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Everything posted by jethro_tull

  1. yes but those who do not recall the past are doomed to repeat it. i am sick and tired of coaching and GM lather/ rinse / repeat. Learning from mistakes. since 1969. 4 years is an apprenticeship. correct, my mistake. still stinging and a most definite freudian slip Point is McDermott can learn. I would rather give him franchise tenure than to take back steps. Swing for the fences with whom?
  2. have some patience. Did they lay a big fat egg yesterday? Hail yes. But-how soon we forget the years between 2000 and 2016 ! We are emotionally distraught and rightfully so. But we should try to react with reason and not with emotion. Reactions based on emotions can start wars! Yet many want to spin the coaching bingo bin and see what we wind up with. NO! McDermott deserves to be a tenured coach much like Hamlin, Harbaugh, Carroll (none of which made the playoff BTW). It is what stable franchises do because it works. He has earned the right to stick with this team with the good and the bad years. And the chance to right the ship. Now as for assistant coaches? Fire the bums !
  3. No, we are not. We have a great coach already.
  4. winning 8 games in a row tells a big part of the story. while not 100% (what is in life?) they are more than capable of winning this game and the next two. GO BILLS !!!
  5. not saying never, just less, especially when we need a long drive, long possession for the other offense to get cold, defense to rest and a score to be had.
  6. one game does not a body of work make. sean mcdermott- keys to the kingdom josh allen- kees to the kingdom ken dorsey- has not yet earned keys to the kingdom animated icon twitter guy, go back home.
  7. I hear you but the Bills could do it well- play possession ball- move the chains and rack up some long time consuming drives. No need for killer YAC if they are just trying to move the chains. They could shred teams with the right plays.
  8. too many low percentage pass plays. this team can dink and dunk all day long and they should do more of it.
  9. The Dolphins are a talented team that know us very well. I fully expected a close game.
  10. The commercials used to be worse! I remember 10 years ago some networks would come back from a commercial, tell you to stay tuned for the next quarter, then play another round of commercials! It made me livid ! Lately I am not at all bothered by it, possibly because I channel hop, multi task and the Bills are so exciting the game goes so quickly !
  11. I blame some of the playcalling that puts the O in must-pass situations too often.
  12. sophmoric and classless. if i were a player, visitor or official and saw that happen the reputation of this fan base would be tarnished. we should not lower ourselves to the level of other cities with crass fans. lets set an example like cincy. no.
  13. amazing news!!!!! thank you allmighty God. can you imagine waking up to a world where everyone now knows your name?! who won the game? what happened while I was out? uh Damar, just a little....... WOW! God Bless you Damar Hamlin!
  14. Absolutely agree. McD should be the Bills coach for life as far as I am concerned. He deserves to be a storied coach with tenure like Belichick, Tomlin, Carroll and Harbaugh.
  15. is the anchor on fox from buffalo? he said he was on the plane from buff watching the game when it happened.
  16. im not agreeing with everyone breaking bad on the nfl, they were not up close to the situation to know how seriuos it was. if goddell was in the stands would he have said the teams have 5 minutes to get it together? hail no.
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