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Flutie Flakes

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Everything posted by Flutie Flakes

  1. Met him at the bar at the Marriott in Amherst. The fish fan I brought to the opener immediately recognized this guy and we talked to him for a few hours. To fish fans, this guy walks on water, but as I said before, he had no clue about the Bills. There was another reporter from the Sun Sentinel named Chris Perkins who was with Omar. Chris on the other hand was very knowledgeable about the Bills roster and staff and was much more down to earth. Great guy to talk to about both pro and college football.
  2. I can't believe that Noah is gone. How did these idiots survive for so long in Alexandria. They all seem very soft and clueless outside the walls and with all of the other groups out there looking to take places by force, I am surprised that they are still around. No lookouts, snipers in the towers, etc.
  3. Agreed. When this is your profession, you would think these guys would know much more than they do about not only their own team, but opposing teams in their division. He clearly did not.
  4. Didn't say it did....and for the record, he is a huge a-hole. Very opinionated and condescending know it all that did not know $&*# about the Bills.
  5. I met Omar Kelly when he was in Buffalo for the Bills/Fish game. He is indeed their beat writer and travels with the team. He is highly respected by fish fans and very much in the know.
  6. I don't know about mastery Gug since I was late in getting the stromboli out. There is no replacing the "Stromboli King"! Will definitely bring some Italian sausage from Garofalo's and maybe a bushel or two of clams... See you next week for lunch?
  7. I do not see any downside to Harvin's signing. One year deal to test the waters with this guy. Also keeps him away from *NE. He must have behaved well enough last season for Rex to want him back and gives us another weapon in our arsenal. Need a OG (wanted to see them bring in the guy from Atlanta, but sounds like he may go to St. Louis) and draft a few o-linemen for depth.
  8. I hate an offensive cow! From the immortal words of Tommy Boy...."you can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up a butcher's ass... No, wait. It's gotta be your bull." Speaking of T-bones, I need to put my order in with Boyst when he comes out of hiding....
  9. My wife was planning to replace her 2007 Honda CRV with a new 2015. She just test drove a Nissan Rogue earlier today and loves it. Some more creature comforts and less back and forth on price. They advertised the Rogue for $250 over invoice and gave my wife full trade-in value on her car per NADA. Honda dealers would not budge below $1000 over invoice on CRV and low balled her on trade. Also looked at Toyota RAV4 and Subaru. RAV4 was nice and the Subaru was also a great vehicle, but I hear that the Subaru's are very expensive to maintain and with the mileage my wife puts on a car, that was a major consideration. Good luck with the car search!
  10. I learned the pinky extension from the best....the Three Stooges! It was great meeting you as well and glad you could join us! You need to make the journey to the TBDHOT this year!
  11. The best fish and chips and very good company! The "tea" was also pretty damn good....tasted a lot like an IPA....
  12. That's correct, but this gives them a little more latitude in structuring his contract with less guaranteed money. Also gives them some more room for other players at other positions of need.
  13. Agreed, it is a very good deal for the Bills and McCoy. I love how they structured this deal with plenty of cap space left for OL help and to bring Hughes back.
  14. Personally, I would be happy if they held it at University of Albany (former site of Giants camp). However, SJF is a great facility and the location makes sense for the Bills and the majority of it's fans.
  15. I went to see the Bills play the Raiders in LA in the early 90's. It helped to have 5,000 other Bills Backers in our section, but there were no problems. Raider fans were more pi$$ed off with their team and marijuanavich at QB than they were with the Bills or their fans. Back to the topic....A BIG THANK YOU to Hammer for providing us a venue for our pre and post game tailgates. There is no other place that compares!
  16. Just pointing out to the previous poster that it was not 7M, but 28M. Not disputing his talent, but he is a classless a-hole to include Darryl's daughter in his Twitter rant. I want nothing more than to see him and his team get embarrassed on Sunday in line with what we did to the jints last Monday. Wish I could be there!
  17. Lil' Donte signed four year 28 mil deal with Brownies. In reading the article, he not only sparred with Bills players and the Bills organization on Twitter, he also included shots at Darryl Talley and even included his daughter. For that, he's a piece of $#*& in my opinion.
  18. "Here are your liberty passes from the Home For Aged and Infirm Referees for next weekend. I also got your paychecks from (fill in name of team that played the Bills). Please don't lose the pass or the check or it comes out of my old and tired @$$ (all laugh in unison). We gotta talk to these guys about direct deposit...if those Social Security people can do it, why can't these f'ing gm's...jeez. See you tonight for our evening toddy in the rec room? I hear their serving SOS on toast points tomorrow.....now that's living and with the extra coin we pocketed on these Bills this year, we can now stay at the home through next September!"
  19. Outstanding! I bought a new pair of Carhart coveralls that are insulated, but a heated tent....now we're talking! We'll have the bloody mary's going by 7:30. I am taking Mead's lead on parking spot, but we will be sure to stop by!
  20. Looking forward to getting back to Hammer's this weekend! Any other TBD'ers plan to be there? GO BILLS!!!
  21. Agreed, but my point was that you can have the very best video equipment, which is certainly helpful in reconstructing something, but where were the guards to intervene after this happened. I know it's only a 40 second clip, but they were field level. At the Ralph, something breaks out and they seem to be all over it pretty quickly, especially in the lower bowl.
  22. I love how they claim their video surveillance system is so state of the art, yet the guy that threw the punch still managed to get out of the stadium without being apprehended. Where the hell were the security guards? I have been to several other stadiums and even attended a Bills game at the Coliseum in LA when the Raiders played there. Never had a problem but I also never acted like a tool in someone else's stadium.
  23. This game scares me. Weak o-line and Williams is questionable at Safety. Bills need to dig deep and circle the wagons in Jersey on Sunday. 14 YEARS.....I'll throw in another C'MON MANNNNNNN!
  24. Talk about two words that don't belong together. How can one be embarrassed about a win.....wait, don't answer that question. UGLY WIN > PRETTY LOSS
  25. Kudos to Marcel who stepped up his game in a big way in the absence of KW. Watch out patsies* as we will have BOTH salt and pepper in the mix this week! GO BILLS!
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