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Everything posted by VanCity

  1. As true as possible. The Bills have guys playing out of position at OLB (Kelsay, Carrington) guys not up to par at OLB (Batten, but he's pretty fresh) and guys regressing because of coaching indecision at OLB (Moats). What they don't have are true OLB's. That has to be the no. 1 priority in the draft and FA next offseason. WR and CB are high priorities, but pressure on the Qb invariably helps with the CB needs and strong WR's will be available in later rounds and FA. As for this season, we have what we have. There are no quick fixes, but if the front office doesn't learn from the mistake of having George Edwards as the DC, then I won't hold up much hope for the defense to look any better for next year. Over his head? That's an understatement!
  2. C'mon man, thinking doesn't require evidence...just a brain. Anyways, I like this thought and will go with it. I pray that they figure stuff out because, as awesome as we looked early on, we have looked just the opposite in these last two losses.
  3. As angry as we all are, we have to remember the collective age of this group. Young, learning and in need of a real DC to teach them. The coaching was not up to snuff today and Chan and his staff have to really look inside themselves to see how they can improve. Fitzy's check downs seemed orchestrated and the DB's read the deep plays exceedingly well. That's not the look of a "offensive genius"-run offense.
  4. I'd mostly like to see Mangold manhandled right into Sanchez by Dareus. A Maybin pancake would be beauty too, but I just want to stop hearing about how great Mangold is.
  5. The tailback split wide play has worked well for a few games. The Jets will certainly pick it up better than the other defenses have, but I trust in Gailey to put in a few kinks this week to keep 'em guessing. Really looking fwd to this game.
  6. Not a fan of domes at all. Soulless, energy draining echo chambers. If a new stadium was built, they should use Qwest/Century Link in Seattle as a template. It has incredible acoustics and every seat is a good one. A large portion is covered from the elements, but the field is fully exposed. I love the Ralph for its history, but CenturyLink is a gorgeous piece of modern football architecture. Although the December games are cold and miserable, they can still be great when the team plays well. I was there for a bunch of early 90's games and all I remember is that it was a great time. I know that it was frigid for most of them, but the adrenaline got pumping, the down filled 3/4 length with the fur hood went on and life was good. Folks in Buffalo are known for being tough, and while you are right that december games have been a historically difficult sell, a dome is still soul sucking.
  7. All the fantasy rankings cannot defeat the fact that the Bills will always be no. 1 in my heart On another note, this weeks game is shaping up to be massive. Chan better get these boys ready for war, because you know Rex is working hard to figure out a way to stop us and beat the defense that looked so good last week.
  8. Bodden isn't starter calibre, so his insight into the Pats would be his sole purpose aside from being a warm body who could possibly spell our DB's if absolutely necessary. That being said, I would wholly endorse his signing. Especially if it got us another win over the Pats.
  9. Getting Paige-Moss or Crick would be awesome, IMHO. I've seen Fuller a few times and his speed and hands were impressive. Haven't watched anybody else too closely. Watched the Auburn game a few weeks back, but Mosley didn't stand out. maybe a good thing for an OT....
  10. Well you won't be eating crow will you? You're such a perfectly pessimistic fan that you could never eat crow! Probably wonder what it's like to be happy, don't you? I'd rather eat crow than be like the whiny little "chicken littles" like you. The back of the bandwagon is always open...no one would notice if you just rolled on off of it....
  11. This was my thought as well. I see the talent in Seattle that would enable them to be a contender with some seasoning and health on the OL and a real QB. Marshawn has been excellent when healthy and their D is very, very strong. I'm actually thinking it's the Colts. Let Manning groom his successor.
  12. It's a complete sell-out in so much that they sold out the good fans of Buffalo to try and make things work in a city where 75% of the fans seem to be cheering for the opposition. Toronto is my hometown, but is a pathetic NFL town. They have no idea about anything but hockey. No offense to hockey (and I am a Leafs fan by default) but they have two other pro franchises (Jays, Raps) that only get support when they are winning while the leafs sell out every game despite their pathetic play for most of the past 4 decades. Maybe all the bandwagon hoppers will jump on now that the Bills are winners? At least it would make for a louder stadium than the tomb the Bills have played to the past few years.
  13. I gotta ask, Just Jack, who is it in your avatar? That is one massive dude. If it's you, then good on ya. That's a lot of work right there.
  14. Yeah...keeping quality locker room vets with leadership ability and strong bull rushing abilities is stupid! C'mon man, read your posts before you press enter!
  15. I have seen him play every game for the past two years. He is no Maybin. Guy has strength, a motor and tonnes of heart. I don't know what happened with him and the coaches, but he hits hard and consistently gets into the backfield and makes plays. Something is off on this one. Fans were on his case for some boneheaded plays, but they weren't for lack of effort. Maybe he doesn't listen to instruction as well as they would like?
  16. We all want him to play, but there is no reason to push this injury more than it has been. We need Kyle to be the player that we saw last year, not the one that has been out there injured this year. We already have shown the ability to get QB pressure from our front 3 or 4. Imagine the possibilities with a fully healthy KW? I want the win at NYG, but I think it can be done without Kyle. I watched the Seahawks down the G-men last week. I know for certain that we are a better team with or without Kyle.
  17. I was immensely impressed with the fire that GW brought to the field on Sunday. That being said, he is the 4th leading tackler and tied for fourth in interceptions in the league this year with 3. He has been building a Pro Bowl resume and is showing that the faith that the folks at OBD put in him was warranted. Great to see his hard work, dedication and tenacity rewarded!
  18. Sounds like we got a winner! Is he there to replace Kamar when he gets called up? Detroit is deep at WR, but they didn't see enough in him to keep him on the PS.
  19. I understand the OP's sentiment, but I see a lot of opportunity for this defense to improve, which is our main issue as i see it. The players are there and the system has evolved to work to most of their strengths. Kelsay was having a , rather surprisingly IMHO, very good season and just sat last week. Upon his return and coupled with the maturation of Carrington, Batten, Moats, and Dareus (and the slight possibility of an effective Troup), we have a very nice front 7 that got consistent pressure on Vick and slowed down the running game, causing the TO's to happen. George Edwards is learning on the job and has Wanny in his ear teaching him the nuances of being a good D-Coordinator. Have some faith and enjoy what has happened.
  20. Jeebus! Finish a tackle! C'mon guys!!!!!
  21. Good half boys. Now get the juice back for the 2nd half on O!
  22. RIP Al...in the good times and in the bad times, you were always unequivocally you. The football world lost a great man and a great proponent of the game.
  23. The most important ranking is in your hearts....where the Bills are forever #1!
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