to be Roethlisberger-esque.
  14. 1st rounders: Aaron Maybin, John McCargo, Erik Flowers, Mike Williams, etc...
  15. If they would have let Smith throw it just one more time, opposing defenses would have to honor each wildcat formation as a possible pass.
  16. I agree that we should trade down. But I'm sure there will be a team willing to trade up once a player that a team thought wouldn't be available drops to around our pick.
  17. I am all in favor of selling naming rights to the stadium. It would help with the cost of upgrades. Wegman's Stadium?
  18. I don't see the logic of waiting until this years draft to finally address QB issue.
  19. I'm torn between taking a WR and T in the first round. We need talent around Stevie Johnson. And not the scrubs we just resigned for what I suppose are special teams purposes. However I can understand the reasoning to take a T to give Fitzpatrick more than 2 seconds to throw. Those quick slants over the middle were easy for teams to jump.
  20. I live about 30 miles away from his mansion. He's not a modest Christian thats for sure
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