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I'm well aware that bikes are supposed to "follow the rules." But reality check- they don't. And they don't because it's simply not in their best interest.


I bike in and out of the loop in Chicago everyday, so I deal with a ton of motorist and see a ton of bikes. From what I gather my habits are on the conservative side of things.


I ALWAYs blow through stop signs, but always make it a point to make eye contact with converging drivers.


I also go through red lights, provided nobody's coming.


Hey Cat,


That is pretty dangerous man

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With on line bill pay....why would anyone even use a check?


No kidding. But then again, it's usually the older folks that still cling to checkbooks. Ugh.

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Ever try to stop a bike abruptly when travelling 15-25 mph?

Yes. When two roller bladers in front of me decided to just head over to the other side of the road to talk with their friend, without looking behind them to see if it was safe.

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Due to the achoholic nature of the wine would this not create a bit of discomfort to you?


But I do get your point....my wife is always on me about not argueing or PO'ing the waitstaff because we dont know what they are going to do to our food or drink.

In another life back in my school days I was a bartender and dealt with a lot of servers. Word to the wise, wait until you have your food if you are going to be a jerk. Most servers are good people and don't screw with your stuff, but you'll get a crazy one every now and then.

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Luckily I didn't spill, but the squealing tires as I pulled on the brake handles got their attention.


I yell. So many times people holding their cell phones in their left hand walk right into the bike lane waiting to cross the road and stop RIGHT in my path. They have no idea that I (all 220 helmeted lbs of me) am barreling at them between 10-20 mph. So, in their best interest I give my deepest Viking "HEY!"


They jump out the way, often times screaming, sometimes dropping their phones all together.


If a person opens their car door and picks off a biker in a bike lane, they're fined for interfering with traffic- this on top of the stress of having just killed a human. Anyways, it's unfortunate that more pedestrians (mainly 20 something females) don't heed more attention to a fast and potentially painful vehicle.



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Boy, this really seems to bother you.


Implied threats of toxins introduced in served food.


Telling me to eschew eateries.


Personal attacks.


Implying that not buying into a so-called "commonly accepted"sappy phrase should dump me (the payee) into the ditch and put me at risk of a person spitting on my food.


This is a pet peeve thread. I put forth some. For some reason, my words moved you to fire off words. Toss out personal invectives.



The only thing to be learned out of your ba-de-ba is the hope that I and others aren't the receiving end of a plate you may drop on our booth.


Lighten up... :angry:


EDIT: Your words do a disservice to the better waiters and waitresses worldwide.



I thought I'd chime in here because for years I've been in the service industry.


I have worked some of the finest restaurants in Palm Beach and was a Bartender at a couple of Sports pubs here. I've been an on site wine expert and now Manage one of the nicer restaurants here in South Florida. My thought on this is this: You get what you pay for. If you go to a nice restaurant and I don't mean Outback Steakhouse. I'm talking about somewhere where a 100 dollars a plate is a cheap dinner. If you're dining at such a place and your server says "No Problem" at any request by you then he does not belong there, unless he has built a certain rapport with you then it might and I stress MIGHT be acceptable.

On the other hand if you're at Applebee's and a sever says those same words then I don't see where that's wrong.

The difference being this: Someone working at a finer dining establishment is doing it as a professional in most cases. Also in most cases they are trained as a professionals by people who care about where they work. If you look on the other side of that coin you'll see someone working at an average restaurant. They are usually there as a part time job or just to get through college or maybe a housewife trying to make a little on the side for the family. Either way I can see your point if you were expecting a nice dinner but you don't go to McDonald's and expect a great, juicy, 1/2lb hamburger. I'm sure if you were making 40 dollars a shift and were expected to deal with the a**holes that thought they were better then you all day then maybe you'd give 2 sh!ts if a customer complained. If people treated a lot of the servers and bartenders out there better then maybe they would treat the customer better. I'm sorry if that deal doesn't work out for some people but that's the way it is. Bottom Line: You get what you pay for.

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I hate when people are exiting a confined space, specific examples being a revolving door or an escalator, and as soon as they get out/off, they simply stand right there scratching their ass, figuring out where to go next. Nothing makes you appear so self-absorbed than having a complete disregard for the five people behind you who are then forced to use cat-like reflexes to avoid bumping into you. This usually happens at airports, bringing the luggage into the equation as well. What a disaster.


Get thru the revolving door, take 10 steps or so to clear the walkway for those behind you, and THEN scratch your ass and figure out where you need to be.


I've got a similar one. People who stand in front of the subway gate things (I hate that I can't call them turnstiles anymore) and dig through their pockets in search of change or their pass. 5 people are behind you ready to walk through, step to the side.

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people who get coffee and stand there right in front of the cream and sugar and precisely mix their coffee, so as no one else is able to add their cream and sugar...its like the soup nazi episode....add your cream and sugar and move along and mix it up and put lid on......get out of my goddamed way

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Boy, this really seems to bother you.


Implied threats of toxins introduced in served food.


Telling me to eschew eateries.


Personal attacks.


Implying that not buying into a so-called "commonly accepted"sappy phrase should dump me (the payee) into the ditch and put me at risk of a person spitting on my food.


This is a pet peeve thread. I put forth some. For some reason, my words moved you to fire off words. Toss out personal invectives.



The only thing to be learned out of your ba-de-ba is the hope that I and others aren't the receiving end of a plate you may drop on our booth.


Lighten up... :angry:


EDIT: Your words do a disservice to the better waiters and waitresses worldwide.


I am not a waiter, but I have been a waiter and bartender plenty in my past. I have never and would never make an "addition" to a customer's plate, regardless of what they said or did, and it wasn't me who insinuated that earlier in the thread. Of course, I was one of the "better" waiters and never had an issue with a customer that wasn't easily defused.


I realize this is a thread about pet peeves. Those are yours, that's fine by me.


I guess I just can't imagine getting to a place in life where someone is SERVING me food and drinks, while I sit with friends and/or family having a good time, and I make a brief request, the server says "No problem" and returns with the item I requested....And I'm pissed off because now he's a self-referential prick.


"No problem? Why, was there going to be a problem?" You recommend this response when your server utters the dreaded N.P. And you said the server is pithy?


I can't imagine getting to a place in life where I toss aside servers as plate-shuttlers, and yet demand that they speak to me with reverence, because I am holding the almighty dollar, they are SERVING ME for two hours, and I will make them dance for it.


Language evolves. Words and phrases are not necessarily defined by definitions, they are defined by the way adults use them. I see someone uttering the phrase "No problem" as a response, just as they might say "Yes sir" or "Certainly." They might say "Sure" the next time you ask them for something, just the same as they uttered "No problem." It just doesn't seem like something you should look at literally, or look at as being said by a self-absorbed person. They are simply using the common and accepted form of saying "Of course!"


Trust me, this doesn't bother me...I just can't imagine how joyless the rest of your day must be if a waiter's saying, "No Problem" gets under your skin.

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It's one thing to roll slowly through so you don't lose your balance, but you don't get much sympathy from me if you blow through the stop sign/light at full speed.


I'd say 2/3 of the bikers I see on the roads have zero understanding or regard for traffic rules (or they just don't understand that those rules apply to bikes as well). Of course, I work in NYC so I may be jaded about bikers that routinely cut off or hit pedestrians.


Friday a bicyclist blew through a 4-way stop. The cop was at the intersection, made the right turn and pulled him over I went into the parking lot ahead and could see him giving the guy a ticket! :angry:

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No kidding. But then again, it's usually the older folks that still cling to checkbooks. Ugh.



It's the monetarily challenged. If you don't get paid until Thursday, you can cut a bad check on Wednesday knowing you'll deposit your funds after work the next day.

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Funny - I was just thinking about this this weekend. First to get my stand-by's out of the way


1) People who don't know how to make left hand turns - GET IN THE FREAKING MIDDLE OF THE INTERSECTION AND GO WHEN THE LIGHT TURNS


2) Yes - people who pay with checks


3) People who let their babies or brats scream incessantly at restaurants. Whenever we went out when my kids were babies/toddlers (twins mind you) - we ALWAYS made a point to remove the kids from the situation and take them away/outside if they were making a lot of noise


3) A-hole parents who raise a-hole kids.

3a) (This happened to me this weekend and has been happening with increasing regularity)

A-hole parents who bring their a-hole kids to the beach - don't bring a single sand toy or anything to play with, don't move a muscle to play with their kid, and send their obnoxious kid over for me to babysit (we bring all types of balls, boards, sand toys etc. - some people seem to interpret this as being some kind of free beach day care) - totally interfering with my time with my kids and my family. Story too long to go into - but one of the worst pair of kids I've ever dealt with this weekend - rude, obnoxious jerks. One time - true story - this big fat lady, a ways away, points to us and tells her little kid "Go play with them" (without saying a word to us) - then rolls over like a beach whale and actually went to sleep for over an hour :nana:

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With on line bill pay....why would anyone even use a check?

We do, in addition to using online bill pay -- simply because some online bill pay services are better and more reliable than others.


And there are still businesses where a check is a preferred method of payment, like our apartment complex. No cash, just checks or money orders accepted. Sure, we could set up online bill pay to cut a check and mail it to them, but we'd rather pay an important bill like that in person.

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