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Everything posted by transient

  1. Suck it up, Pyle. No one likes a whiner. We're all fans of the same heartache, here. If you're going to start this crap at 5-4, whatreya gonna do if the wheels really come off? Lie on the floor of your bedroom in the fetal position, crying and sniveling while you write sad poems about your broken heart? Grow a pair and deal with it. These are the Bills. They're not for the faint of heart. And for the record, your screen name is out of date. The Clippers haven't been "The Clippers" since 2010, and there's no longer a threat of the Bills moving to LA. Pull your head out of your ass, get with 2014, and deal with your fandom before everyone at TBD here puts their soap in a sock and beats your whimpering ass with it. Cheers!
  2. Just to make sure I've got this straight, are you intimating that eugenics "gone good" could have prevented this thread? If so, I can think of at least one instance where you just might be right.
  3. Has anyone seen "The Idiotic Thread Grim Reaper" lately? Can we talk Commissioner Gordon into sending up a TITGR signal?
  4. There are two ways to answer the timing question; the correct way, and then the way I'd likely answer when not in mixed company. For the record, at least Michigan doesn't have a city named after him.
  5. To the OP: Please use the search function before starting a new thread. There is already a TBD thread discussing horrible human beings.
  6. They don't allow glass behind the Kmart dumpster; you have to either bring a box of wine or conceal the bottle in a paper bag... And for the record, you have to light YOUR OWN trash can fire to cook your vermin. I don't share. Taking it one step further, they usually know the answer already, and, in fact, take some perverse pride in others acknowledging such. Does saying this make me a prick?
  7. Raider's week he's gotta have Patt McGroin as a special guest.
  8. Seattle signs the sloppy swish. https://screen.yahoo.com/mokiki-000000022.html
  9. Mind. Blown. The only way to top that would be a portrait of bacon made from Kevin Bacon.
  10. Huh. Maybe there's a direct link between herpes' and your lack of respect for geopolitical borders...
  11. I'd invite you to my party, but it's maize and blue, only. You'd have to check any scarlett and gray at the door. And for the record, Duke Williams jokes are reserved for YouTube clips of him throwing Julian Edelman into the stands. His jersey will be on sale soon enough.
  12. It's my fault. I read the title, but, nonetheless, I clicked on the thread. I have no one to blame but myself.
  13. Taking nothing away from Orton and not playing the role of EJ apologist, but Sully can suck a fat one regarding this tweet. 4 more receptions at a time when SW is clearly no longer favoring his ribs, with some clear drops in the 1st 4 games. While you could point some of it to ball placement from EJ wrt YAC, some is also a rookie starting to hit his stride. Methinks there is a never ending disparaging Sully agenda (not so) hidden in that tweet.
  14. Spontaneously combusts? Opens fire? Picks up their ball and goes home? Videotapes my closed practices? WHAT? The suspense is killing me!
  15. Actually, while you may poo-poo the schedule issue in 2000 in an effort to minimize the legitimacy, it's a valid argument. The only team with a losing record that they lost to that season was NE* (5-11) at home, a game which Johnson started but was knocked out in the second quarter with NE* up 3-0, which goes on his W-L, but which they lost in OT 13-10 with Flutie in the game. Otherwise, the Bills that season split with the Jets (9-7), lost both games to Indy (10-6), lost both to Miami (11-5), and lost to Tampa Bay on the road (10-6) with Johnson starting. They lost to Minnesota (11-5) on the road with Flutie starting. The Bills beat Tennessee (13-3) at home, Green Bay (9-7) at home, San Diego (1-15) at home, and Kansas City (7-9) on the road with Johnson starting, and beat the Jets (9-7) at home, NE* (5-11) on the road, Chicago (5-11) at home, and Seattle (6-10) on the road with Flutie starting. Regardless of QB play that year, they were a middle of the road team with Eric Moulds, Ted Washington, Pat Williams, a few aging talents, and an otherwise non-descript roster that was about to undergo a salary cap purge, and were being managed by a GM whose heart was already in San Diego.
  16. Huh... the story I heard was Flutie fed half of Johnson's brain to a homeless rabid baby. Go figure.
  17. I'm right there with you on the caning. Those sadistic little Singapore women really know their sh... wait a minute... to be clear, you're saying you like your daughter's recitals... right?
  18. I was planning to DVR this, but I accidentally DVR'd a rerun of "Little People Big World," instead. I got halfway through the episode before I realized that the father in the show wasn't Doug Flutie.
  19. By the smile on Orton's face, I'm guessing Kiko brought the hooch.
  20. .......... ............/\ +--( o )( o )--+ ............/\ .........._I I_ I hope he gains 100+ on Sunday, and his teammates motorboat the hell out of that SOB in celebrating a Bills win.
  21. ***psstt*** ***Buddy's not our GM anymore*** ***if anyone asks, you didn't hear it from me***
  22. Belichick? He's the cheating bastard coach of the New England Patriots*.
  23. They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works every time.
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