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Flutie Flakes

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Everything posted by Flutie Flakes

  1. Looking forward to seeing all of you knuckleheads! I will not be bringing the fish fan this year as he lost his permission slip in his purse...but will be bringing my son who is huge Bills/football/tailgating fan for his first opener. I plan to get there early (between 6:45 and 7) to set up so that I can have breakfast stromboli's ready upon everyones arrival. GO BILLS!!!
  2. Gather up your ice choppers and get to work!
  3. It would be interesting to see what is going on in a northern region. I assume that walkers would freeze in sub zero weather and would come back when it warms up in spring? It would seem to give inhabitants an opportunity to fortify defenses, except if they were buried under a great deal of snow.
  4. I hope your right, but I think she will go back to the house to check on him and will find that he has turned and has dined on his parents. They have not connected the dots that flu = death = walker. She thinks he only has a bad flu virus and there is still hope that she can save him. It stinks that there is no episode next week. Next one looks good and it appears that things are going downhill fast in the inner city.
  5. I liked this episode better than the first. Daughter gets points for hanging with Nick versus running off to take care of her "sick" boyfriend. It will be interesting to see the contrasts between the inner city and the burbs.
  6. I don't know, those walkers in the beginning were fairly quick and agile so to hell with being considerate. I am reserving judgement on this series. With the Walking Dead, I was immediately drawn to several characters. I know it is early, but the only character that I actually like is Nick. The father is OK, but I cannot stand Nick's mother (more for the poor script than her acting as she was great in The Blind Side). It is a very tall order trying to chronicle the beginning of the zombie apocalypse and yet make it believable, which in my opinion is why the story of the Walking Dead was so successful. After watching the WD short story series, you had walkers immediately on the streets in what appears to be a suburban setting (DPW workers feeding on a pedestrian, what looks like a birthday party outside is vacant, etc.). In a large metropolitan area, you would think that the apocalypse would be accelerated based upon a larger populace congregated in a smaller area. From what we have seen, you have a random walker confronted by police officers and a shadowy figure in a park. Really?
  7. Damn, don't I feel like a real jack@$$. I should have known.....USA, USA, USA!
  8. I have to think that this played a big part in his dropping as far as he did along with his height. Who the @^#% was Ricky Stanzi? Sounded like they thought the Bills were going to grab him at 5 but they took Johnny White instead. Great video and I am excited about him being a part of the Bills!
  9. I'll be there early as well setting up Mead's easy bake oven for some morning stromboli's. We'll start circling the wagons at zero dark thirty....
  10. Kudos to the Jets fans that put this together. Outstanding!
  11. Classic...nothing like perky boobies to make Tommy boy feel better! He has been so deflated lately.
  12. Rubbing down two racks of St. Louis style ribs and firing up the smoker as we speak. Low and slow with plenty of time for refreshments in between!
  13. When I use my portable smoker, what I find most challenging is trying to keep the temperature consistent at around 225 degrees for the five plus hours I am smoking the ribs. Soaking the chips IMHO helps in this regard. Probably a waste of time with a smoker that has an attached box. Ahhhhh, some day I will graduate to this type of a system. Wow, all this talk of BBQ makes me want to run out and get some ribs....
  14. Great article by TG. Glad to hear that Maybin is doing well and has found happiness through his artistic endeavors.
  15. Nice restaurant, but the BBQ was nothing to write home about. How you can mess up pulled pork is beyond me. Would like to stop at the original Dino BBQ in Syracuse some day.
  16. Where did you go in OBX? I am heading down in less than a month to the 4x4 area in Carova Beach.
  17. Regardless of whether it is a 4-star restaurant or a diner, the point is that there are other patrons not to mention employees that do not want to witness or listen to tantrums while they are eating. Pick up the kid and take him or her outside if they are inconsolable. If you have to box up your food, so be it and next time consider take out as an option or leaving them home with a babysitter. It's about being respectful of others, not to mention that there may be people out there that can't afford a 4-star restaurant and there special night out might be at a diner, Cracker Barrel, etc. Both of my kids learned from an early age that it was a special treat to go out to eat and we set clear expectations that they always needed to behave in ANY restaurant. They could color, draw or sit down for this....carry on a conversation with my wife and I while we waited for our food. There were only a few occasions that I recall where one might have acted up. The next time we went out, he stayed home with the babysitter while his brother got to go out. When we got home, the one that went made it a point to tell his brother all about how good his dinner and dessert were while the one that stayed home got pb & j.
  18. Good for the restaurant owner. Sounds like the problem wasn't cooking the pancakes, it was the parents ignoring the kid and not giving her much to eat or as the owner put it, "gave her some crumbs on a place mat and talked while the kid sat there screaming for 40 minutes". A little common sense goes a long way and the "parents" should be ashamed of themselves for not taking the kid out of the place.
  19. Was hoping the second guy would try to "escape" during the med flight ride to Albany. He is in stable condition and supposedly is talking to police, but the thought of paying his tab for the rest of his miserable life $)$! I'm sure the families of the people that these sociopaths raped, tortured, mutilated, dismembered, murdered might feel otherwise. Not to mention the people that had to live like prisoners in their own homes in fear while these nuts were on the loose. I think your wife totally gets it....
  20. Good to know. Now i'll sleep better tonight...thanks! Some "community" banks are as you stated, only that in name and actually owned by larger interests. However, if you go to ICBA.org, you will see the following: About ICBA The Independent Community Bankers of America, the nation’s voice for more than 6,000 community banks of all sizes and charter types, is dedicated exclusively to representing the interests of the community banking industry and its membership through effective advocacy, best-in-class education and high-quality products and services. With 52,000 locations nationwide, community banks employ 700,000 Americans, hold $3.6 trillion in assets, $2.9 trillion in deposits, and $2.4 trillion in loans to consumers, small businesses and the agricultural community. Whether located in small towns, suburbia or big-city neighborhoods, community banks improve our towns and cities by funding small businesses and using local dollars to help families purchase homes, finance college and build financial security. I have been to the ICBA annual convention and the majority of bankers I meet are part of institutions that are truly locally owned and operated. The bank I work for is one of them.
  21. Never heard of this. Was "that guy" on the corner with a sandwich board that stated "the end is near"? Maybe "that guy" is from Greece? Many conspiracy theorists out there, but if you want to listen to "that guy" go for it..... I hope your cash is in a "fire proof" safe as most are "fire resistant". Hot enough fire and you can kiss the contents of your big safe goodbye.
  22. Before you bury your money in the backyard, your accounts are insured by FDIC for up to 250K. You can get additional coverage by having the account titled in different fashions (e.g. John Smith individual = 250K, John Smith In Trust For Johnny Smith = $250K, John & Jane Smith = $250K, etc.) and by this example, you would have 750K fully insured. Perfectly legal and a structure advised by FDIC. Good info on the web at www.fdic.gov. Deposits at credit unions are also insured through NCUSIF. Sorry to hear this. I work for a community bank in upstate NY and we are growing and our balance sheet is stronger than ever.
  23. "You see, in this world there's two kinds of people my friend, those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig." Happy Birthday Blondie!
  24. He looks just like me, except he has his mom's hair!
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