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That's fine, you and about 25% of all motorists here in Chicago!


If you want to be a jerk about it, that's fine with me. Usually when someone is cussing me out (even though I can't hear them), I simply respond by giving them the biggest, stupidest grin I can muster. It still PEEVES me though!


If you want to talk about the legality involved and how bike laws SHOULD be in a biker's favor, that's fine too! :angry:

Now you see, we have a difference of opinion. I see someone who doesn't follow 'the rules of the road' as a jerk. I have to stop at red lights, cross walks, stop signs. No reason someone who chooses to ride on two wheels shouldn't too.


Ah well...agree to disagree.

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And this reads exactly how I would have perceived the situation before I myself began sharing the road with cars, busses, and trucks.


And what, realized that being on a bike suddenly granted you right of way over all other vehicles in all situations?


I've ridden bikes on the road too and it would never occur to me to presume that a car at an intersection ahead of me should wait to see whether or not I choose to ignore the stop sign and cut in front of him.


Everyone on the road doesn't need to make special accommodation to you just because it's too hard to peddle from a stopped position.

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Now you see, we have a difference of opinion. I see someone who doesn't follow 'the rules of the road' as a jerk. I have to stop at red lights, cross walks, stop signs. No reason someone who chooses to ride on two wheels shouldn't too.


Ah well...agree to disagree.


Then I didn't articulate my "peeve" well enough because I am totally aware of the difference of opinion. The problem being, knowing that when I drove through the city I felt the same way about bikers as all of you, and that now I'm a biker my perception has done a total 180- it worries me to no end that drivers often take their safety advantage HUGELY for granted.


My point is, if you're already stopped at a four way intersection, is it really too much to ask to wait an extra second for the biker to continue through? It surely doesn't affect YOUR life that much, and in the process makes the bikers' commute 100 times easier/faster/safer.

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Then I didn't articulate my "peeve" well enough because I am totally aware of the difference of opinion. The problem being, knowing that when I drove through the city I felt the same way about bikers as all of you, and that now I'm a biker my perception has done a total 180- it worries me to no end that drivers often take their safety advantage HUGELY for granted.


My point is, if you're already stopped at a four way intersection, is it really too much to ask to wait an extra second for the biker to continue through? It surely doesn't affect YOUR life that much, and in the process makes the bikers' commute 100 times easier/faster/safer.

You are taking your safety disadvantage hugely for granted. I am following the law, as you should.

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And what, realized that being on a bike suddenly granted you right of way over all other vehicles in all situations?


I've ridden bikes on the road too and it would never occur to me to presume that a car at an intersection ahead of me should wait to see whether or not I choose to ignore the stop sign and cut in front of him.


Everyone on the road doesn't need to make special accommodation to you just because it's too hard to peddle from a stopped position.


Is it everyone on the road? Or is this the one or two guys I'll actually pass in a similar situation in the process of riding 30 blocks?


Now if I was making 30 different drives stop and wait for me, then yeah, I'd be a dicque.

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Is it everyone on the road? Or is this the one or two guys I'll actually pass in a similar situation in the process of riding 30 blocks?


Now if I was making 30 different drives stop and wait for me, then yeah, I'd be a dicque.


That's irrelevant. You are arguing that safety is improved by having one party arbitrarily ignoring the traffic laws that are designed specifically to keep everyone safe. You are putting the onus on another person to anticipate and assume that you are going to break the law and expecting them to react (potentially at harm to themselves) just so you can have the convenience of going faster.


What happens when the car starts up, suddenly sees you cutting in front of him, slams on his brakes, and gets rear ended by the guy behind him who started moving up? Sucks for him, but at least you're not late for work.


And yet your 'safety disadvantage' is a result of the relative size of the vehicle?





They come to a complete stop as required by law. :lol:


Well....most of them do anyway. :angry:

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I don't live in NC. I feel sorry for your experience. According to your lights, no one is safe from disease unless one suffers Finkle-like feality to the staff at the place where you fork over your cash.


So we must spend our money with deep humbleness, never upsetting this food service intelligensia, lest we upset these superior beings that shuttle plates. Right?


If they are nothing more than a "plate shuttler" to you, then why are you so damn worried about what they say?


Talk about self-referential? Goddam man, eat at home if its so bothersome, you can B word till your heart's content. That way, it can be ALL about YOU.


I have no problem (Hahaha! get it?) with people expecting good service from restaurant employees who are working for their tips. But getting upset over A COMMONLY ACCEPTED PHRASE that means "Of course" is just ridiculous. It's so common, a server isn't implying that it WOULD be a problem, it is simply a saying that is understood to signify confirmation of your request.


Crotchety old bastards like you usually are a problem, though.

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I am sick and tired of watching able bodied folks where I work push the handicapped button to automatically open exit doors. Ferchrissakes people, open the friggin doors the old fashioned way. A push or pull aint gonna kill you. Every stinkin time I'm goin in or out some lazy mofo has to STOP to push the button, then WAIT until the door opens and finally they can walk through. Meanwile I'm standing behind your lazy waffle butt waitin and waitin. Those buttons get more action than Willis at Dave & Buster's. Then, when someone actually needs them...guess what? They don't fuggin work because all you lazy suckers have worn the damn thing out!


Opening a door aint gonna kill ya. :angry:


I have to catch myself doing it....it isn't because I am lazy I think the "child" in me comes out that cant help but push the buttons......


I am serious...:lol:

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My own pet peeve that I am developing.....well one that has bothered me for years and one just recently


- When you are at the gym......if you want to have a conversation....GET OFF THE EFFIN MACHINE THAT I WANT TO USE. I have no problem waiting....i can use something else and come back....but when I come back 30 minutes later and YOU ARE STILL ON IT not having done anything....carrying on the same conversation with your @sshole friend then yeah I am going to be peaved. I have a bad back and there is only this certain one I can use without pain. This guy is having a convo with his buddy and people are coming up asking him if he is finished and he says no and does ONE REP on the damn thing glares then down...then stops when they leave. Finally I just walk over and tell him its the last station in my workout and if he isn't going to use it to the the @uck off it (nowadays I dont consider myself to be macho...but I was just frustrated at the lack of consideration for others) he looked at me with this "WTF is your problem" and left.


- I understand that overweight people need to use the stairmaster shoot....I myself am not at a perfect weight and have been VERY overweight in the past....I understand that even woman can sweat perfusely when it is hot....I myself am a "sweater" BUT I BRING A SWEAT TOWEL OR I DONT USE THE CARDIO EQUIPMENT.....this heavyset lady gets off the stairmaster....walks by me and gets on the treadmill looking like she is going to have a heart attack (smelling to high heaven) I go to the stairmaster I am waiting for.......its COVERED with nasty sweat. Before I realized what I was saying I said in a loud voice "THAT IS EFFIN GROSS....WHO SWEAT ALL OVER THIS THING" and half the room turns and looks at me. I didn't want to embarris her....but jesus cant you bring a towl and wipe down the equipment knowing that you perspire profusely? They sell really nice ones at the front for $5 or you can get one from Wallmart less then a block over for a buck.

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- I understand that overweight people need to use the stairmaster shoot....I myself am not at a perfect weight and have been VERY overweight in the past....I understand that even woman can sweat perfusely when it is hot....I myself am a "sweater" BUT I BRING A SWEAT TOWEL OR I DONT USE THE CARDIO EQUIPMENT.....this heavyset lady gets off the stairmaster....walks by me and gets on the treadmill looking like she is going to have a heart attack (smelling to high heaven) I go to the stairmaster I am waiting for.......its COVERED with nasty sweat. Before I realized what I was saying I said in a loud voice "THAT IS EFFIN GROSS....WHO SWEAT ALL OVER THIS THING" and half the room turns and looks at me. I didn't want to embarris her....but jesus cant you bring a towl and wipe down the equipment knowing that you perspire profusely? They sell really nice ones at the front for $5 or you can get one from Wallmart less then a block over for a buck.

If the gym doesn't provide moist towelettes (anti bacterial/fungal whatever) for wiping down equipment, they should. Nasty germies in gyms.

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My own pet peeve that I am developing.....well one that has bothered me for years and one just recently


- When you are at the gym......


- I understand that overweight people need to use the stairmaster shoot....


Wow, what a coincidence. Your 2 are close to mine:

- People engaging in non-stop conversations while on cardio machines. At my small gym, there are three particular two-somes who specialize in this. The come to the gym together, get on adjacent machines and yap away while working out at 3 miles/hr for 30 minutes. Then each follows the other around the gyum continuing their endless convo. Of the three groups, two are female only and one is male only. And a friend told me to 'crank up your mp3 player' so I can't hear them.

- People not wiping down machines after they are done. No matter whether or not you sweat, wipe when you are done. Now I am in the habit of wiping before and after I get on any machine

- People not indicating before a turn or lane change

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If they are nothing more than a "plate shuttler" to you, then why are you so damn worried about what they say?


Talk about self-referential? Goddam man, eat at home if its so bothersome, you can B word till your heart's content. That way, it can be ALL about YOU.


I have no problem (Hahaha! get it?) with people expecting good service from restaurant employees who are working for their tips. But getting upset over A COMMONLY ACCEPTED PHRASE that means "Of course" is just ridiculous. It's so common, a server isn't implying that it WOULD be a problem, it is simply a saying that is understood to signify confirmation of your request.


Crotchety old bastards like you usually are a problem, though.

Boy, this really seems to bother you.


Implied threats of toxins introduced in served food.


Telling me to eschew eateries.


Personal attacks.


Implying that not buying into a so-called "commonly accepted"sappy phrase should dump me (the payee) into the ditch and put me at risk of a person spitting on my food.


This is a pet peeve thread. I put forth some. For some reason, my words moved you to fire off words. Toss out personal invectives.



The only thing to be learned out of your ba-de-ba is the hope that I and others aren't the receiving end of a plate you may drop on our booth.


Lighten up... :angry:


EDIT: Your words do a disservice to the better waiters and waitresses worldwide.

Edited by stuckincincy
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Another peeve I have is when people talk to you about how great a book is and then lend it to you unprompted. My old boss would do this to me all the time. He would drop a book on my desk, give me a spiel on how great it was, and recommend I read it. Dude, I've got books in the queue. If I really wanted to read it, I would ask to loan your copy. Don't presume that because you liked it you need to pass it on unprompted! I know the practice comes from a place of friendliness, but it's annoying.

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I got one, I work in a very small office about 25 employees.........probably 15 guys. We have a bathroom that has two stalls and two urinals and this one guy (he's extremely weird) is always riding shotgun in the other stall when I'm trying to take a dump. I mean, I understand if its an emergency but just give me my 5 minutes of privacy while I dominate and then you can have your turn. I don't need to hear you grunting & farting up a storm while I'm trying to read my paper in peace. And he does the strangest thing.....he flushes the toilet at least 6-7 times when in there......no BS. I've heard of a "courtesy flush" but what in the hell could you be eating that would warrent flushing that much. I don't like talking about people behind their back so I try not to engage in conversation about anothers bathroom habits but its kind of become an inside joke around here about the "mad flusher" and his weird habits.


Oh my god....I am at work and you have ROLLING......

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There isn't going to be a problem that you're going to be aware of sir. I'll just be in the back licking your steak and dipping my balls in your wife's wine.


If you ever think you are getting one over on a waiter/waitress, I feel sorry for you.




Due to the achoholic nature of the wine would this not create a bit of discomfort to you?


But I do get your point....my wife is always on me about not argueing or PO'ing the waitstaff because we dont know what they are going to do to our food or drink.

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