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Cut Kelsay, keep Ellis and Bryan PLEASE!!

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even though he is a complete waste of a roster spot?


He's not as bad as everyone flames. Pretty good against the run, terrible at sacking the quarterback. I'd be happy if he could get consistent pressure on the QB...don't think i'll hold my breath. :rolleyes:

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even though he is a complete waste of a roster spot?

He is a DJ guy. Good locker room, good Friday practicer.


Ellis and Copeland could combine for 10 sacks the last 2 preseason games, and stonewall the run game. One of them is getting cut, Kelsay is starting, and the one who does not get cut will barely se the field until week 8 earliest.


sad testament.

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Please God, let this happen....that is all.....

You know, I was thinking the same thing. Kelsay is overpaid, he's getting on in years (making him a short-term solution), and his play is sub-par. We have guys like Bryan and Ellis, both of whom seem to have the potential to be solid role players/contributors for many years to come. It's not obvious to me that one or the other of those promising young players should be kicked off the roster in order to save space for an overpaid, aging veteran.


The problem is that Kelsay's contract--which he'd signed a few years ago--contained a high proportion of guaranteed money. Cutting him at this point would be tantamount to admitting that the front office's earlier decision to pay him all that guaranteed money may have been a mistake. From a selfish standpoint, individual people in the front office may feel motivated to pretend that the Kelsay extension was a good idea all along. And the way you do that is by keeping him here until the end (or very near the end) of his current deal. :rolleyes:

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You know, I was thinking the same thing. Kelsay is overpaid, he's getting on in years (making him a short-term solution), and his play is sub-par. We have guys like Bryan and Ellis, both of whom seem to have the potential to be solid role players/contributors for many years to come. It's not obvious to me that one or the other of those promising young players should be kicked off the roster in order to save space for an overpaid, aging veteran.


The problem is that Kelsay's contract--which he'd signed a few years ago--contained a high proportion of guaranteed money. Cutting him at this point would be tantamount to admitting that the front office's earlier decision to pay him all that guaranteed money may have been a mistake. From a selfish standpoint, individual people in the front office may feel motivated to pretend that the Kelsay extension was a good idea all along. And the way you do that is by keeping him here until the end (or very near the end) of his current deal. :wallbash:

Meh... easy way out, just blame it on Marv. :rolleyes:
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Everyone knows that Kelsay is overpaid. Everyone knows that Kelsay has absolutely no effect in the pass rushing department. Seriously, why has he made it along this far? He might not even be able to make many other team's roster, but he starts here? And over guys who are clearly looking better than him on the field? I hope this isn't what happens, but if the organization holds true to form he won't get cut. If this was a performance issue, he should've already been cut for the same reasons as they gave for Dockery.

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they will only keep 4 De's i bet, Maybin will be used as a backup linebacker on the roster and will be short at linebacker we cut denney, schobol and kelsay start with ellis and bryan spelling them. imo.

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