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Flutie Flakes

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Everything posted by Flutie Flakes

  1. Looking forward to tonight! Not sure if there will actually be a vote to exile Rick or if Deanna tries to exert her authority in more of a dictatorship role. Either way, there will be a coup and Rick's group will take over. Next season will focus on ASZ. The walls are formidable, but they are vulnerable in so many ways. If there is a pile up of walkers, you cannot dispatch them through the wall. If they get a large herd in one spot, they could potentially break through, especially around the front gate. Hopefully Abraham's construction battalion will clear trees and buildings from around the parameter so they can better see who is approaching and re-enforce the front gate by maybe adding a large vehicle that could be moved (similar to the prison). They also need towers or platforms like they had in Woodbury. No sentries or guards and they are begging for the enemy to infiltrate. There also must be other groups in a place like Washington DC that also were brought there thinking that the government would be working on a cure. I believe that they will form relationships with some of the other groups as the early colonists in this country did and trade/barter will begin between them. You will also have groups of takers or scavengers, which appears to be what the Wolves are all about. They go into a community (Wiltshire Estates) and take everything and either kill or enslave the inhabitants. Sorry for the lengthy post, but did I mention how excited I am for tonight's episode. It stinks we have to wait until October for it to all begin again!
  2. Size of flight crew is based upon the flight time. Longer duration flights = larger crew (per FAA and JAA rules). Shorter duration flights = 2 person crew, longer duration flights = 3 or 4 person flight crew. Regardless, number of people in cockpit at the same time is two. They need to make it a rule that there are ALWAYS two people in the cockpit.
  3. In the US, pilots under 40 receive flight physicals twice a year and over 40 once a year. Bigger issue is that they are on an "honor system" to divulge any medical treatment they have received including psychiatric treatment.
  4. What a great paint job! Not over the top and I like how he incorporated the Blackhawks logo on the side. Very classy looking vehicle. Red is very close and something could be done similarly for a Bills vehicle. Thank you for posting this! How are you liking the Rogue????
  5. All kidding aside, to USMC Bills Fan, it is good you are seeking advice of counsel if the creditors are unwilling to provide you any relief. A good attorney can give you better advice than any of us arm chair quarterbacks. It is a tough situation to be in, but with bankruptcy, you get "one shot at the well" so to speak and hopefully you are able to address your budget situation so you don't have to rely on credit to cover your day to day expenses.
  6. So are you insinuating that Navy personnel are part of the women's department? You must not know that Sailors and Marines are the bastard step children of the armed forces. We would get into $&^# all the time with each other, but heaven help the Air Force or Army guy that tried to get in the middle of a tussle. Absolutely! I like using the bank's money to purchase something on credit and pay it off at the end of the month. On occasion I might carry a small balance, but I cannot imagine traveling without at least a couple credit cards in my wallet. Peace of mind just in case not to mention that I rarely use my debit card as I don't what my money tied up if the account is compromised.
  7. Sorry to hear about your financial difficulties. Without knowing specifics, I would recommend (as DC Tom stated) to reach out to the credit card companies first. Explain to them your situation and in most cases, I believe they will make every effort to work with you. The key is communication. I have been a banker for 22 years and know that we make every effort to work with someone as long as the lines of communication are there and the person abides by any payment arrangements that are mutually agreed upon. We have reduced rates, forgiven fees and come up with terms that a borrower can afford so that the loan can be repaid in full. However, I work for a smaller community bank and know that some of the larger banks and credit card companies may not be as helpful or understanding. I would advise against settling with them for cents on the dollar unless this is your ONLY option. See if you can work out a mutually agreed upon repayment schedule first. They would rather work with someone that have to write off all or some of the debt. If that doesn't work, you should seek out a reputable bankruptcy attorney and review your options for BOTH Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings. In the eyes of future creditors, a 13 is not as adverse as the 7 (liquidation). With a 13, you would work through a bankruptcy trustee that would divide payments to all of your creditors until everything is satisfied and any assets that you may have are typically protected. Again, these plans vary depending on your situation. Steer clear of "for profit credit counseling" agencies. They charge to settle your debts and for the most part are complete rip off artists. You can do the legwork yourself and use the savings to apply towards the debts that you have incurred. If it is any consolation, I was in your situation while I was on active duty in the Navy. I ran up 4 credit cards living the life in California. I did not file bankruptcy as I had a TS clearance and would have lost it if I had filed. However, I reached out to the credit card companies and came up with repayment plans. I paid more money on the credit card with the highest rate and minimum payments on the other cards. Once the card was paid off, I moved on to the next highest rate and so forth. To make a long story short, it took me 2.5 years and it was painful, but I am a better person for it today and my credit was not effected. Best of luck to you USMC Brother!
  8. Season finale means somebody is definitely going....could Tara die and turn? Maybe Rosita, which would drive Abraham bat$&*#. Kiko suggested that it might be Maggie, which is a strong possibility as she has not been at the forefront in a while. A lot of hate on the preacher (including myself), but I think he hangs on into next season where he will redeem himself and die a hero's death. Regardless, I do not see the group leaving Alexandria for quite a while.
  9. That was the first movie scene I thought of when I started reading this thread. Great flick!
  10. Looks like the enemy is "at the gates" from the preview for next week. The Diane Feinstein's nor their followers of the post-apocalypse do not stand a chance against the barbarians on the outside. I would wager that Rick and his crew will step up and take control of Alexandria after Deanna concedes power for the good of their settlement. Just my .02 as I do not follow the comic books.
  11. Yes indeed and I have to agree that I like her character the best. To go from a meek punching bag for her @$$*%#^ husband to where she is a one woman GI Jane at Terminus has been fun to watch! Then to see her back in an apron baking cookies with the "real" Carol just under the surface with veiled threats to Little Sam.....classic!
  12. I also really enjoyed the character development from last season. Several were very memorable, but the one that stood out for me was with Abraham. Gave you insight into so much about his character, but also tied in very nicely how he first met Eugene. Sad episode, yet it ended on a funny note when you see Eugene struggling with the walkers. This may have been brought up at some point, but does anyone know if they are planning any more webisodes?
  13. Sorry I missed the meeting yesterday. Try again in a few weeks at rally point "Saratoga"?
  14. My pleasure. Congrats on the purchase! Sounds great....can you post up a pic?
  15. Great catch and YAC at 4:36 vs. Steelers. Another weapon for us if fish choose not to match. GO BILLS!
  16. You could also get a custom paint job like Rex got. It would look sharp on your new red Rogue!
  17. I worked with dealers in indirect financing for many years. Invoice as reported by NADA is very accurate and is "technically" what a dealer pays. However, the incentives they receive from the car manufacturers are a big part of their pricing structure and will factor in to their profit margin and guides them in what they need to get on the sale of a vehicle. More incentives and they will typically come down closer to invoice, less incentives and they bump that number. As you can imagine, demand also plays a major role and dealers will not budge much from MSRP on vehicles with strong sales. Dealer makes $$ on people not willing to do their homework, not to mention the after sale things like financing (they get a bump), warranties, and a major part is service after the sale. Margins on service work are through the roof. Many things factor into the sale and you are not far off when you say that the profit could be close to 5K or even more, especially when they get someone that pays MSRP, pays for extended warranties, pays for paint shield and interior shield crap and does the financing through the dealer at an APR that is several points higher than the market rate. dev - check out the Nissan Rogue before you sign on the bottom line. Very similar to an Infinity QX 60 and my wife thought it handled better and was a little nicer inside.
  18. I agree. Story got wayyyyy too slow in the build up with The Governor and their time at the prison. Farmer Rick was boring and many of the episodes seemed to drag. This season has been flying.
  19. I went on NADA.com through my businesses access and got some numbers for you. MSRP on 2015 EX AWD is $27,675 and invoice is $26,037.80. MSRP on 2015 2WD EX is $26,425 and invoice is $24,867.67. Sounds like they are giving you close to invoice, but please remember that they typically also receive incentives from Honda as well. Some dealers are up front about the incentives and others are not (if you google Honda dealer incentives, you might be able to get some good information on what they are getting). Demand on the CRV's are quite high, so I am surprised that they are close to invoice. I am in upstate NY and dealers around here were closer to $1,000 over invoice. You can also get good information from NADA on your trade in value. Stick with "clean wholesale" and do not budge from that number. What your trade-in looks like DOES make a difference so put it through the car wash and clean the interior. Good luck and PM me if you have any questions off the board.
  20. Rick's group is exactly what Alexandria needs to survive going forward and their leader clearly gets this. The inhabitants are a bunch of pampered, self absorbed high brow's that could not fight their way out of a paper bag. They turn and run like a bunch of pu$$!#$ when walkers show, but in the scene with Abraham, it appears from the reaction of one of the guys to stand and fight and the leader of the work crew to relinquish control to Abraham, that Rick's people are starting to rub off in a positive manner. The leader of Alexandria knows that they need warriors that have survived on the outside and are battle hardened and Rick's group fits the bill. Reminds me of the premise behind the Clint Eastwood movie High Plains Drifter. Father Gabriel's character is getting old with me. After all the times that they saved his bacon, he goes and warns them about Rick's group. Would like to see both him and the alcoholic doctor (that is drinking all of the Alexandria beer supply) banished outside the walls. Neither would last 5 minutes. I believe that it is only a matter of time before the people they banished look to come back and attempt a hostile take over. There was graffiti sprayed at Wiltshire Estates that said the "wolves are not far" and wonder if they are the same people that were exiled from Alexandria. I believe that Alexandria will be going to DEFCON 5 before the show closes out for the season.
  21. Sorry guys, but I am out for Wednesday. I have a meeting that I can't miss that afternoon. Plenty more opportunities down the road. Have fun and drink a cup of "tea" or two for me!
  22. Surprised they did not put poor Aiden out of his misery.
  23. The only thing that I can think of is that the NCAA tourney starts Thursday? That would be a good time for a "lunch meeting" and I may not even go back to work after.....
  24. "Those aren't PILLOWS...." We have to multitask and tailgate while eating lunch.
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