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Flutie Flakes

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Everything posted by Flutie Flakes

  1. A little homeopathic medicine could be just the ticket with a shrink administering it.....oh lord Rick is in trouble!!!! I always prefer a little medicinal brandy to cure what ails me.
  2. No $* Rick's not going anywhere. All I am saying is that the cut could threaten his life based upon a nasty infection and they will need to address it one way or another. Like DC Tom stated, proper antibiotics are in short supply and medical personnel in Alexandria are at this stage limited to a psychiatrist.
  3. I believe Rick's problem is going to be an infection that could potentially be life threatening. I enjoyed the TWD webisodes. Gave you some background on "bicycle girl" and some other interesting stories like Cold Storage that tied directly to TWD.
  4. I cannot imagine that they would kill Glenn off like this, but who knows. Strange that there were no tributes and he did not appear as a guest on Talking Dead, which seems to be SOP after a major character is killed. It sure looks like they are feeding on him, but I still think he is alive. Hard for them to smell him with all the blood and guts all around so it might be enough to effectively camouflage him from the walkers and waits it out under the dumpster.
  5. She wanted to have their livers with some fava beans and a nice chianti......
  6. I know that the guaranteed portion is as the name implies "guaranteed" and cannot be taken away. However, with his history of injuries and off the field antics, don't you think they would have included some covenants in his contract regarding the guaranteed portion of his pay. Also, if a player retires half way through the season and does not fulfill the terms of the original contract, I have to think that at a minimum, this would go to arbitration?
  7. They went back and forth a bit on this on the Talking Dead. Agreed that the "I'm sorry" comment was an indication that he killed him. Hopefully so because letting the others get away is going to bite them in the @$$ down the road.
  8. I still think they were putting together some kind of walker army. Maybe they capture people as "food" to keep their walkers strong and active. I am still trying to figure out why they had a truck filled with body parts outside of Wiltshire Estates? Then again, the one wolf was chopping away at that Alexandrian like a lumberjack, so maybe he needed a hobby....
  9. I am hoping that Morgan had an epiphany after killing the wolf he originally confronted. The wolves are like a pack of rabid animals and hopefully he is starting to realize that there is no reasoning with these people.
  10. One of my favorite episodes of TWD to date. Carol in her "wolves camo" was the highlight of the show and brought back memories of Terminus. She is absolutely brilliant! How did the Alexandrian's survive this long? Can't shoot straight, can't fight, completely helpless when the $&^# hits the fan and are lead by a Dianne Feinstein look alike who is completely inept at making decisions and leading her people when they are under attack. Darryl was spot on when he predicted to Rick that they need to continue to bring more survivors in to Alexandria.
  11. Amanda - I just read this and would like to extend my thoughts and prayers to your father. I enjoy his posts very much and this site would not be the same without him! It sounds like he is making good progress, which is wonderful to hear. All of our best to your dad!
  12. I took my family to NF this past summer. We did not see any cats, but I felt like I was in downtown New Delhi with all of the Indian restaurants around. Dirty and very tired looking restaurants and buildings downtown and the pungent smell of curry hung in the air on a hot July afternoon....
  13. Somebody set that walker trap up, which reminded me of an ant lion sand trap. Several walkers fell in while they were watching, so I could see it filling up rather quickly over time. Maybe not the Wolves, but possibly another group that is operating in the area. Could the Wolves be affiliated with another group and are the hunter/gatherers? As far as the signal theory using what sounded like tractor trailer truck horns, that is the equivalent of ringing a dinner bell and attracting a lot of unwanted attention from the living and the dead. I would think they would still have two way radios to communicate. I don't recall but didn't Aaron have a radio when he was following Rick's group initially?
  14. I believe that Gabriel's distrust and hatred of the group ended in last seasons finale when he, Sasha and Maggie all made up. I think you will see him take over more of the religious and counseling duties of the Alexandria community. It was a great episode last night. The special effects of the quarry scene were amazing and I liked the flash backs between black and white and current day color. That quarry coral I believe was designed by the Wolves as a way to destroy Alexandria. The Alexandrians stated that they exiled some people and it would not surprise me if they ended up with or are running the Wolves group. That trap they set up with the tractor trailers was well thought out and executed, so it would seem that they could have devised a larger version in an attempt to overwhelm Alexandria.
  15. It was in the book, but I cannot remember the details and let somebody borrow my copy. Knew they caused problems for the submarine in one of the water injection systems. Couldn't remember if it was ballast or the chill water to the power plant. Either way, their #$(#*@.
  16. In World War Z, didn't a submarine have problems with zombies clogging the water injection ports for the ballast tanks? Makes it tough when you can't get back to the surface....
  17. I agree, but the dramatic value of both of those helicopters turning away and the look on the chief physicians face when this happened was so powerful. She realized in an instant that all was lost. I wish she had joined the group as well, but like in TS 19, "opting out" to her was the best alternative when hope is lost.
  18. C'mon Eball, I have to agree with John that this is what makes a show like this fun. We all have our own opinions and as some would say, opinions are like @$$holes, everyone has one. I have a strong appreciation for movies and television that are attentive to detail and am only stating things that I have observed having been in the military myself. I understand that this is a fictional series, but they need to keep the military aspect credible. I am just pointing out things that I feel are not. Nothing more, nothing less. As for hobbies, thanks for the advice, but this is a blog so.....
  19. Boats/yachts create a hole in the water that you dump a lot of money into. It would be funny if they get on the boat and the damn thing is OOC.....plus a vessel like that will only get you so far on a tank of fuel and then what. I cannot see them spending much time next season on the boat. Agreed for occupation and civilian relief but around a MASH unit, which is considered a high value support operation, they would post regular Army and defend the parameter much better than what was portrayed. No air support in a large city either? Why wouldn't they have destroyed the arena with some heavy duty ordnance?
  20. Not asking too much for just one referee per game to know 100% of the rules is it?
  21. From a reality perspective, the show definitely would have benefited from having a military adviser on staff. If the rally point was around this MASH unit, where was the air/armor/fire base support? Some cluster munitions or napalm dropped from some planes would have wiped out that herd quite effectively. I am guessing that the primary base is where the Chinooks were going to evac everyone.
  22. Not to mention the new cameras they installed in all four endzone pylons. They have cameras all over the field yet they still $*#& it up.
  23. If my stomach is doing the talking, I will gladly give up any one of my "large" assortment of posts for MRAGS to cross the 10000 goal line. It's what a teammate does, not to mention the guy makes a killer garbage plate and his breakfast sandwiches are killer!
  24. When are suspensions and fines going to be handed out to refs that are just plain bad at what they do. How about terminating their employment??? For the life of me, I cannot understand how this continues to happen. The game is on the line and the "blown call" clearly effected the outcome and the $(#(#* refs don't know the rules. Really????
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