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people who wave you on at stop signs


Keep your foot on the brake pedal, and wave 'em on. Most all are just being courteous, but some are setting you up for a crash and a phony insurance claim.


Never prematurely cut into a marked turning lane, either. I was once pulled over by a local policeman for doing that. No ticket - he told me that there are crumbs out there who love to see such and then legally enter the lane causing a crash so they can run a scam.

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Keep your foot on the brake pedal, and wave 'em on. Most all are just being courteous, but some are setting you up for a crash and a phony insurance claim.


Never prematurely cut into a marked turning lane, either. I was once pulled over by a local policeman for doing that. No ticket - he told me that there are crumbs out there who love to see such and then legally enter the lane causing a crash so they can run a scam.

I've been told by defensive driving instructions exactly what you said, don't go

but the local sheriff deputy in the newspaper says go, people are just being nice, I'd almost buy

that if it wasn't alway a suburban or expedition doing the waving when I'm in a car, I think its a power thing

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I've been told by defensive driving instructions exactly what you said, don't go

but the local sheriff deputy in the newspaper says go, people are just being nice, I'd almost buy

that if it wasn't alway a suburban or expedition doing the waving when I'm in a car, I think its a power thing

The crumbs usually drive junkers, not high-priced SUVs.

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people who wave you on at stop signs


Its different than what you're getting at, but this one happens to me all the time. I was waiting at a crosswalk yesterday at a road with two lanes of traffic going the same direction. A cab stopped and waived at me to go. He had a mad look on his face when I didn't walk out. A car in the next lane then immediately went flying by. If I actually listen to that cab driver, the second car flattens me. Luckily I'm smarter than so many other people who just blindly walk across. Yeah, its the law to stop for people in a crosswalk, but I'd rather not take that chance and just walk out there.


Here's another one that bugs me. I'll be waiting to cross a street and car after car will be driving by. The last car in the group will stop and let me cross. Now I know the driver's just trying to be nice, but you're the last car and there isn't another one in sight behind you, so I would've crossed right away after the car passed me. It just seems like a waste to me. That car would've been out of my way much quicker than I would be out of his way.

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If I am at a 4-way stop sign with single lanes all around and am unsure of who got there a fraction of a second earlier, i tend to wave the other car on. I am just being courteous. Would you see it a different way ?



You've invoked a reminiscence. I spent time in Alabama, a long, long time ago. That waving was pretty commonplace there, then, which I found charming.

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If I am at a 4-way stop sign with single lanes all around and am unsure of who got there a fraction of a second earlier, i tend to wave the other car on. I am just being courteous. Would you see it a different way ?
well, like I said, the defensive driving instructors in Texas agree with Cincy, don't go

You just don't know if the waver is a good guy or someone looking for accident scam. After all

if there are any witnesses you are the car that went out of turn. Personnaly I'll stick to

listening to Police, Firemen, EMT's for traffic control.

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Gah, another one...


I work downtown, so I exit onto a one way street and then turn onto a one way street. Two rights. There is a parking garage entrance about 30 feet from the second turn.


I always turn into the right hand lane as I have to turn into a lot up a few blocks. It *never* fails... the guy in front of me always turns into the second-to-rightmost lane and then, without looking at all, cuts directly in front of me and rips it into the parking garage. They go. I go. They cut in front of me without looking. Happens at least once a week.


I hate that.

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I got one, I work in a very small office about 25 employees.........probably 15 guys. We have a bathroom that has two stalls and two urinals and this one guy (he's extremely weird) is always riding shotgun in the other stall when I'm trying to take a dump. I mean, I understand if its an emergency but just give me my 5 minutes of privacy while I dominate and then you can have your turn. I don't need to hear you grunting & farting up a storm while I'm trying to read my paper in peace. And he does the strangest thing.....he flushes the toilet at least 6-7 times when in there......no BS. I've heard of a "courtesy flush" but what in the hell could you be eating that would warrent flushing that much. I don't like talking about people behind their back so I try not to engage in conversation about anothers bathroom habits but its kind of become an inside joke around here about the "mad flusher" and his weird habits.


:nana::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Also, someone who is dropping a deuce in the stall next to you AND is on the phone....that is BEYOND ANNOYING.

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well, like I said, the defensive driving instructors in Texas agree with Cincy, don't go

You just don't know if the waver is a good guy or someone looking for accident scam. After all

if there are any witnesses you are the car that went out of turn. Personnaly I'll stick to

listening to Police, Firemen, EMT's for traffic control.


If there aren't any witnesses, than who's to say who went out of turn?



I think you guys are a little paranoid on that one.

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Funny - I was just thinking about this this weekend. First to get my stand-by's out of the way


1) People who don't know how to make left hand turns - GET IN THE FREAKING MIDDLE OF THE INTERSECTION AND GO WHEN THE LIGHT TURNS


2) Yes - people who pay with checks


3) People who let their babies or brats scream incessantly at restaurants. Whenever we went out when my kids were babies/toddlers (twins mind you) - we ALWAYS made a point to remove the kids from the situation and take them away/outside if they were making a lot of noise


3) A-hole parents who raise a-hole kids.

3a) (This happened to me this weekend and has been happening with increasing regularity)

A-hole parents who bring their a-hole kids to the beach - don't bring a single sand toy or anything to play with, don't move a muscle to play with their kid, and send their obnoxious kid over for me to babysit (we bring all types of balls, boards, sand toys etc. - some people seem to interpret this as being some kind of free beach day care) - totally interfering with my time with my kids and my family. Story too long to go into - but one of the worst pair of kids I've ever dealt with this weekend - rude, obnoxious jerks. One time - true story - this big fat lady, a ways away, points to us and tells her little kid "Go play with them" (without saying a word to us) - then rolls over like a beach whale and actually went to sleep for over an hour :thumbsup:


I would have sent them right back.....I only have so much time to spend with my family.


A little story here....a LONG time ago. My wife and I were fixing to go out and watch my son play a little league baseball game. The next door neighbor (a constantly drunk or high divorced female who couldn't hold down a job and my wife graciously got in at the casino she works at) shows up at the last second saying she has a emergency and could we watch her two kids....which my wife graciously offered to take with us so she could take care of this urgent business.


Little did we know what we were in for......one of the boys was an angel....the other was a hellion.....wouldn't listen, no respect, ran off the first chance he got and CONTINUED TO DO IT. Hit my daughter in the head with a stick (and promptly received a swift quick from her to the groin for it) and started to throw a blown out tantrum when he didnt get something he wanted from the snack bar (I wasn't buying anything for that heathen but a muzzle) finally we left early and come back to see the mother and his skanky @ssed boyfriend having fun in the front seat of her car.


Dropped the kids off....told them if I ever saw them again I was feeding them to my dogs.

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When I hold the door and don't get a "thank you" I get really steamed. I won't do the "YOUR WELCOME" because I find it abrasive and in some ways as rude as the contrary.


Same principle applies to people who don't give me the wave when I let them in and out of tight spots on the road. I have been known to honk at those a-holes, though.


So, you're a wuss. :thumbsup:


I always return a "your welcome fucho" if I don't get a "thanks."

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I never said i make a big deal when people say it, because i am sure it comes out of my mouth at times, but there is nothing wrong expecting someone who is in the customer service fields to be concerned with the words coming out of their mouth and how they sound. the bigger problem are the people who let it affect the tip they leave or raise a scene about it. If the service is good i can let slip a few phrases that may not be the most acceptable to use....


I'll bet this joker doesn't tip!!

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