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Flutie Flakes

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Everything posted by Flutie Flakes

  1. Unfortunately, we will not be making the opener this year. I hope to see many of you at the Bills/Ravens game. GO BILLS!
  2. I thought the actor that played Speer looked more like Mike Mularkey....
  3. Great read JW and a nice ending to the article with the quotes from Jay! BTW, I met Doug Flutie in Albany at an event the Bills were holding to try to sell more corporate seating. He is 5' 7" at most.
  4. I'm sure it is a lovely song, but for the record, America did not sing Wildfire, it was by Michael Murphey.
  5. You do not know me nor were you there. In this case, it actually did make the situation better because it prevented things from escalating. I am very level headed and was in control of the situation. If I called the hotline and by the time they responded, the punk would clearly have hit me or a girl sitting next to me and then things would have gone down hill fast. I simply took hold of his arm and asked him politely to stop. Some times, taking matters into your own hands is the right move.
  6. I agree with your post Bob. It was evident the other night how out of hand things were. Non paying fans trying to rush a gate, beligerent young drunks outside and inside the stadium, accidents, injuries, one death...it is out of control. I know it is a huge revenue source for the stadium, but I would not sell beer, especially at night games until you can figure out a way for drunks not to be served. As I stated before, the guys in front of us at the game were clearly intoxicated and one was falling asleep in the fourth quarter, yet for the first half, they kept getting served. Then one of the guys immediately in front of me starts clapping over his head and his hand is inches from my face. I grabbed him and told him to knock it off but this type of $&*# is why I ask myself why I continue to go to games.
  7. So using Offsides argument, the "Night Train Necktie" perfected by Dick "Night Train" Lane would also be considered dirty under todays rules. It would be, but my point is that under the rules of the game at the time, tackling people by the head and neck was legal and to compare a player of yesterday with today's rules is an argument that I took exception with.
  8. Really. I think that you are over generalizing when you state that ALL of his hits were not legal. We can agree to disagree. Gonchar and Ohlund he did leave his feet on both open ice checks and yes they would be penalties today. However, how was he a dirty player when the rules at that time permited him to check in that fashion. In fact, he drew penalties from Gonchar and in the hit on Ohlund, from Mogilny (one of their best scoring wingers) going to the box. Peca also made countless body and open ice checks that would be perfectly legal by the rules of hockey today. An example was his hit on Domi, which you gave as an example. Domi's head is down, he is carrying the puck and Peca levels him squarely with both feet clearly on the ice. And yes, we do certainly both agree that he was not a pansy. Sorry but I take exception with the over generalizations and the dirty player comment when the rules allowed him to do what he did. Spikes clearly is a dirty player and the fine and on field penalty were indications of same.
  9. Any word from Las Vegas on the odds of which player may have been the offender??? My money is that it was Stevie J. His youngest of three has to be about 7 months old.
  10. Not to turn this into a hockey thread but how was he dirty? All of his hits were legal, even by "today's rules" as you stated. He was also rarely targeted for retribution because his hits were clean and on players that had their heads down. His hip and body checks were textbook. If you thought Peca was dirty, I hate to hear what you think of Patty Kaleta.....
  11. My first thoughts were on par with many on here that this young man brought this on himself. What really ticks me off is that neither his brother nor any of his "friends" left with him when he was ejected from the game. They now will have to carry that burden for the rest of their lives. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. I was at the game as well and it seemed that there was a younger and rowdier crowd. There were some young guys in front of us that were obviously intoxicated who kept coming back to their seats with more cups of beer. In the condition they were in, they should not have been served.
  12. A punk like Spikes will get his. It is essential that players maintain their discipline and wait for the right moment to flatten this punk and hopefully our o-lineman will remember this next year. Which brings me to a guy like Peca. He was not the biggest guy, but was a multidimensional player who played hard and IMHO was technically one of the most proficient players to lay a body check in the league. He could flat out crush people because he timed his hits and positioned himself perfectly. A guy like that can be even more intimidating than a one dimensional enforcer type player because it forced the opposing teams players to keep their "head on a swivel" when he was on the ice. I would take a team full of Peca's any day!
  13. Are you referring to my posts or just commenting on the weather....in case you have any questions, read the quote in red at the bottom of my post and you will understand which way the wind blows in my world.
  14. Agreed. Unfortunately Rande, it will probably never happen. They are like embedded ticks on a host (their constituents) that allows them to remain. New members of congress go thinking that they will "change how Washington works". They are low on the "totem pole" and have little power. Most learn that they either play ball or will be exiled by their respective parties. They are told how to vote and instead of representing their constituents, they represent their parties. Senior members "indoctrinate them" and over time, they become part of the hypocracy that is Washington politics.
  15. To expand on this Alpha, I want people that want to govern for all the right reasons. Institute strict term limits, no lifetime healthcare or other cushy perks (members of legislative, judicial and executive branches all get same healthcare that are military members receive - which by the way is less than satisfactory having visited several VA Hospitals). After they leave office, they lose their health care and any other benefits, just like military members that leave active duty service. Most importantly, ban all lobbying activities as BOTH political parties are at the behest of lobbyists and this form of corruption is found at ALL levels of government.
  16. Somebody found the picture he used for his avatar that was part of a news story about a guy that was arrested for an altercation in a movie theater with a man and woman who were sitting near him. The "goodfellow" claimed to be connected with the underworld and laid down all sorts of veiled threats to other posters on here. After reading the story, it would be a stretch that this guy was connected in any way to the mafia or if he was, his own crew would ensure that he "slept with the fishes" for acting like such a fool. He has not posted on here since, which is too bad because his posts were extremely entertaining.
  17. When I first saw this, I thought it might be a post from our favorite "goodfellow" in New Jersey. Anyone hear from him after he was exposed on TBD? He actually was an entertaining read in small doses.
  18. After parking at Hammer's, I would never park in the public lots again. Plenty of friends at Hammer's, especially when you bring food and drink to the party!
  19. Hammer, Do you have one more prime spot available? Paul and Lisa (Batavia Party Zone) have friends coming up and were looking for a spot. Thanks!
  20. In answer to some of the posters, they will typically fly in a standard 360 degree holding pattern at a designated area several miles away from the stadium. All of this is coordinated through the ATC at Buffalo Airport via their pre-filed flight plan. A flight officer liaison from their squadron would be at the stadium and would be in contact with the pilots via ATC to coordinate their arrival time over the stadium. The pilots are required to keep up their flying hours and this is also positive publicity for the military for recruitment and PR purposes. Some may say that it is a waste of money for the military to participate at flyovers, air shows and professional flight team (Blue Angels, Thunderbirds, etc.) demonstrations. I could not disagree more. Then again, I am a little biased being ex-Navy and having flown T-34C, T-2B and T/A-4 aircraft. In response to the poster that mentioned "blunders" and "fake bombs". Not sure what he/she was referring to, but I can assure you that our millitary pilots are some of the very best in the world. If they were to experience an in-flight emergency, they would divert their aircraft away from the stadium and look for a place to set down away from population. Again, this would be covered in their flight plan.
  21. Watching the replay several times and the field had nothing to do with the injury to DeCastro. Injury was caused by their center rolling up on his leg. Great MNF video. I remember that game but forgot about the ball plugging. I have seen that happen many times with a golf ball, but certainly not in football. Too funny!
  22. Improvement over week one, but that is not saying much. Still very poor just the same. Off topic, but while watching the game last night on NFL.com, the home announcers were interviewing the Minnesota GM who said that this year, they hired a retired ref who had been in the league for many years. Sounded like he would advise the HC and staff in determining whether to challenge calls made on the field.
  23. But a very valid point that was made earlier was taking into consideration the money spent in defending such claims. Regardless of if it ever goes to trial, in many instances, businesses and individuals must "lawyer up" to defend such actions. A significant amount of money that in the case of commercial claims, is passed along to John and/or Jane Q. Consumer, et. al.
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