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2. Servers who say "No Problem". If you would like to experience dead air, reply " No problem? Why? Was there going to be a problem?". Dead air.


There isn't going to be a problem that you're going to be aware of sir. I'll just be in the back licking your steak and dipping my balls in your wife's wine.


If you ever think you are getting one over on a waiter/waitress, I feel sorry for you.

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That's fine, but it never even occurred to me that "no problem" would be commonly considered impolite. I mean, if it was an undertaker who said "no problem" after he had mistakenly put the wrong body in a casket....that's one thing. But if I ask for wheat bread instead of marble rye and the waiter says "no problem," then I'm not going to bat an eye


like i said, i may not agree with it being said, but i for one won't make a big deal out of it, but i have seen other people make scenes it places because of it being used.... in fact, just the other morning my gf and i were out to breakfast and the waitress actually spilled a little water on the table and it got on me and she kept apologizing and i kept saying " no problem" ....


Might be the fact that in my job me saying no problem can open up a huge can of worms is why i find it bothersome when i hear someone saying it to me.

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It's one thing to roll slowly through so you don't lose your balance, but you don't get much sympathy from me if you blow through the stop sign/light at full speed.


I'd say 2/3 of the bikers I see on the roads have zero understanding or regard for traffic rules (or they just don't understand that those rules apply to bikes as well). Of course, I work in NYC so I may be jaded about bikers that routinely cut off or hit pedestrians.




I'm well aware that bikes are supposed to "follow the rules." But reality check- they don't. And they don't because it's simply not in their best interest.


I bike in and out of the loop in Chicago everyday, so I deal with a ton of motorist and see a ton of bikes. From what I gather my habits are on the conservative side of things.


I ALWAYs blow through stop signs, but always make it a point to make eye contact with converging drivers.


I also go through red lights, provided nobody's coming.

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There isn't going to be a problem that you're going to be aware of sir. I'll just be in the back licking your steak and dipping my balls in your wife's wine.


If you ever think you are getting one over on a waiter/waitress, I feel sorry for you.



exactly the reason i will let the no problem thing slide especially in a resturant

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I never said i make a big deal when people say it, because i am sure it comes out of my mouth at times, but there is nothing wrong expecting someone who is in the customer service fields to be concerned with the words coming out of their mouth and how they sound. the bigger problem are the people who let it affect the tip they leave or raise a scene about it. If the service is good i can let slip a few phrases that may not be the most acceptable to use....


I can understand that, but a waiter saying "No problem" is getting a little picky, don't you think? It is a common phrase that simply means, "Yes sir," "Right away" etc. I can understand being a little put off if you ask for another drink and the waiter says, "Right on bro" or something along those lines...But c'mon!


I much prefer a waiter who is personable and "real," rather than some jamoke who's putting on a big charade and using all of the "proper" terms that sound rehearsed and stiff.

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I'm well aware that bikes are supposed to "follow the rules." But reality check- they don't. And they don't because it's simply not in their best interest.


I bike in and out of the loop in Chicago everyday, so I deal with a ton of motorist and see a ton of bikes. From what I gather my habits are on the conservative side of things.


I ALWAYs blow through stop signs, but always make it a point to make eye contact with converging drivers.


I also go through red lights, provided nobody's coming.

Don't get me started Cat!


Bikes belong on roads/streets/avenues that have bike lanes. Bikes do not belong in a lane of traffic.

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I can understand that, but a waiter saying "No problem" is getting a little picky, don't you think? It is a common phrase that simply means, "Yes sir," "Right away" etc. I can understand being a little put off if you ask for another drink and the waiter says, "Right on bro" or something along those lines...But c'mon!


I much prefer a waiter who is personable and "real," rather than some jamoke who's putting on a big charade and using all of the "proper" terms that sound rehearsed and stiff.



good point, like i said i am pretty laid back but it may just be my training that is why it bothers me when i hear it... or maybe it's resentment that i can't use it in my job :angry:

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I'm well aware that bikes are supposed to "follow the rules." But reality check- they don't. And they don't because it's simply not in their best interest.


I bike in and out of the loop in Chicago everyday, so I deal with a ton of motorist and see a ton of bikes. From what I gather my habits are on the conservative side of things.


I ALWAYs blow through stop signs, but always make it a point to make eye contact with converging drivers.


I also go through red lights, provided nobody's coming.

Not in their best interest? That's laughable.


Let me modify your words...


I'm well aware that cars are supposed to "follow the rules." But reality check- they don't expect some fool on a bike to fly through an intersection. And they don't because they're shielded by 2 tons of steel, whereas a biker better watch out for himself or he will become a road stain in the blink of an eye.

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before we blast people for being irritated by minor things, lets keep in mind that this thread is about pet peeves, as far as i am concerned that is what pet peeves are all about....little things that just irk you...they don't have to make sense to others, they just simply bug you...

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good point, like i said i am pretty laid back but it may just be my training that is why it bothers me when i hear it... or maybe it's resentment that i can't use it in my job :angry:

Now that I think of it, I do get annoyed when people call me "chief" or "boss." So I guess we all have our peevish phrases.

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Not in their best interest? That's laughable.


Let me modify your words...


I'm well aware that cars are supposed to "follow the rules." But reality check- they don't expect some fool on a bike to fly through an intersection. And they don't because they're shielded by 2 tons of steel, whereas a biker better watch out for himself or he will become a road stain in the blink of an eye.




And at a 4 way stop sign, it would take a car BLOWING through the stop sign to actually cause any damage. A guy accelerating and slamming his breaks on 15 feet later isn't that much of a threat.


The problem is, cars do precisely that, trying to beat bikes through an interesection. They see you coming then try and gun it back through even though by the time they've made this decision you've got your front tire on the cross walk and you're CLEARLY not showing any signs of stopping.


Then the biker nearly crashes trying to slam on his breaks, and the guy is leaning out his window yelling at the biker.


The point is this: you saw me coming, you knew I wasn't going to stop, so rather than wait a second and a half, you now caused a clusterphuck in the process of trying to make your point.

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I'm well aware that bikes are supposed to "follow the rules." But reality check- they don't. And they don't because it's simply not in their best interest.


I bike in and out of the loop in Chicago everyday, so I deal with a ton of motorist and see a ton of bikes. From what I gather my habits are on the conservative side of things.


I ALWAYs blow through stop signs, but always make it a point to make eye contact with converging drivers.


I also go through red lights, provided nobody's coming.


Well, just don't come crying when some guy cuts in front of you and you end up over his hood. That happened a couple times here in NY a few months back and there was all sort of pissing and moaning about the fate of the poor dead riders who by all accounts also couldn't be bothered with something as silly as traffic laws.

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And at a 4 way stop sign, it would take a car BLOWING through the stop sign to actually cause any damage. A guy accelerating and slamming his breaks on 15 feet later isn't that much of a threat.


The problem is, cars do precisely that, trying to beat bikes through an interesection. They see you coming then try and gun it back through even though by the time they've made this decision you've got your front tire on the cross walk and you're CLEARLY not showing any signs of stopping.


Then the biker nearly crashes trying to slam on his breaks, and the guy is leaning out his window yelling at the biker.


The point is this: you saw me coming, you knew I wasn't going to stop, so rather than wait a second and a half, you now caused a clusterphuck in the process of trying to make your point.

So, laws don't apply to you because your on a two wheeler? Sorry Cat, I'm blowing through that intersection if I have the right of way.

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Sweet. Nothing like being a prick to the $18K/year guy bringing your food to your table so you can enjoy a meal. How dare the waiter replace, "Yes master, I am at your service" with "No problem." Get over yourself.


Buzz off.


That very utterance by a server - they are there to make money by the simple act of writing down a customer's requests, shuttling it to another, then hauling plates back to a table - not exactly back-breaking, hazardous duty - that in response to a simple word by a customer (the ones that ultimately pay them)- like a "thank you" - when they make that fantastic accomplishment of dropping a plate on a table...is pithy.


The better waiters never utter such self-referential pap.



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People that buy a used PoS car then spend more than the car is worth to pimp out their hoopty with oversized tires and spinnters, an ugly paint job, a spoiler, and half assed tint job. Last but not least, add a sound sytem worth more than the car and rest of the pimp accessories combined.


Then to add insult to injury, add a "In Memory" sticker :angry:


Another pet peeve...SUVs with "No blood for oil" bumper stickers

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So, laws don't apply to you because your on a two wheeler? Sorry Cat, I'm blowing through that intersection if I have the right of way.


That's fine, you and about 25% of all motorists here in Chicago!


If you want to be a jerk about it, that's fine with me. Usually when someone is cussing me out (even though I can't hear them), I simply respond by giving them the biggest, stupidest grin I can muster. It still PEEVES me though!


If you want to talk about the legality involved and how bike laws SHOULD be in a biker's favor, that's fine too! :angry:

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And at a 4 way stop sign, it would take a car BLOWING through the stop sign to actually cause any damage. A guy accelerating and slamming his breaks on 15 feet later isn't that much of a threat.


The problem is, cars do precisely that, trying to beat bikes through an interesection. They see you coming then try and gun it back through even though by the time they've made this decision you've got your front tire on the cross walk and you're CLEARLY not showing any signs of stopping.


Then the biker nearly crashes trying to slam on his breaks, and the guy is leaning out his window yelling at the biker.


The point is this: you saw me coming, you knew I wasn't going to stop, so rather than wait a second and a half, you now caused a clusterphuck in the process of trying to make your point.


This is an even worse attitude. So even though the car has the legal right of way, he's supposed to slam on his brakes because a biker thinks it's too inconvenient to follow the same traffic laws? Since when is everyone on the road required to wait for any and all bicycles to do whatever the hell they want? :angry:


Bikers who do this are creating an unsafe environment for everyone around them. It's the height of selfishness. After reading this thread I have even less sympathy for bikes than I used to.

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Buzz off.


That very utterance by a server - they are there to make money by the simple act of writing down a customer's requests, shuttling it to another, then hauling plates back to a table - not exactly back-breaking, hazardous duty - that in response to a simple word by a customer (the ones that ultimately pay them)- like a "thank you" - when they make that fantastic accomplishment of dropping a plate on a table...is pithy.


The better waiters never utter such self-referential pap.




I know by reading this that neither you nor anyone you've ever been close with EVER worked in the service industry. It's funny you mention "back-breaking" because as luck would have it, being on your feet and hustling 8hrs a day actually does take its toll on a server's back!

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This is an even worse attitude. So even though the car has the legal right of way, he's supposed to slam on his brakes because a biker thinks it's too inconvenient to follow the same traffic laws? Since when is everyone on the road required to wait for any and all bicycles to do whatever the hell they want? :angry:


Bikers who do this are creating an unsafe environment for everyone around them. It's the height of selfishness. After reading this thread I have even less sympathy for bikes than I used to.


And this reads exactly how I would have perceived the situation before I myself began sharing the road with cars, busses, and trucks.

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There isn't going to be a problem that you're going to be aware of sir. I'll just be in the back licking your steak and dipping my balls in your wife's wine.


If you ever think you are getting one over on a waiter/waitress, I feel sorry for you.


I don't live in NC. I feel sorry for your experience. According to your lights, no one is safe from disease unless one suffers Finkle-like feality to the staff at the place where you fork over your cash.


So we must spend our money with deep humbleness, never upsetting this food service intelligensia, lest we upset these superior beings that shuttle plates. Right?

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