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  2. How will they get a white supremacist to do this? Because anything else looks bad on the Admin.
  3. True. Even better if your wife shoots dogs. But watch out, that kind of high-T woman will cheat on you with your boss's former campaign manager.
  4. Maybe if he got an 1800 he would know how to grill. Look at me I'm a normal person, I grill just like u. Hasn't cooked for himself since 1962.
  5. How isn't it? Did your mom pilot the grill growing up?
  6. Not the video the freaking Daily Mail report that we pretty much all know is likely - how they will replace Biden because the polls are terrible. And yes, no one will be on the ballot without Obama’s approval - not your voters. Democracy.
  7. Lol...How is your question even a question? It's going to be the biggest question and story the week of the game across all NFL coverage. And all kinds of people on this board have different opinions on the state of Bills...good and bad.
  8. Schumer is dopey, but in a way NYC people relate to. He's also really smart, and not shy about letting you know that. 1600 perfect SATs, etc.
  9. These are the people who believe you’re not a real man unless you sun your taint for 20 minutes every day and wrestle gorillas
  10. His turn now to humiliate the guy who peaked in high school.
  11. Agreed. For example, the Bills lost 6 games: all were 1 score games (one would have required a TD and 2 pt conversion). 2 were OT. The Rams lost 7 games; 5 were 1 score games, 1 in OT; only 1 was a blowout. I think the strategy is different when the teams are close I think Rodgers is actually a very intelligent man. But I think intelligence is often like the human neuronal equivalent of Kudzu: it requires regular, vigorous pruning and checking to keep it under control and in balance.
  12. Dopey Chuck can't even grill a burger but he's a ***** Senator. Can he tie his shoes? What a mess.
  13. Something makes me think Jesse Kelly (and, well, NCBills) wouldn't have benefited from those "advanced and gifted education" programs anyway. https://coaching.typepad.com/files/13-questions-for-jesse-kelly-that-must-be-answered-before-you-vote.pdf From back when Jesse was a political candidate in a Republican primary: As the co-founder of the Tucson Tea Party, I have had the great pleasure to meet and get to know many of my fellow Tea Partiers. I hope, in the course of the past year and a half, that you have come to trust what I have to say. And I hope you know that I would not say anything at all if I was not concerned for the direction of our country and our congressional district. The Tucson Tea Party does not make any endorsements, which has precluded me in the past from publicly asking questions or criticizing the candidates so that people may make up their own minds. However, given that I am no longer serving in that capacity, I cannot stay silent any longer. I have deep concerns about Jesse Kelly as a candidate for Congressional District 8 against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. This is because there are many questions surrounding Jesse Kelly about his background and integrity that have either gone unanswered or the answer has been insufficient to allay these concerns. I am presenting these questions to you below with an explanation so that you can ask Jesse Kelly's campaign for yourself. If Jesse Kelly cannot answer these questions from the people who may vote for him, then he certainly won't be able to answer them when Gabrielle Giffords crushes him with them. 1) Why won't Jesse Kelly release his full military performance evaluation? Jesse Kelly says that he was a squad leader in the Marines, but his campaign has lied about releasing his full evaluation, and then only released his discharge papers. Brian Miller and Jonathan Paton have both released their full performance evaluations to the Pima County GOP, but Jesse Kelly either has not or will not. What is Jesse Kelly hiding? 2) Why won't Jesse Kelly release his high school transcripts? Jesse Kelly failed his classes and dropped out of college during his freshman year. Therefore, we know that he has a high school level education. Even back then, how well did he do in U.S. History and Government?
  14. But Trump, who never said "break into the Capitol" and instead told people to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" is responsible, right? Is this another "subtext, yo" thing?
  15. A presidential Republic is a form of democracy. So in somehow being more specific, it's attacking the parent system? That's like saying distinguishing between a trumpet and a tuba is an attack on brass instruments.
  16. I think it's safe to say that is going to be a big game for a number of reasons. Bills are still looking to show they are one the beasts of the AFC, Texans are trying to prove they are for real, etc, etc. And this game could play a role in playoff seeding as well as both teams heading into the season as the betting favorites to win their divisions. Both teams have lots of new faces and 5 weeks into the season you would think those new players are or should be settling into their new teams and roles. But the big storyline is clearly going to be Allen and Diggs. And while they don't face each other on the field, you know they are both going to want to show they don't need the other and that their current teams made the best decision (Allen with Bills moving on vs Diggs with Texans acquiring him). So, who do you think comes out having the better individual game, Allen or Diggs? And bonus question: Who wins the game since having the better game doesn't always mean their team won?
  17. Can you explain how grilling is a “basic male activity” or whatever
  18. Yes, in politics today that is true. See, e.g., the Biden wanders off from photo shoot in France thread.
  19. It was the greatest single postseason QB performance in NFL history, and it wasn't particularly close.
  20. Chuck's dogs look pretty good. Needs a little more Buffalo char though. Grill lines shouldn't be so distinct.
  21. My colleague, a former Dem-turned-Independent (or so he says) also never saw the clip/full quote until I showed it to him. He didn't believe me until then.
  22. Based on the way you post. The junior GOP club definitely picked on you in high school. Made your life hell for 4 years.
  23. Ahhh, Chuck, Chuck....stop digging. Just admit it was a staged photo for Father's Day and get it over with, there's very little shame in that. But - telling people it's Fake Meat with tofu topping: The Phoney runs deep with this one. "Calm down people, it is not raw/cold, it is a veggie burger patty underneath a slice of tofu." Said Chuck Schumer, quoted in "Chuck Schumer deletes Father’s Day photo tweet in front of grill after critics slam his spatula skills" (NY Post). https://nypost.com/2024/06/16/us-news/chuck-schumer-deletes-fathers-day-photo-tweet-in-front-of-grill-after-critics-slam-his-spatula-skills/
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