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Diggs traded to Texans for picks

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6 minutes ago, Brand J said:

I hope Beane has learned something throughout all of this. He didn’t have to extend Diggs, he did it because Diggs had outplayed his old contract, but adding FOUR years at his age? Max should’ve been a two year increase, this cap hit would’ve been much more manageable as well.


The Diggs extension occurred when he was 29 and WR's usually play very well until about age 33/34. Diggs extension secured him through age 34 and the dead cap hit he had on the last year of his deal was 3 million and the dead cap while big at age 33 (13 million) was manageable if they needed an early out. 


The contract was sensible as you could easily project Diggs to have 3-4 more "elite" years left at his age and lack of injury history generally. The Bills are getting off the worst years of his deal (2025 and 2026) and getting a 2nd round pick out of it. The money for this year is a sunk cost as the Bills were going to be eating most of it having Diggs on the roster. Now the Bills have more money to resign the 2021/22 draft classes and maybe add a piece or two via free agency next year while going into the draft with 3 picks in the first two rounds. 

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1 hour ago, mjd1001 said:

I'm going to make a general statement here....


Most of the younger guys on WGR (and I like them most of the time better than Schopp and Bulldog) tend to like and support players that are active on social media, ones that can be or have the potential to be more controversial...stuff like that.  Yes, they are into analytics and a lot of times have think rationally, but I swear sometimes they will give the benefit of the doubt, or slightly over-rate a player if they are simply a 'name' known around the league, or are someone who is a bit of a diva compared to someone else who just goes to work, plays football and goes home.


To each their own, but I prefer the latter. Sure, I'm on the message boards and check Twitter everyday, but I do so for some conversation and news, the posting for the sake of posting by athletes, the 'promoting their brand', just isn't for me. I get it some people like that, but I'd just as much rather not have that on the team I root for, all else being equal.

Yeah, I don't think Nate is doing the team or Josh any favors by bringing negative attention to him from a situation from well over a year ago. Seems very tacky and unprofessional to even go there. If something happened, it happened and can't be taken back. When people ask him what happened, he keeps responding with "read my article". So tacky. FWIW I "read his article" and it said nothing of what happened, just that something happened, which he has already stated on Twitter. We have been having a really funky off season, do we have to bring negative attention to the QB, all to stick up for a WR that has his own not so great reputation?

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4 hours ago, GASabresIUFan said:

CJ Stroud - 2023’s NFL O Rookie of the Year.  

Is Diggs going to be the 3rd or 4th target in Houston behind Collins, Dell, and TE Schultz?

I won’t be sold on Stroud unless he repeats the same kind of season he had last year. Now three’s a season worth of film on him. 

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On 4/3/2024 at 12:19 PM, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

I still think Diggs is better. Put Diggs on that team with all those HOF, what’s it look like? No slight on Reed…Diggs to me is the best we ever had

Different era.   WRs were mugged and beaten back then.  Hell some wouldn't even go over the middle because the head hunting was very real and very vicious

Edited by TBBills Fan
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3 hours ago, BullBuchanan said:

If Reed didn't play in 4 Super Bowls, he wouldn't have one either. He never even had back to back 1000 yard seasons, only had 4 ever and only hit 10 TDs once in his career. if he played today, he might not be a top 30 player. Meanwhile Diggs has 6 consecutive 1k seasons, 2 seasons of 10+ TDs in 7 fewer seasons.

Reed is near the top of the most overrated players of all time.

I politely disagree. You don’t collect his stats without talent, and he had plenty. How many 1st-round receivers have not even played in a Super Bowl, while a 4th-rounder from Kutztown Dtate played in four?  Diggs may be comparable to Reed, but he is no way a clearly better receiver. I know he was a 5th rounder, but he was supposedly a #1 WR. Not anymore. 

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19 hours ago, Richard Noggin said:


But why SHOULD Houston do that? What's his leverage? His extension JUST kicked in. Houston did not pay all that much to acquire him if you correctly downgrade future years' draft picks a round.


Essentially, Houston got Stefon Diggs plus two 6th round picks all for one 3rd round pick. Not bad. No reason to sink more than Diggs' already handsome annual salaries into the transaction, considering the WR's age and the consecutive seasons' 2nd half drop-offs. Getting more than a productive 2024 out of him would be wishful thinking tbh. 


19 hours ago, FireChans said:

Because his agent is going to say, “he has no guaranteed money, he helped you get to the AFCCG and it’s good business to reward him by converting some of his base salary to guarantees.”


Shady McCoy had no leverage and we ripped up his contract immediately to make him happy. 

They ultimately want to win. Sprinkling in some guarantees to keep Diggs happy while they try to win a SB in the next 2 years isn’t that crazy, even knowing his history.

And lookie lookie, they gave him some guarantees and the ability to extend with more guarantees after the season.

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29 minutes ago, billsfan89 said:


The Diggs extension occurred when he was 29 and WR's usually play very well until about age 33/34. Diggs extension secured him through age 34 and the dead cap hit he had on the last year of his deal was 3 million and the dead cap while big at age 33 (13 million) was manageable if they needed an early out. 


The contract was sensible as you could easily project Diggs to have 3-4 more "elite" years left at his age and lack of injury history generally. The Bills are getting off the worst years of his deal (2025 and 2026) and getting a 2nd round pick out of it. The money for this year is a sunk cost as the Bills were going to be eating most of it having Diggs on the roster. Now the Bills have more money to resign the 2021/22 draft classes and maybe add a piece or two via free agency next year while going into the draft with 3 picks in the first two rounds. 

Yeah, I think they would’ve been moving on from him at age 33 or 34 anyway - when the dead cap was manageable. What were his cap hits those later years? I still think it was a deal that could’ve gone for half the length at the same $24M AAV. If Diggs and his people rejected that (they wouldn’t have) then he would’ve had to play out the rest of his deal. Gotta be more shrewd. Now we’re left paying him $31M NOT to play this year. 

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2 hours ago, Rigotz said:


The part that baffles me is how it devalues all the way to a 3rd.


If the Vikings win the Super Bowl, it's still a 2nd round pick.


It feels like people are complaining just because it's more dramatic and fun to say "we basically got a 3rd."


No, while the actual formula teams use (just like their pick value formulas for the current year) aren't confidently known, a next year's pick is certainly considered a lower value - and that value is typically considered to equate to "decrease by a round".  


This isn't something that's just created by whiny fans.


I believe the rationale has to do with

1) lost opportunity cost - miss out on acquiring someone you can develop THIS season

2) increased uncertainty - this season teams know exactly where the draft pick is, what positions they need, what talent is available in the draft.  Next year, teams don't know exactly where the draft pick is, what positions they will need, or what talent will be available.


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29 minutes ago, Brand J said:

That’s not hindsight. It made little since to extend him for 4 years and $96M at his age. It was an extension that comfortably carried him into his 30s. Bad contract. Even at the time I asked why they’d lock themselves in for so long. A two year extension would’ve been a fair pay raise.


The deal carried him through into age 34 however the outs at age 33 in 2026 was a 13 million dollar dead cap charge (not insignificant but manageable esp if you did a June 1st cut) and the out at age 34 was super easy as the dead cap was only 2-3 million from what I remember. Diggs was reportedly willing to hold out in 2022 if he didn't get a redone deal. So they didn't want to have issues with their 29 year old WR coming off back to back All Pro seasons hold out. So they gave him an extension that married the Bills to him through age 32 an age where most elite WR's still produce. 


I would have easily extended Diggs in 2022 and not given it a second though. 

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On 4/3/2024 at 1:33 PM, Dopey said:

He's only the guy who helped Josh elevate his game to the next level. There's a reason we gave up the haul we did for Diggs. Diggs was all in and it looked like a match made in heaven. Then, one of the two got a big head and let the media keep letting it get bigger, cheated on his live-in girlfriend with a bartender and got her pregnant  (😂). THEN started dating a celebrity. The Po-Po showing up at his house the week of the Cincy game cuz the ex caused a scene. Not to mention the parties at Josh's house the night before home games. During the week of the Cincy playoff loss, Josh's head wasn't in the right place to lead any team to beat Cincy, much less winning a SB. Before you all start, Josh himself said the issue wasn't football related when it first came up. He said he would come back in '24 as a more mature person/player. With Diggs being older now, maybe he didn't want to waste his time with what he sees as an immature QB, who can't get past dating celebrities, much less beating the other top QB's in the AFC. I will say, we haven't heard much from Josh this off-season. Maybe he is maturing 🤞.

The stats below for Josh clearly show he was the biggest beneficiary from the arrival of Diggs. 


In your day job, do you write soap operas?

Of COURSE the Bills, who like every other team sequester their players in a hotel the night before a game with a few select players allowed the privilege to go home, would allow Josh Allen to go home and throw big parties at his house the night before home games.


Give Me A Break.

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15 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:

New update. Maybe there is NO compensatory pick allowed now even the 5th. 



With Diggs reworking his deal, does that affect our cap hit at all I wonder?


Also, if he gave any money back to them instead of us, that's kinda messed up

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1 hour ago, SCBills said:


Were they ever locked into it though?  There wasn't much guaranteed money left on his deal after this year.  It essentially became year to year options at 18M.


Maybe I'm wrong, but that seems to be how it was presented before they tore it up. 


The Texans were never locked into keeping Diggs after this year, but Diggs was locked into playing for the Texans for 3 more years if they wanted him to.

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