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Everything posted by transient

  1. It's by design. The big balls help to move his center of gravity down, offsetting the effects of his freakishly large head.
  2. Doug and EJ. I think Geno may improve, but I think the INTs will always be a big part of his game because I feel he's the type of player who can be baited into throwing them, and I'm not sure that will change. I think he has less potential long term. Rex Ryan took a team that Eric Mangini was able to get two winning seasons out of in prior 3 years to the playoffs twice, but the glue has steadily come apart under his sideshow leadership. Over 5 years he's barely better than an 8-8 coach (~8.4-7.6, or something, in regular season). He is also the same bafoon who needlessly got Sanchize injured in the preseason last year. EJ has the potential to be a better overall QB than Geno, IMO. Smarter, seemingly. Displays better leadership qualities. Has more tools. Hopefully he develops them. Marrone seems to have a vision for what he wants this team to be, and he seems to have contingencies in place (Schwartz for Pettine in days, for example). He and Whaley also seem better at objectively identifying problems and taking the needed steps (QB housecleaning and Orton signing, for example). They lost to a better SD team. I'm willing to give him more than 19 games to show me what he's got. Were it not for the Kolb disaster, I don't think EJ would be starting yet. You can see them trying to develop him in game, which while painful to watch at times, is probably the right approach. If it doesn't work and he starts losing games singlehandedly (a la Geno and his INTs), I expect that we'll see Orton. If, at season's end, EJ can't consistently win with the talent at hand, I can envision them going after the biggest QB on the market via trade or FA. Think of Denver when Peyton signed. This team has the type of talent to lure a QB of that caliber if he's out there, IMO, and become an instant contender. If, over the course of the season, Marrone fails to make needed and obvious adjustments, then that's a different story, but at this point in time I'll take his potential over what Rex has shown in his 5 years with the Jets.
  3. Even if you could, Geno'd probably sail the pass on you, anyway, into the waiting arms of the corner covering you.
  4. Actually, I think the affliction |< j is referring to tends to occurs post-game on Sundays, and is a pretty rare, though communicable, disorder with the carrier of the outbreak generally from NYC. I may be wrong, though.
  5. Progressive post-game TSW-induced encephalopathy (PPGTIE). The more TSW threads I read, the more confused I get, and the worse my head hurts. I sometimes get so confused that I start to talk out loud to people who aren't actually there. Unfortunately, I've been told it's an irreversible neurodegenerative condition hallmarked by increasingly erratic behavior with rare episodes of euphoria and frequent bouts of irritability and depression.
  6. Enough is ENOUGH! I have had it with these mothereffin' (EJ threads) on this mothereffin' (message board)! Everybody strap in! (extracts his gun) I'm about to open some effin' (message board equivalent of windows).
  7. Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, takes a minute during Sunday's Bills-Chargers game to text a selfie of his junk to his unsuspecting office secretary before giving a halftime speech bemoaning the lack of morality in the NFL.
  8. While I get the ownership connection, if it's such a good idea, why did it have to wait for Pegula to buy the team? Is there some reason to think if Trump or Asshat and his Toronto contingent had bought the team that Nolan would have been prohibited from speaking with Marrone?
  9. September 11, 1960 to the New York Titans, 27-3. See that, I even predicted the score. I also some how effed up my font...
  10. Looks like Bradham's having a ball out there.
  11. O? Intentional as in 19 and "oh", or fumble fingers not reaching far enough for the "0?" Just curious... looks funny (peculiar, not ha ha).
  12. I'm surprised. I usually ignore, but I read it with a "challenge accepted" intent to find the negative after reading your post. There, for the first time in my memory of his writing, was none. There was, however, an unintended (I suspect) admission that he is not a Bills fan. Many on this board have surmised as much. No fan would choose to use "you've" earned it and "you" had it coming instead of "we've" and "we" when referring to the relief of securing the team's long term future. If he's not one of us in experiencing the highs and lows of this team, IMO every stereotypical negative sully comment he puts in print is little more than trolling the readership of TBN.
  13. Dude, I'm a Bills fan. I don't want the football, I want the Labbatt Blue in your OTHER hand.
  14. There were times when the Fitzpatrick led Bills showed heart, they just lacked talent.
  15. I think your first point and fourth point are in conflict with one another. I think EJ has to get Hackett's confidence in the red zone, then they'll open up the playbook. Today, despite the frustration of it, I get why they were conservative. They were moving the ball up and down the field on a team that their defense was absolutely dominating (64 yards without getting into Bills territory in the first half). Instead of doing something that was going to get them burned, they relied on their running game and came away with points. There is also something to be said about being able to run when a team knows it's coming, and if this is the way they're going to bring EJ along, then they've got to be able to do that, as well.
  16. Rubes, thanks. Fitting weekend to pull out a Felser article. I wish we could have been treated to his insight on this historic occasion. TBN would do well to find someone of his caliber again. Kelley, too.
  17. I think he only means to pony up 30% of the total cost. That way, he could own enough of the car to still be considered the principal driver.
  18. Am I caught in some alternate universe cosmic loop? I'm now posting in a thread about threads not being pinned to the home page... FROM A LINK I FOUND ON THE HOMEPAGE?!?!? Am I now destined to live in black and white irony with Rod Serling commentating my every move as quirky music plays in the background? What am I going to do... I can't live like this... wait, did the conductor just announce the next stop was Willoughby? That sounds like a nice place. I think I'll get off here...
  19. We're actually sub actic Buffalo, which I took to mean first or second floor, as opposed to the sub basement dwelling Miamiuns... Miamiites...Miaminians... Miamians. You stay classy, porpoise hollow.
  20. If they write a piece for the home fans and use the same 9 reasons format they will have to find a personal flaw for every Dolphins fan and list it... they might need to point out 2 flaws for one of them, though. Or, to add anonymity, they could do a combined piece of Jacksonville and Miami, so that they don't get sued for libel.
  21. I disagree. Beyond the first several paragraphs it is essentially a litany of criticism about Pegula's ownership of the Sabres couched in advice about how to manage the Bills... written within 48 hours of the announcement of the sales agreement. It's pure sully.
  22. There is more to being a good writer than using proper grammar and punctuation. Mixed metaphors, non-sequiturs, and thinly veiled arrogance do not a good writer make. Every Sullivan article is the same, with the only variability being how many fluff paragraphs (typically witheringly complementary paragraphs that I envision make his miserable self want to vomit) will precede his true agenda. The idea that he provided management advice to Pegula regarding the Sabres and expected to be taken seriously is laughable. It's nearly as arrogant as his music review where he referred to everyday fans as something akin to common folk without realizing how telling the statement was. If Sullivan was half as smart as he believes himself to be he'd probably stop blatantly advertising what a douche he is in his columns.
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