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Everything posted by VanCity

  1. The great thing about what we are seeing with the Bills defense is that the side of the ball that was strongest last season (offense) has become the weakest and the weakest (defense) has become the strongest. What that means is that a few solid pieces can make a big difference. Though we all want a high speed turnaround, my gut tells me that the offensive line will be the focus in FA and the draft next year and that our two-year turnaround will be complete. This season, the OL is not giving me much hope, but I do see a plan in place that will make this team work in the long term. This is a vast difference from former regimes in the past decade and a half.
  2. I think we are more likely to see John Cena comparisons in the future. A failed athlete in one sport (Cena w/ bodybuilding, Maybin w/ looking like he's wearing a corset at all times) becomes a pro wrestler. That's the kind of body Maybin has.
  3. Not gonna sit here and flame on you, because you're entitled to your own wrong opinion. That being said, there is no reason to cut McGee. He played well, taking care of his man in coverage and is, as a few above have stated, our true, deserving #1 CB. Williams will develop into a solid player, but he is nowhere near ready to be a top 2 CB.
  4. Because he's big, fast, sure-handed and made a strong impression on his peers last pre-season and this off-season? Nothin to see here!
  5. Hip surgery aside, he will be missed by Eli!
  6. IceBowl-thanks for another classy post! Yet another reason for the Packers being the top choice of most Bills fan in the NFC. Looking forward to seeing a real 3-4 ILB breaking down offenses for the Bills this year. No hate for Poz, just love for Barnett!
  7. Despite the vast majority of us wanting an elite TE, it seems that Chan's insistence that his Offense does not require one has us working with our current crop. Boss is a great blocking and catching threat and will be missed sorely by Eli if he leaves the G-men. It would be a massive surprise if he ended up on the Bills.
  8. I was in favor of re-signing him, but now I am in favor of shaking him until he wakes up out of his constant daze. What a moron!
  9. I would love to tap Buddy's phone to see how the talks with Donte's agent are going. Buddy- "Three years, 6 million" Agent-"C'mon, you were offering 5 last week" Buddy-"You misunderstood, I was asking Chan to gimme 5 cause Donte's Twitter account was someone else's issue"
  10. Love it Mike! Thank you for taking the time and keeping us out-of-towners and those without the ability to head to camp up-to-date. I also like the amount of good news coming out of camp. GO BILLS!!
  11. If he loses 30 pounds and acts like he wants to earn a paycheque, not just receive one, then maybe we should look at him. Based on the fact that neither is happening soon..... Pass!
  12. I have been in favor of getting him back for some time. It has to be at an acceptable cost, but he would be a nice piece of an already solid backfield. Gives us time do develop Searcy and Williams and he can alternate with Wilson. No issues for a $3-3.5 million per year number.
  13. Donte is better than we give him credit for. That being said, the Twitter genius may have really talked himself out of a job.
  14. Depends who you ask. He was a 3rd round pick at ILB, so don't expect the world, but he has a good rep for his pass coverage and displays good hands and his speed is deceptively good.
  15. Historically, I was a big Barnett fan. Today's Nick barnett is not that guy unless he gets some solid HGH in him!
  16. Scrappy, you are one positive guy! All that time in the dark of the basement getting to you?
  17. Hangartner has a great reputation in the locker room and he could definitely help out if we needed a back up interior lineman. Based on Kelsay's contributions, Geoff should be in line for an extension!
  18. The CB FA crop this year is nice. Secondary prizes in Cromartie, Clements and Johnathan Joseph not to mention McFadden (ARI) and Champ Bailey. Some age concerns in there, but all solid options for teams going for the Super Bowl.
  19. Stroud may be forced into retirement. Bellicheat likes his reclamation projects. If he gave up on Stroud pre-pre-season, I don't hold up too much hope for him. They play enough of a 3-4, 4-3 mix that if he was still useful, they would've kept him.
  20. Bell is no RT. He is an LT and an improving one. He may be better suited for a back-up role, but he is a back-up LT if so.
  21. I'll hold you to that. You been drinking?
  22. I'll take Ruud. He works in our hybrid system and he is insurance for Sheppard. Davis is definitely a starter, but Sheppard can spell them both and gain experience behind two smart ILB's. Neither AD nor Ruud are Pro Bowlers today, but they both know the game and play it with intelligence.
  23. Sazenbacher would have been a nice addition, but WR is not to be our top priority. He would have been harder pressed to see game time here than in Chicago, a team in need of targets for their grump behind center.
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