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Everything posted by VanCity

  1. Maybin is trash. He won't make it past preseason unless they keep him on to carry equipment for real players. I feel for the guy, as his rep is that of a hard-worker. It's tough to hold his failure against him when it was obviously the morons in the draft war room that messed that one up. As a side note, who cares how big you are? Post a photo if you want to puff your chest up If not, eat some more Cheetos and make sure you make it for dinner when mom calls you upstairs.
  2. Bills Nation wins 100%. Carter in the 3rd would end up as the steal of the draft. He is a talent worth waiting a season for. I fully expect that he will be out for all of 11/12, but would be a late 1st if he wasn't. The Bills are definitely in a position to deal with this, but I can see him being taken in the 2nd by one of the many others in the same boat.
  3. Fair, haven't kept up with some of the threads as I find they link together w/ the same people saying the same things about the same possible draftees. I spend more time in the Shoutbox than in the threads. Appreciate the insight.
  4. Not to take a swipe at you, but how did you come up with that deduction. One team that is listening to offers equates to two other teams expressing interest in solely one of the possible 5 or 6 players being considered at that spot? The mind works in mysterious ways...
  5. My thought exactly. A script is one name for the description of the ideal make-up for a positional player. You could take any position and say the same thing. And McCoy has plenty of time to prove himself. I don't see much bust potential there, though I know that's not where you were coming from.
  6. I voted for Rudolph as he is as sure-fire a TE prospect as has been available since Pettigrew of the Lions and seems to be an upgrade over him. We haven't had a top-flight TE in a long time and the magic they can work in the Red Zone is something Fitz and Chan could really use. He's worth an extra TD a game, something any team could use. That being said, Phil Taylor would beef up that front three in the 3-4 and take our defense up another big notch. I'd hate to pass on either of them, but if I re-cast my vote, Taylor might be my pick. That is as solid a group of players as has been available in the 2nd round in recent memory. 11 days away and I am buzzing. Do not fudge this up Buddy!
  7. Preseason is, ultimately, for the players. As fans, it is our decision whether we attend these games. They are largely inconsequential aside from establishing depth charts and weeding out the week. I have never attended a pre-season Bills game and don't expect I ever will. That being said, I don't blame them for trying to make a buck. Football, and sports in general, is big business. When was the last time big business didn't try and charge for something?
  8. Bowers continues to be my choice. This man is a beast. He has no real red flags and can work in a 3-4 or 4-3. He is a player that can anchor the front line for a long, long time. Anyone think that he doesn't fit a glaring need?
  9. Yeah, I guess they each are due for a go on the carousel again. Who knows, maybe Mularkey and Greggo have learned from their respective HC's since their failures in the B-Lo. Fewell should show what he can do with the Giants D for another year, If the G-Men had made the playoffs, it would have helped his case. Though, his D was impressive relative to the talent that was there.
  10. Miller has had a successful college career, but our need on D is really a space eater to stop the run and a dynamic LB to step in and defend Tight Ends. I am not certain that Miller fits the latter exceptionally and he definitely does not fit the former. We have all been wrong before, but I have also seen us be very, very right. Concencus rules on this one and I vote for Fairley, Dareus or Bowers, very much in that order.
  11. I think the answer to this may lie in who else is available. We'd have to assume that Fairley is off the board if Green is available. Is Bowers a true top three talent? Our corners are not excellent, but Secondary has been the least of our concerns, so defensive front is the best call in the draft in the top 10 picks, IMHO. I would, as posted previously, still require increased compensation over 17 and 32, but it may be a necessary evil to deal with the Pats if they can provide a package that gives us some strong first round talent this year in addition to a 2nd and a 2nd or 3rd in 2012. It's all heresay regardless, because I do see the Pats sticking where they are and, again as previously posted, beefing up that front 7.
  12. He looks to join the guy he took the BSU passing record from, Ryan Dimwittie, in the CFL. He should not be a prospect taken seriously from anything I saw tonight. He threw the ball where he needed to, but none of the TD's were any more than him putting the ball up where his elite receivers picked on a far-less-than-stellar secondary corps. He's an excellent college QB that may get a look from someone, but don't expect anything.
  13. I don't really have an issue with Wrotto, but this situation outlines our O-line needs even further. We need a heavy infusion of talent at both the tackle locations. I have been watching more college ball recently, but we would really have to trade out of the top 10 to see value at tackle this year. DeMarcus Love, Derek Sherrod, Gabe Carimi, Nate Solder and Anthony Costanzo are all very talented tackles, but none justifies a top 10 pick, especially a top 5 that we will undoubtedly hold. There is no Jake Long in the 2011 draft.
  14. I'm hoping this is sarcasm. Although the OP has described a rather exquisite dream, it is only that. Merriman may ignite our LB corps (Maybin is a member despite what our eyes have told us) and Fitzy may continue to be serviceable, but this is no SB team, let alone a playoff team. We have a ways to go friend. Luck is still very much a possibility.
  15. The T.O games are a pale shadow of the Ralph. That being said, it is live NFL football and you can make it what you want. Despise the lack of tailgating and the craptastic view from the upper bowl. Love the great french fry and sausage vendors outside of the Rogers Centre. Get to a game at the Ralph ASAP. That is real Bills football!!!!! Enjoy and GO BILLS!!!
  16. Amazed no one dropped the name of the great Arthur Moats. Me likey!!
  17. I, for one, can appreciate where Phil is coming from. Gholston, based on the games I have watched this season, is at the Maybin level of bust. The only place that we can place hope in Maybin is the oft-mentioned fact that he would be a senior this year if he hadn't come out. It seems that they both are superior athletes with inferior football sense. As a former college player, I can say that I have seen enough of these types around to know that it isn't as though a switch is about to come on and these guys will suddenly understand all they lack and be able to put that comprehension into play. Miracles do happen, but I expect the disappearance of both these players to occur once their current contracts expire. CFL anyone?
  18. Not my number one choice. Romo has not proven to be a winner whatsoever. From his fg fumble three seasons ago to his failures in the last two playoffs, I do not see a qb that I would want leading my team for the forseeable future. I'd actually be fine with Fitz for this rebuilding team if we were to go LB in the 2011 draft. Otherwise, if Luck comes out, taking Romo would be detrimental. Just my two cents.
  19. I called for Love as a 2nd round option in another thread last month. I was very impressed with him last year when he moved from LG to LT and the job he did protecting Mallett. You can't have that kind of QB success without strong protection on the blindside. He may not be a 1st rounder (especially in the area of our pick), but he would look good as a 2nd round or, if the cards fell our way, an early 3rd rounder. He does probably immediately project as a RT, but he is athletic and strong enough to move to the LT with experience. I am not enamored with Bell's performance this year, but it has been workable and may be something we deal with until 2012. If we are, and we will be, top 3 in 2011, it looks more and more like a QB is our pick. No OT in this draft is worth a pick in the top 5, even Carimi, so that would not be an option.
  20. This, though if Newton was available in the 5th or later (doubtful) I would be happy to see him in a Bills Uni. He is an impressive physical specimen and has made some very good decisions with the ball this season. I haven't been able to see all of Auburn's games to speak to everything he has done, but what I have seen leads me to believe that there is hope for him as a future NFL QB. All that being said. we need an infusion of talent in the O-line and D-line far more than we need another question mark at QB.
  21. Newton is a fantastic athlete: great footspeed, size, strength and agility with a big arm to boot. He is no JaMarcus Russel and there is no need to offer the racial comparisons to other QB's. He has his head on straight and could prove to be a very capable pocket passer in addition to showcasing his abilities in the running game. All that being said, Luck is as can't miss as they get and, if available, should be the Bills one and only option. If he is gone, then I'd welcome Newton after Mallet, though this is a 2012 discussion and Mallet is a 2011 QB.
  22. The argument will rage on for as long as the old guy lives, but he hasn't done these things to line his pockets. he has more than enough money to be an old man spending his days in his mansion. He is doing it to set things up for the next owners. It has become increasingly clear to most everyone that they are positioning this franchise for a move. If he puts a bunch of money into the team, it might actually make it worse for us, as not only would we lose our beloved team, we would lose a winning team. Now that's just my two cents, but my logic seems decent enough on this one.
  23. This makes a fire sale look like a rip-off. We are practically gifting players to other teams. Nothing like the Pau Gasol-to-the-Lakers of the NBA, but Marshawn is a top back, not 4th rounder fodder. Sad days in these parts folks, sad days.
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