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Everything posted by VanCity

  1. Sign Poz, sign Woodley and re-sign Florence. Just a thought.
  2. If you read both of the NFC and AFC FA reviews this guy wrote, you'll find at least three mentions of Trentative being a viable option at QB for some teams. This writer should be working with Bleacher Report. Complete amateur.
  3. Last guy to rap. Blue hat. The guy with the dreads raps about blunts, so you can safely assume it isn't him. That and the fact it's obviously not him.
  4. 1-Poz- irreplaceable in FA this year. 2-Whitner- when so many people on TSW complain about Donte, why is he rated as one of the top available FA's? Because he is a better SS than most here give him credit for? based on his stats, yes. Based on observation, yes. 3-TE Miller or Boss- This is a position that we need to have a top player at that can be a force in the Red Zone. We have decent height at WR, but nothing like Miller or Boss. We get either of them and I am going for a pants change. 4-BU QB- Gradkowski is my first choice, but I have had the opportunity to see Billy Volek a few times and wouldn't complain about him as a solid back-up. The Chargers may re-sign him as he does know their systems very well. 5-RT Clabo, Willie Colon or DEN Ryan Harris. Clabo is the prize, but if Colon and Harris are fully recovered from last years injury setbacks, they are both very good candidates to man the RT for the next three plus years. I could deal with Trueblood from the Bucs, but am not certain how much of an upgrade he really is.
  5. Truly, Poz would be missed to a great degree due to the lack of anyone being able to replace his leadership and production. Sheppard may have a bright future at ILB, but his status should be as a back-up to a very strong ILB named Poz. Regardless of his weaknesses, his strengths trump all ILB's on this roster.
  6. Harrison- if he rips apart Big Ben, wait until he gets a hold of our QB corps. Bryant- Get the security team at the Galleria ready! I'll go with this being an exceptionally facetious quote.
  7. Couldn't have said it better. As someone from a family of teachers, I have seen multiple sides of the educational system. Though educational opportunities are afforded to all, the strength of those opportunities varies immensely. This is a system that is flawed, though I would be amazed if there were one difficult, never mind simple, answer for it. Many of us have been fortunate enough to be brought up with supportive families and teachers. Many people haven't, regardless of where they were brought up or what their race is. It's ridiculous to make assumptions about what choices were and weren't made by people when it comes to education.
  8. At draft time, this situation led Kenrick from being an early 2nd rounder to having him drop into the 3rd. He is a very skilled and tough athlete who has a strong chance of being an impact player. However, this is one dark cloud hanging over him. If his side of the story is accurate, I wish him the best, regardless of his status as a Jet. If not, off to Jam-rock he goes!
  9. Woody and Gronkowski are questionable, but I would love to have a LT at the level of Jake. He's young, tough, strong and has prototypical LT size and athleticism. He has been to two Pro Bowls in two seasons. Tough to argue that one. If he's not the best, he's top three and the youngest in the category.
  10. Throwing in my two cents...Willis and Jake Long. QB protection at it's best from the blind side and all-around awesomeness from the MLB. Tough to argue those two.
  11. Great story! Always neat to run into a player and even better when you can share that experience with your kid. Here's to hoping that you met a future HOF'er with a great story.
  12. As a proud Canuck, I can say that the CFL offers a good product, but the atmosphere is lacking in most stadiums. Ivor Wynne (Hamilton, Regina, Winnipeg and Edmonton are the exceptions. Argos games are like Bills games in Toronto, underwhelming and the lack of tailgating is a joke. Hamilton is a blue collar city and represents itself well when it comes to football.
  13. My expected order correlates with most of you. Draft order for 2012 draft: 1.Carolina- too many question marks, instability and dealing with a new coach and a shortened off-season. 2.Washington- Three words- Dan Snyder Idiocy. 3.Cincy- Where does their strength lie? Can they put together a group of worse felons? 4.MIA- Division got stronger, they still have no valid #1 QB. 5.Denver- Picking a 3-4OLB when you play a 4-3 and there is a beast at DE available? You have earned the right of a losing season Horse Face. 6.Tennessee- Another team with a coaching change that won't get to see enough offseason time together. A team with major question marks at major positions, especially QB. 7.Arizona- So, who's your QB? Lucky for them, they still have the best Fitz in the league. 8.Bills- Still young, still growing, still in the AFC East. However, a team with great promise.
  14. I'll go on record as disagreeing. I think CJ has had an opportunity to see the difference between what he faced in NCAA vs. what he faced in the NFL. He did not change his running game to accommodate for the differences last year, but I saw the explosiveness that scouts saw at Clemson. I look forward to a breakout year from CJ with a good mix of plays out of the backfield and receiving yards.
  15. Sucks to be me. My basketball and football teams were both noted as options for relegation. Thankfully, it's just 2 irrelevant morons opinions. Tim is, as has been previously noted a number of times, still bitter. He'll be bitter his whole life as he is less talented than his brother and is most famous for his hot, right-wing wife. He is, of course, very close with his answer though. We are located in a difficult region due to economic instability, we don't play all our home games at home and we haven't showed many signs of success or even growth over the past 15 seasons. This years draft crop notwithstanding,we have drafted as poorly as anyone in the league and free agents spurn us more often than signing. Not good traits. Doesn't make a bit of difference to me. Never going to stop defending the Bills or loving Bills football. That's why we are a big league team. The best fans in the game!
  16. While having all these guys get together for training and team building is great, do they hire professional trainers or is it just laissez faire? Though professional athletes have all had quality time working with training staff, I would think that they should still have people designing a training regimen. Regardless, happy to see the boys get together and excited to see who shows amongst the rookie and FA crowd. Go Bills!
  17. Born and raised in Southern Ontario. Dad was a Bills fan, good friends had seasons seats and I was fortunate enough to attend plenty of games during the Kelly years. Moved West in the mid-90's, still have been able to go to the B'lo for a few games over the years. TBD and TSW make life as a West Coast Canadian Bills fan a bunch easier. I'm gonna miss justintv.net this season as we get about three games a year broadcast out here via Rogers Sportsnet and it doesn't look like we're gonna get much nat'l tv aside from that. I beg to differ. Seahawks fans are die hards, not just noisy. As the team within the closest proximity to me, Qwest field has hosted my only NFL games over the last few years. They have not been a standout team, but the fan support is awesome. Making the playoffs last year was a fluke and the fans knew it. And, yes, that stadium is damn loud! Earplugs are advisable.
  18. We all have meaningless opinions, I just happen to like yours more than most. Good overview of the draft from the Bills standpoint. Can't argue anything you wrote there. Also, good call on not grading the draft. That should happen around week 4 of the regular season. Excited to see the rooks and Easley play this year!
  19. Never had to listen to the guy, never want to. Sounds like the majority of the "National" media, a bunch of homers that also root for the favorites. One more good thing about being a Canuck: rarely having to hear a thing negative about the Bills on TV and radio because they are so rarely mentioned. GO BILLS!
  20. Stroud is a good guy, but I am thankful that the Pats pick him up. Our O-line practised against him all last season and he's a year older. I am expecting less than what he provided us, so he is an ideal opponent.
  21. I have plans to attend this year. Not booking flights until we get outta this lockout though. Looking forward to going with a new Dareus jersey on my back.
  22. Fine with me, but I don't hate Whitner as much as some. He will never fulfill his potential as a first rounder though.
  23. Our D looks markedly improved-undeniable statement. I will wait for game 4 of the regular season to change "looks" to "is". Dareus will be good, very good. Williams will have his struggles and the rest of the newcomers will make their mark at times throughout the season. No matter the impact of Dareus, I would have to be the utmost of optimists to guarantee major improvement. I'm a wishy-washy "glass has some stuff in it" type though. It ain't half full and it's got too much in it to be half empty.
  24. Anyone has to see that Hplarrm has some very valid points. Far easier said than done. If the right trade is there, I don't see Nix turning it down. That being said, the top three picks will all be elite players. Those are very difficult for any NFL GM to turn down. On another note, very happy if the draft goes #1 Newton #2 Miller. I really like Von Miller, but our biggest need lies at DT/DE. Dareus fills that need impeccably.
  25. I think that the poster stating that we can't have enough good players is right. The fact does remain that we are loaded up at the position, but talent and health is a question mark. Miller brings both. If Dareus falls to us though, he fills a position of greater need. Based on all assessments, his ceiling is not as high, but you know you are getting a beast regardless.
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