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  2. Shedding the older players wasn't about control or leadership. It was about older players starting to get injured and this crew not able to beat KC. Beane had to come with a new approach.
  3. The mock aggregators had him as the 4th best WR across all the platforms they used. Yet you listed him as the 5th-8th WR. Nonsense. Howie got the team to the Super Bowl….and lost. If they drafted Jefferson and used the 1st rd pick they traded for Brown plus the salary they paid him on two different players maybe they WIN the Super Bowl instead of accomplishing nothing. Last I knew, making the Super Bowl means NOTHING. i never said a mock described JJ as a first ballot HoFer. Not even sure where you come up with this stuff half the time. It’s as if you think you’re so smart that you can just throw 💩 at the wall and hope that it sticks. It’s doesn’t. It just stinks.
  4. I recommend familysearch dot org because it is free (vs. ancestry dot com which charges). It is run by Church of LDS, who have archived a lot of the old church records. Once I entered a number of my relatives/ancestors, my tree merged with work that others had done which opened up a lot of new information. Only information about deceased relatives is made public.
  5. No disagreement here. I was speaking mainly of the weather/climate - much of the country is in 80s 90s and 100s and that's not exactly conducive to thinking about hockey. But I do have memories, albeit distant now, of WNY when the Sabres made runs for the cup and I know it is electric.
  6. I like either Blizzard or Mammoth. Preferably hope it's the Blizzard. Would be a cool name for a hockey team
  7. Thank God he's not trying to be the president of Texas!
  8. Nick O'Leary Did you know that he's Jack Nicklaus' grandson??? For the old timers like me, that was like hearing about Darby the Dinosaur every freaking week..
  9. Keep getting those boosters you healthy old man, you. Do your best not to do a Biden impression while you crap your pants you creepy, old geezer. Just so you know, you are old AND ignorant you not so sly sliver fox. Now it makes sense why you don't know which strain of bird flu is relevant today. H5N...something or other...lol. You're not a very smart man. This guy JFF is what is known as an NPC.
  10. Good points and I am glad you recognize that it is just your opinion, when many claim in this thread it is "a fact" no one "knows" for certain one this board .
  11. I think this is a great question. Without being in the locker room with the guys, it's hard to say who might emerge as a leader this season. We certainly need someone to step up with all the veteran leaders we've lost. In the past, Allen has said he displays his leadership by his play on the field. While leading by example is important, it's not the be-all/end-all of leadership. We need players who get other players to commit to "the process," pay attention in the meeting rooms, and execute on the practice field as well as the game field. I don't know if Josh has done a lot of that previously but he did say that he'll take a bigger role this year. I agree with most of your assessments. And in another thread, I advocated for Hyde's return for the very same reason: his leadership. If he wasn't 40 years old, I'd want Kyle Williams back too.
  12. Its the beginning of OTA,s Training camp hasn't even started. It's way to early to start panicking about anything. Especially the WR's.
  13. Reich and Kenneth Davis are the top two for sure. A lot of guys were backups for several years, but then became starters for several more. Not a lot of guys have long careers as a backup - they either start some day or get replaced by someone management thinks is better. Not sure all are eligible: Pete Metzelaars was maybe 50/50 backup/starter. AVP is your backup backup QB. Don Beebe, legend. Marcellus Wiley was a backup during most of his time as a Bill, no? Josh Reed Roscoe Parrish Mario Haggan
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