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Everything posted by transient

  1. ...after a few seconds of looking the three QBs up and down and considering his options: DOOOONNNN'TTTT CAAAARRRREEEE!!!
  2. Just making sure I have the premise of this thread correct; the OP doesn't want EJ inserted into the game completely, right, just the tip?
  3. I think it was in response to someone telling him that Aaron Rodgers had a girlfriend already.
  4. I'm surprised. I always thought of them as a good tandem. Whenever I think of Summer thoughts of Boobie usually aren't very far behind.
  5. Hindrance Quiescent Emasculated Eunuch Ineffectual
  6. Matthews: Hey, loser. I hear your buddy's not here to protect you any more. See ya got me a new bike. Thanks a lot. I'm talking to you, fat-ass. Wood: Aaah!
  7. Hate to disappoint you, but at the current exchange rate you still have 700 posts before you hit the US equivalent of 5000 posts.
  8. SWEET! From now on just call me "The Crippler!" Ladies of Atlanta beware!
  9. Marrone and Hackett can only forecast the snow, the players are ultimately responsible for producing the precipitation, therefore I think they should bear the responsibility of the cleanup.
  10. Cam Newton's mother was a hamster and his father smells of elderberries and therefore EJ sucks and ain't never gonna amount to nothin'... hmm... I wonder if I should start a new thread on this topic since I'm using a farcical Cam Newton analogy instead of a misguided RG III analogy.
  11. Actually, I think this is a diabolical plan to annoy the hell out of TSW so that we will let our voices be heard at OBD and let it be know that we think they should rid the Bills of the scourge that is EJ so that KT83TD will finally STFU about it already... or maybe I'm just tired and need my bottle and binky.
  12. Depended on what point in the game. I went, and the upper bowl filled in midway through the second Q and emptied out at the end of the third/middle of the 4th. Lots of single open seats between people, but most sections were probably 75-80% full at various points. All things considered, I'd guess the number they quoted was probably the number of GA tix given away online on Fri, Sa, Su (I'm sure there are several thousand luxury box seats not counted in the #), not the actual # in attendance, especially considering "Flash Seats" got all effed up, and the ticket takers were just letting anyone in at gametime.
  13. Good to know that there's a place in the world for graduates of the Shannon Sharpe School of Broadcast Diction.
  14. He's the guy who comes in the package to explain to you how this whole thing works. Most people just throw him in the garbage without ever looking at him.
  15. Bills have some of the best starting field position in the league, with THE worst red zone offense in the league. The D could make up for smoking J's propensity to throw picks if the offense was otherwise averaging in the neighborhood of 24 pts a game instead of 16. Leadership and long term stability are another matter. I guess what I'm saying is DOOONNNN'TTTT CAAAARRRREEEE.
  16. Well, I'm sure I'd feel much worse if I weren't under such heavy sedation.
  17. As opposed to: the Bills would be a winning team if only the Pollyannas would stop drinking the kool-aid, open their eyes, and chant a repetitive and overly negative mantra ad nauseum. Bucky the wonderwhore and Sully (verb literary ironic; damage the purity or integrity of; defile. "they were outraged that anyone should sully their good name" synonyms: taint, defile, soil, tarnish, stain, blemish, pollute, spoil, mar) can suck it. For the record, I move to refer to Sully henceforth as "taint."
  18. We are efficient red zone execution away from said offense. Aside from the SD and NE* games, we would be 7-2 with even middle of the pack red zone efficiency.
  19. I don't understand the question. I like bacon. I like canned corn. Can I only like one but not the other? What if I put the bacon in the canned corn? Doesn't it make both better? Can't I like both THEN? I'm sorry... I'm confused... I don't understand the question.
  20. I don't understand the question... Is this a trick question? You ask a question about a starting QB, but then you don't give a starting QB option among the answers... I'm sorry... I'm confused... I don't understand the question.
  21. Good call. I switched the avatar in the "switch your avatar to Jim Kelly to show support" thread thinking it was mildly alternative and slightly clever. Both fought cancer... karate Jim unfortunately lost. Let's hope football Jim fares better. Aside from that, I have no karate connection. Given the uptick in the Clippers of the NBA, here's hoping the "Clippers of the NFL" follows suit... If you want something to look forward to, this season SHOULDN'T be easy, or even easy to watch, it should be character building in the interest of good things to come. Let's hope the players use this ugly loss to build off of. The plays were there to be made, and I'm sure they know that. Seasons past, this was the unraveling point. Time to see what they're made of.
  22. Three guesses as to the name of the karate chump and why it's pertinent. For the record, nice to see some fight left in ya, Pyle.
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