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Flutie Flakes

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Everything posted by Flutie Flakes

  1. That's funny, there are many NFL front offices in the league that seem to do just fine year after year with mid tier draft picks. It's the front office and scouting that makes not only a draft, but sound FREE AGENT acquisitions as well.
  2. Who is right??? I agree with 1 and 2, but could not disagree more with #3. I would hope that there are no professional teams out there that would purposely lose a game to better themselves in the draft. Fewell is coaching for his professional life right now and he seems to have the respect and admiration of his players. Both coaches and players (those that want to stay in Buffalo) will do everything in their power to win every remaining game. I am more encouraged by coaches and players that show up and play when their season is all but over than players who have outright given up on their team and coach (a.k.a. Pittsburgh, Detroit, et. al.). Why are we trying to win....are you for real????
  3. How is it more satisfying taking a knee at that point versus another TD? I really don't understand the rationale behind this train of thought. In the NFL, anything can happen which was why Miami called their final timeout before the score. Sealing the game by putting more points on the board IMHO served two purposes. It put the game out of reach for Miami and was a good morale builder for Buffalo Bills organization (owner, coaches and players) and the fans.
  4. Ricky Williams has run over d-linemen and linebackers as well....he is a strong, powerful back. Whitner played a solid game today and was in on a number of plays including the late interception. There is significant competition at the safety position so he certainly knows that must continue to pick up his level of play or he will ride the bench.
  5. Last I knew, they usually give game balls on O, D and ST. I agree that Freddy gets the game ball on O, Florence gets game ball on D and Lindell with game ball on ST. Freddy Jackson should be our starter!!!
  6. Great game for Coach Fewell and the Bills! This guy has them playing with emotion and grit despite all of the injuries.
  7. Bills win 24-21. Also predict another INT for Byrd. GO BILLS!!!!
  8. You lost me when you arrived at the end of the rainbow....
  9. I have never rooted against my Bills, NEVER. GO BILLS!!!
  10. Byrd has a knack for finding the ball. Many of his picks have come when the ball has been tipped by either the receiver, the corner or a combination of both and he happens to be there to collect. Certainly not luck or good fortune, it is because he positions himself well to make plays on the ball. That being said, I voted for one but would certainly not be surprised if he exceeded that number.
  11. I picked the Bills to beat the Jets a few weeks ago and also picked them to beat Carolina last week. The Texans have been playing well riding a two game win streak. Defense is starting to pick it up and Schaub has been solid. This game is going to be close, but I gotta go with the Bills. We will continue to struggle to run the ball, but with a few weeks of practice under his belt, Fitz will open it up with the receivers and create some havoc and TD's (I believe TO will find the endzone for at least one TD). Our secondary will continue to rise to the occasion and Byrd will add another pick to his tally. BILLS 27 texans 24 GO BILLS!
  12. Yes, Kenny Davis was waived in 1988 by GB. He played only 9 games that season and was picked up by the Bills after the season was over. 2nd round pick in 1986 and lead team in rushing as a rookie. I still can remember my father yelling at the television..."go Kenny, gooooooo".
  13. Thanks for posting the youtube video! What memories. Biscuit has to be one of my favorite Bills players of all time. Just an amazing athlete and a great signing by the Bills and Polian. GO BILLS!
  14. I said that we would win last week and I am sticking to the same forecast this week. Bills 24 kitty...cats 21 GO BILLS!!!
  15. I'm with Rande on this one. We seem to play better against decent teams: Bills 24 - Jets 21
  16. Spot on! No more night games either because the power consumed by the lights will leave too big of a "carbon imprint". Oh wait, you could create a wind farm near the stadium or set up solar panels but then the lefties would complain that an endangered bird might be killed or that it's an eyesore. GO BILLS!!!
  17. It certainly was clear today why we let Kirk Chambers go. He was terrible today and was directly responsible for three of the six sacks. Agree with other posters that Walker should never have been waived. Time to take a hard look at some free agents including Runyan.
  18. Best hot dogs in the Capital District IMO are either Mike's Hot Dogs in Schenectady (Michigan style with everything and awesome greasy fries) or Dirty John's in Glens Falls (now I believe called New Way Lunch). Newest Lunch also makes a good hot dog with meat sauce as well. Hard to find Zwiegles in this area so I would have to go with Sabrett.
  19. Put yourself in the same situation and tell me what you could possibly say that would be constructive at a post game news conference. Are you going to throw your QB or coaches under the bus? The media was practically putting words into this guys mouth to try to get him to blow up. I give TO credit because if I were up there, I would have probably not been so kind. He has caught a pass in every game he has played since his rookie season, so how the @#%& do you think he feels. The NFL should not be able to dictate that players talk to the media, especially in light of how some members of the media behave.
  20. This was his first game back. I was at the game and thought he looked solid. Looks like McKelvin will be out for a while so thank goodness we picked this guy up. Anyone hear anything more about Bryan Scott?
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