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Everything posted by transient

  1. I'm with you on the straight up Kool Aid references, but what about if someone said "Rock-a-Dile Red flavored Urine?"
  2. I wish I would have known that the locker room looked like a cross between Lego Land and a giant Buffalo Bills pinball game BEFORE I signed the contract. "C'mon down to Boca Raton to get away from the cold" my ass, Terry! By the way, where do you guys keep the sneaker that Dennis Hopper stole from Bruce? Is that around here somewhere? And why is there only one locker with a refrigerator? Do you think the owner would mind if I have a goddamn snack? Where is the press? I feel like putting on a little show. Point me to the cameras. Hey you... suit guy... what'reya rollin your eyes for? Hi, I'm Rex.
  3. I didn't like the idea of Rex at first. After giving the hire some thought, I've stopped looking at this as we needed an offensive vs defensive head coach, and instead started looking at it as we needed a HC who can help us win now, not grow into the job. This is not a bottom feeding team that's starting over, this is a team that is a few tweaks away from contending. This is essentially the Jets team Rex inherited and took to the AFC championship 2 years in a row. Give us the running game the Jets had early on with buttfumble and even adequate QB play and we'll be fine with the talent on defense.
  4. Assuming he did have a change of heart, why would a new HC/OC with a blank slate and an eye toward the future of the franchise (something that I'd argue Marrone did not this season, for now obvious reasons) want him back knowing that he's now "walked away" twice?
  5. Technically, he "opted off" of the earth, but don't blame him, it was his contractual right. The people of this planet should be getting a second-hand text about it any minute now.
  6. Suck it up, Venus de Milo, and learn to block. Maybe the coaches wouldn't say such mean things then.
  7. Instead of asking him a question, I'd make him wait in a room by himself while I watched through a two way mirror. On the table in front of him is a box with round holes, and a bunch of square pegs (we'll call them TPeg's pegs). Within arm's reach is a hammer. Across the room, in the corner, is a box with square holes. Now, wait for it...
  8. Is there a way of tracking Sammy's whereabouts with this so we don't feel butthurt when he says Ft Myers is boring?
  9. The interesting thing to consider is that a good chunk of this past season's coaching staff had Schwartz's fingerprints all over it by way of his days as the Lions' HC: Defensive assistants, ST, and QB coach among others were all some of his prior coaches. Makes me think he has a good chance at the HC spot for the sake of continuity (not that that's what I'm hoping for). If that happened, it would be interesting to see Schwartz as HC and one of the up and coming OCs in the league (Reich comes to mind) as an assistant HC/OC so as not to make it a straight up lateral move.
  10. Instead of discussing their team on fan forums, Pats* fans sit in what looks like a security suite watching other teams fans chat on message boards from hidden video feeds in an effort to ultimately gain any advantage in a football conversation, despite the fact that they know it's invasion of privacy and they've been warned it's against the law.
  11. For me, Raiders game. A lackluster performance against an inferior opponent with playoffs on the line. So much for culture change.
  12. For me, it's the action. While I was ok with the organization going "all in" with the goal of making the playoffs, I'm no longer so sure that these were Marrone's intentions. I can't help but feel like the day he sat EJ was also the day he decided he was likely going to opt out of his contract, and so he needed to do everything in his power to make himself look good. I can accept Whaley's decision to mortgage the future in an effort to remain a part of that future, and while I can appreciate the business acumen that Marrone brought with him to his departure, as a fan I can't help but feel like I was burned by a douchebag that was making decisions impacting the future of a franchise that I don't think he had any intention of being a part of after this season. It's reminiscent of John Butler's last season before jumping ship to San Diego.
  13. That surprises me. The rumor I heard suggests that Tommy-bottom really digs the backend... uh... money.
  14. DrD, this was the way I was expecting to feel after they lost to NE* to finish 9-7. After losing to a 2-12 team with playoffs on the line I'm of the mind that the whole "culture has been changed" announcement by Brandon was premature BS, and I do feel ashamed of this team, moreso than years when they were clearly a bad team. This, combined with the horrid performance of Orton down the stretch, makes this feel like a wasted season to me. In that Raiders game, they managed to undo all of the good that had been done over the course of the season with one loud proclamation of "Same Old Bills!!"
  15. http://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2014/12/patriots_dt_alan_branch_says_he_has_no_hard_feelings_toward_doug_marrone_buffalo.html
  16. Are you suggesting that putting a young QB in against NE*, one who probably already has confidence problems given the way he was unceremoniously yanked from the starting lineup, and one who is certainly smart enough to know how tenuous his future as an NFL QB is, when the rest of the team is primed for a "run for the bus" type of game to round out a failed season in which the OL has continued to regress doesn't smack of sheer genius?
  17. Yes, but at least Sammy, Woods, and 7-11 knew exactly what Orton expected from them when he stood there like a statue and got blasted in the pocket, when he pulled up and slid 2 yds short of a first down, or when he bounce passed the ball to them. The unfortunate reality of going with KO was it was a playoffs or bust mentality, and without the playoffs it really is a wasted season. I've tended to be a glass half full guy, and I still think there has been progress, but this decision and subsequent outcome really does make me think that someone deserves to be fired over it.
  18. He's a Carr. If history has taught us anything, it's that bad teams can ignore the basic maintenance on these boys for quite a while before they break. To get the expected performance, let's see if Oakland learned from Houston's mistakes.
  19. At the start of the season, those projecting 8-10 wins were accused of peddling kool-aid by many. I'd prefer they were in the playoffs, as would any Bills fan, but this season thus far has been a clear sign of progress. They need to continue to build off of it.
  20. Death... to which the bartender replies "Death by bunda!"
  21. "Hey kids, like I am sooooo wAsted. Can anyone guess why they call me Tommy-bottom in the locker room?"
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