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  2. In the segments where he's training with Moulds, who is the other guy training with him?
  3. I will not stand idly by while somebody disparages the wonder that is duct tape.
  4. I don’t think we’d get any more than a 6th for Clapp, as a depth (6-7) offensive lineman on most teams. We already have plenty of mid-late draft picks(with expected comp picks we have 3 4ths, 5th and 2 6ths), so trading our key depth for another doesn’t make sense. Clapp has played center and guard, and if any of our 3 starting interior lineman get hurt, he probably slots in the lineup (either at guard, or shifting McGovern to guard and taking over at center). We got lucky last year with a healthy oline, but shouldn’t count on it again this year. Quality Oline depth is more important than an 11th draft pick with little trade up value.
  5. I don't think the Chargers were completely blindsided by this. He was put on IR for a Heart Issue last season. This offseason, they signed Bradley Bozeman from Baltimore, who's started 77 of 96 games in his career. I take it you just assumed this and didn't look at who's still on the market for Centers. Unlike a lot of positions, the Center market still has some solid starting options available. Starting Centers like Connor Williams, Mason Cole, and (the other) Connor McGovern are still available as Free Agents. The Chargers have 26m in Cap Space still. They'll sign one of them if they don't think Bozeman's the guy. I don't think they'll have any interest in Clapp. We're not going to keep 3 Centers. McGovern is our Starting Center. He played the position in College and always felt he was more naturally fit there and has been itching to get back to it. If there were any doubt there, they'd have switched him back by now. SVPG is our Backup. He's as prepared as any Rookie possibly could be, being a 3 year starter at Georgia against the highest possible College competition. Neither are going to be cut. Clapp is a Camp Body, signed to no guarantees. He's only making this roster if one of them get hurt. If LA were to call, it's a no brainer. But I don't see them calling.
  6. I’ve been a “college student” longer than my oldest kids been alive so I don’t mind the $99 cost 😂
  7. They should not trade him back to the Chargers. McDermott and Clapp go together!
  8. I'm a really weird combination of avuncular and assho1e, which for reasons beyond my ken makes me uniquely well-suited for this role.
  9. Check THIS out. You can scroll through the FanDuel malarkey to 30 seconds and it gets right to some prevailing opinions. HA.
  10. If I was a Cleveland fan, I would hate him. I'd be counting the days until he was replaced. Unfortunately, due to the way his contract is structured, that's going to be a lot of days! 🤢
  11. They are torn. But yeah a lot of them are not fans of Watson. "Love the team, hate the QB." That's a tough place to be.
  12. I agree we're not going to keep 3 centers, but recall that McGovern did a nice job at LG. Early days yet, but you have a higher degree of confidence that McGovern will be all that and a bag of chips at C than I do.
  13. so Not to derail this into a Cleveland thread. But the "dawg pound" fans are disliking their QB eh? That's news to me
  14. Edit if you want to, but don't worry about it. I was just messing around with you.
  15. On my phone lol.. messed that up baaaaad. Didn't think it went through. Editing now lol.
  16. I find that if I say the same thing 5x in a row, it really starts hitting home around rep 4 or 5.
  17. Yeah, it's all s guess but I assume have models. Like I said, the NBA offers single team packages but at 80% to 90% of the full package. I assume if forced the NFL would do the same.
  18. Why LMAO at Browns being number 2? They are definitely miserable. I know a lot of them. To add on that they have been meh for decades and decades, they also have a qb that they all hate.
  19. The methodology behind the ranking is this. The guy who did this figured he had two options. 1) Invest the time necessary to do this the right way. Familiarize himself with multiple teams, across multiple sports, for both college and professional. 2) Do the online equivalent of cardboard and duct tape. By the time a person figures out it's not a good list, the site has already gotten that person's click. Guess which option he chose?
  20. Jefferson's likeness was carved into Mount Rushmore, well before 2020. That seems like a Hall of Fame thing to me. Oh. Wait. You were talking about Justin Jefferson, the WR. Never mind then.
  21. I just assumed 13 seconds was burned into all of our collective souls🤣
  22. I will admit to myself being triggered by anyone who commits sexual abuse when I write about perps here at TBD. It's a very ugly crime. But I would never wish him harm. But I don't have to wish him good either I'm glad his act is exposed and everyone knows who he is and what he did. And now starts for the Browns. Boooooooo . So anyway after saying that life moves forward and I leave hating to the bitter. he to me is a criminal rat of the most slimy sort. tainted franchise. Period.
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