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If I own a pro sports team in one of these ***** up anti abortion states

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1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:

4. Blitz


I haven't been on the board very long, but I have yet to see Blitz post anything that even closely approximates a rational thought, so going forward, dismissing their posts is generally a good idea.



Yea sorry.  I can define what a woman is.


I no longer believe I'm talking to or debating with rational, serious people.  They are either broken and brainwashed by TDS, or, they know exactly what they're doing straight out of Mao and Che's playbook.  


I wanted nothing to do with them after Covid.  Still don't.  But after watching a SCOTUS nominee refuse to answer that question and it not being automatically disqualifying pretty much seals what was almost a done deal.  


This country is lost.  Every institution led by evil people or cowards.  





You seem like you're a reasonable individual but that makes you an outlier - you're not actually a liberal.  You just don't like Trump and the "Trump Voter."  


Joe Manchin and Jon Tester vote with 3rd Term Obama 95 plus percent of the time.


Sinema  - 97% of the time.


Your take that there is more diversity on the D side then R is completely off base.


How many Ds voted with Trump?  How many Rs are voting with Biden?  



Ultimately all irrelevant.  


I have 1 litmus test.  Can I see that you are American or not.  I can deal and live with people that want more government spending or want to push for more green energy policies.  


I cannot co-exist with Covidiots and LGBTQBTERIJ absolutists.  That think we have 67 genders.  Or CRT (that isn't real) should be taught.  This is the Democrat Party base now.  And by the way - props to the LGB community that calls out how insane the far left is on this.  I know several and have read enough to know they are there and this will not be some magic voting bloc for Ds.   

Edited by Big Blitz
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10 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

It doesn’t matter what they want, they’re too incompetent to get it. 

They couldn’t organize a pizza party if they tried, nonetheless secure power.


They spent months negotiating privately and in public with Manchin over Biden’s signature legislation only for it to turn out that Manchin had given his list of wants to Schumer months ago but Schumer failed to mention that. 

They are in way over their heads and the idea that they are going to do somehow take over everything is laughable. 

The problem with BOTH parties is that their leadership is damn old. They long ago stopped worrying about what’s best for the taxpayers, and now can only focus on petty internal squabbles and committee seats. I’m getting ready to retire myself and I’m way younger than any of these clowns. We need an age limit…big time. 

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30 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

The problem with BOTH parties is that their leadership is damn old. They long ago stopped worrying about what’s best for the taxpayers, and now can only focus on petty internal squabbles and committee seats. I’m getting ready to retire myself and I’m way younger than any of these clowns. We need an age limit…big time. 

And a hotness minimum. Only 7s or above, based on social media polling.

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16 hours ago, ChiGoose said:


I'm going to answer this to the best of my knowledge and in good faith, but before I do so, I want to make a quick(ish) point.


The current Democratic Party is far more heterogenous than the modern Republican Party. While there is common ground that accounts for a significant percentage of the GOP, the Democratic Party is very decentralized. From a political science perspective, it does not make sense that people like AOC and Bernie Sanders are in the same party as Joe Manchin and John Tester.


In a society with a political media that can best be described as terrible, that means that one can take a statement from one person and try to ascribe it to everyone in the same party, regardless of the truth of the exercise. I state this not to try to wiggle out of answering your questions but more to underscore that just because some people in the party espouse a view does not mean that is the view of the party as a whole.


Anyway, to your questions:


1. Inflation


Traditionally, the Fed targets an inflation rate of around 2%. However, for years we were well below that despite the Fed's best efforts. It had been understood that there was a relationship between inflation and unemployment, but that uncoupled in the recovery from the great recession. Unemployment kept dropping but inflation stayed low and was still unable to meet the 2% target. 


During the pandemic, we passed several stimulus bills to keep the economy afloat and inflation still stayed below target. So it seemed to many like a good time to invest in our infrastructure and economy. No matter how much we spent over the past several decades, we couldn't even get inflation as high as we wanted, so why not?


This is where the transitory idea came from. They pumped money into an economy that seemed very receptive to it, but they unwittingly passed the threshold. While we were coming out of COVID, the economy hadn't righted itself yet. We were still spending disproportionately on goods instead of services. And unlike services, goods relied on the supply chain. So now we have more money coming in for goods into a supply chain that is broken, China has a new COVID outbreak and shuts down major cities, the supply chain hasn't fixed itself yet, and then the war in Ukraine starts. What, to some, seemed like a transitory problem quickly became recognized as a real problem. Janet Yellen recently owned up to this, saying she was wrong.


2. Crime


There has recently been a recognition that our rate of incarceration is abhorrent. We have, I believe, the highest rate of incarceration in the world. Unless you think that Americans are inherently criminals (which I do not), that would seem at odds with our view of American greatness and freedom. There has been really good work on how to intervene to prevent crime and arrests in different cities that show real progress. The CAHOOTS program in Oregon routed certain types of calls to social workers instead of police for certain calls and it's been a success.


Generally, what you see are different attempts at trying to weigh the reactions to certain crimes. Is it justified to end someone's life over a property crime? At what point does chasing a criminal actually pose more risk to the public than letting them go for the moment?


If a kid does something stupid like shoplifting a couple of things, do they need to enter the judicial system and all that entails, or could they be diverted in a way that reduces the chances of future incarceration?


Police are inherently reactionary and not proactive. So there is a movement for earlier intervention to prevent the need for police in certain situations. Unfortunately, some people who may be more well read on policy and study than the average American decided that "defund the police" was the right slogan for this. They focus on the end result instead of spending more time on root causes. Obviously, most people who spend most of their focus on their family and their career, would be absolutely befuddled by that idea. And it certainly doesn't help that these sorts of changes would take a generation to show a return and in the meantime their advocates would be (rightly) ridiculed.


This anti-cop attitude, in combination with instances of awful actions by some police, has driven a big divide about cops that should not exist. Ideally, we would establish many of the reforms that reduce violence and make things easier for cops, but do so in a way that doesn't create an "Us vs. Them" mentality between the cops and the public. But the slogans matter to a very vocal minority, which throws a wrench in real, meaningful reform.


3. Democratic Leadership


I don't think I've ever seen an organization so starved of leadership than the modern Democratic Party. I spent most of my life dismissing the Dems and supporting the GOP. During the late Bush years and then the Obama administration, I was a proponent of serious GOP reform (i.e. I did not understand why a small government party would have a problem with gays being married). But I finally left the party during the Trump administration, realizing that the party I wanted to be a part of would never exist.


I use that as a preface to say that joining the Democratic Party SUCKS. They spend most of their time infighting and blaming each other for everything and very little time on how to get power and then do something with it. Every Democrat I know wishes we had a version of Mitch McConnell: a ruthless leader who keeps everyone in line and drives the party towards power.


Instead, we have senate leader Chuck Schumer, who spent months publicly feuding with Joe Manchin before it was revealed he was sitting on Manchin's list of requirements. I've never been a big Nancy Pelosi fan, but I recognize her skill during the Obama administration in navigation legislation. But why in the world is an 82 year old leading the party?


Unlike the GOP, which has a decent crop of younger politicians, the Dems set their rank almost solely on seniority. Which is why they are far older, and act as a gerontocracy that is totally unable to meet the moment. I have a hard time in believing theories that there is some grand plan they are pushing because they lost to a failed businessman in 2016 and continue to get destroyed in elections across the country. They are completely incompetent and not up to the moment.


4. Blitz


I haven't been on the board very long, but I have yet to see Blitz post anything that even closely approximates a rational thought, so going forward, dismissing their posts is generally a good idea.


thanks for the reply. i read through it and appreciate that level of explanation. i sumed alot up below but dont think i disregarded the details you given because of that. i agree with your assesments of how things happened but we need to understand why they turned out this way. i will quick note as well. i am the opposite. i was a liberal who switched to a more conservative stance. main reason was due to the dem party embrace of identity politics. they quickly abandoned all things that that traditional liberals stood for and now are the party that stands for racism, corporatism, authoritarianism. 


i recently wrote a very long set of replies on the variety of opinions you speak of in the dem party mostly on (progressives)


if you have free time id be interested in hearing your take on it.




edit: guess i can't link the post under share it just the site? hmm anyways. 


blitz and your replies.


at this point in time there seem to be 2 kinds of people. this may be stereotyping at its finest but its what i believe, dont get offended. 


those that consume and most importantly believe a unanimous opinion pushed out by the corporate press and those that are skeptical and independantly look for answers. i think you can easily look at the large amount of stories that democrats repeatedly jump on, some that they still believe, even though they have been throughly debunked. pretty clear evidence that democrats are easily controlled by corporate media. russia gate, EVERYTHING on covid, covington, smollett, hands up don't shoot, hunters laptop, jim crow 2.0 on and on and on. democrats took them all as fact INSTANTLY. a bit of time and just a second of independant research and you can get to the real story but fleeing to social media and labeling people the worst thing imaginable then moving on to the next lie shoveled in their direction is too enticing. im not saying repub are not in this camp but they dont have the media firepower to push the lies at the same scale and culturally have little power to make anything stick.sorry to say if you moved party strictly due to trump then i think it may have been due to the media onslaught on the administration and not the actual policy he made. maybe im wrong.


but this ties into alot of what your reply is about and blitz. for the most part you are basically saying. there are issues we are facing and the democrats are making good faith efforts to address them in new ways. some work and others dont. you cant get positive change if you don't try. oragon for example had a positive one to show. no one can really argue that point. but we need to look at the sheer amount of bad that's resulted and in that respect..


the cause i see is one of two things and can be nothing else.


one is incompetance. how much of the failures of the dems are we willing to attribute to them just being completely incompetent at their profession before we come to the conclusion, no..this is intentional. the "greatest minds" in these fields with a infinite amount of resources and money and yet we see repeated utter failure on every level for major issues we face. inflation was a issue ordinary people were concerned with. this directly after completely shutting down the world economy. so we could take a measured targeted approach monetarily. we have access to global advisors on supply chains ect ect ooor we can dump trillions on scale unseen of and go whoopsie!! if it leads towards economic suffering and possible collapse of the system...THEY ARE STILL DUMPING BILLIONS AT A CLIP!


covid, your telling me the WHO had no indication that the virus was easily transmutable in air? your telling me science still cant find the origin, your telling me the greatest scientists on the planet had no data that the vax did not stop the contraction or spread enough to at the very least stop the villianization of those that were skeptical. that ignoring florida and texas numbers YEARS into lib states lockdown, no science years after on natural immunity? all while also advocating the censorship and demonizing anyone EVEN MED PROFESSIONALS on these topics? all this was just another whoopsie!!? 


withdraw from afganistan. listen to soldiers who were there talk about the complete lack of leadership. boarder policy, listen how bad it is in boarder states from the residents. energy. CRIME! when it comes to crime we are talking less about trial and error as you speak. we are talking about dead bodies and families grieving. we are in a economic crisis. this is no time to have this abundance of empathy for criminals and perform new experiments to see what may better suit their needs. failure on any of this results in innocent people suffering, communities collapsing INSTANTLY. unlike all the other problems they are i mention that are "only" crushing people slowly over time economically. maybe wait until we get back on our feet then run their little experiments. at this point use a iron fist on crime to at least give law abiding people a bit, just a bit of relief on their saftey after years of scaring the crap out of them with a virus and looming economic downturn. but that is too rational.


so how many whoopsies and at what level of incompetence are you willing to tolerate before you come to the conclusion that the democratic party is not incompetent..they are very good at the task at hand. intentionally destroying america. if you come to that conclusion, which is a logical one by what I've indicated. is it not? im not using absurd examples or outcomes. how is blitz even wrong? how exactly are you or anyone who is even vaguely aware of their surroundings not in complete opposition to what they are doing. even if you do believe its incompetence and not intentional. instead you (not you personally) will get up in arms by any little cultural issue to keep you directed firmly towards your neighbor and not THEM. just keep churning out anything the media says they should be enraged by and take to them streets!


now the topic is states getting control of abortion. FORGET that dems have a majority and could get passage of a reasonable abortion legislation. but they dont want that. that would solve a problem they can use to divide, more importantly use in elections. i guess we can just chalk up abortion legislation as more incompetance.


my stance on blitz is we can avoid a civil war if both sides wake up and unite to stop this distruction instead of pointing at each other. thats why im here. to have reasonable debates. its a very small contribution to the pile of bickering but a attempt none the less. screaming and namecalling only exacerbates what blitz thinks is inevitable, and sadly its looking more and more like he's right. the first step is to know who the enemy is. at this point who is doing the most damage? id say the experimentation with life or death issues and clasping on to virtue signaling and empathy above everything regardless of obvious outcome is the #1 problem. the left thinks its white supremacy. I'm not sure how to even convey the difference i see in ACTUAL threats and the ones im only told are there. 



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Sorry to interrupt this amazingly well thought out thread but……

One week to get your 4th of July BBQ menus in order.  

I’m thinking classic burgers, hot dogs, beans and potato salad. 

Whatcha all working on. 

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On 6/25/2022 at 2:00 AM, reddogblitz said:

Maybe we aborted the person who could cure cancer or come up with some invention no one else has thought of helping climate change or solve world hunger. Do you ever think about this?

We also have people like Hitler, Stalin, and Bin Laden who I wish were aborted.

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4 hours ago, Buffarukus said:



at this point in time there seem to be 2 kinds of people. this may be stereotyping at its finest but its what i believe, dont get offended. 


those that consume and most importantly believe a unanimous opinion pushed out by the corporate press and those that are skeptical and independantly look for answers. i think you can easily look at the large amount of stories that democrats repeatedly jump on, some that they still believe, even though they have been throughly debunked. pretty clear evidence that democrats are easily controlled by corporate media. russia gate, EVERYTHING on covid, covington, smollett, hands up don't shoot, hunters laptop, jim crow 2.0 on and on and on. democrats took them all as fact INSTANTLY. a bit of time and just a second of independant research and you can get to the real story but fleeing to social media and labeling people the worst thing imaginable then moving on to the next lie shoveled in their direction is too enticing. im not saying repub are not in this camp but they dont have the media firepower to push the lies at the same scale and culturally have little power to make anything stick.sorry to say if you moved party strictly due to trump then i think it may have been due to the media onslaught on the administration and not the actual policy he made. maybe im wrong.


but this ties into alot of what your reply is about and blitz. for the most part you are basically saying. there are issues we are facing and the democrats are making good faith efforts to address them in new ways. some work and others dont. you cant get positive change if you don't try. oragon for example had a positive one to show. no one can really argue that point. but we need to look at the sheer amount of bad that's resulted and in that respect..


the cause i see is one of two things and can be nothing else.


one is incompetance. how much of the failures of the dems are we willing to attribute to them just being completely incompetent at their profession before we come to the conclusion, no..this is intentional. the "greatest minds" in these fields with a infinite amount of resources and money and yet we see repeated utter failure on every level for major issues we face. inflation was a issue ordinary people were concerned with. this directly after completely shutting down the world economy. so we could take a measured targeted approach monetarily. we have access to global advisors on supply chains ect ect ooor we can dump trillions on scale unseen of and go whoopsie!! if it leads towards economic suffering and possible collapse of the system...THEY ARE STILL DUMPING BILLIONS AT A CLIP!


covid, your telling me the WHO had no indication that the virus was easily transmutable in air? your telling me science still cant find the origin, your telling me the greatest scientists on the planet had no data that the vax did not stop the contraction or spread enough to at the very least stop the villianization of those that were skeptical. that ignoring florida and texas numbers YEARS into lib states lockdown, all while advocating the censorship and demonizing anyone EVEN MED PROFESSIONALS! was just another whoopsie!!?


withdraw from afganistan. listen to soldier who were there. boarder policy listen how bad ot is in boarder states. energy. CRIME! when it comes to crime we are talking less about trial and error as you speak. we are talking about dead bodies and families grieving. we are in a economic crisis. this is no time to have this abundance of empathy for criminals and perform new experiments to see what may suit their needs better. failure results in innocent people suffering, communities collapsing INSTANTLY. unlike all the other problems they are addressing such as crushing people slowly over time economically. maybe wait until we get back on our feet then run their little experiments. at this point use a iron fist to at least give law abiding people a bit of relief on their saftey after years of scaring the crap out of them with a virus and economic downturn. but that is too rational.


so how many whoopsies and at what level of incompetence are you willing to tolerate before you come to the conclusion that the democratic party is not incompetent..they are very good at the task at hand. intentionally destroying america. if you come to that conclusion, which is a logical one by what I've indicated. is it not? im not using absurd examples or outcomes. how is blitz even wrong? how exactly are you or anyone who is even vaguely aware of their surroundings not in complete opposition to what they are doing. even if you do believe its incompetence and not intentional. instead you (not you personally) will get up in arms by any little cultural issue to keep you directed firmly towards your neighbor and not THEM. 


now the topic is states getting control of abortion. FORGET that dems have a majority and could get passage of a reasonable abortion legislation. but they dont want that. that would solve a problem they can use to divide,  and use in elections. i guess we can just chalk up abortion legislation as more incompetance...from both sides.


my stance on blitz is we can avoid a civil war if both sides wake up and unite to stop this distruction instead of pointing at each other. thats why im here. to have reasonable debates. its a very small contribution to the cause but a attempt none the less. screaming and namecalling only exacerbates what blitz thinks is inevitable, and sadly its looking more and more he's right. the first step is to know who the enemy is. at this point who is doing the most damage? id say the experimentation with life or death issues and clasping on to virtue signaling and empathy above everything regardless of obvious outcome is the #1 problem imo. ill focus on republicans when they have any actual power afterwards.




1. Two types of people: those that believe the unanimous opinion and those that are skeptical.


I honestly very much disagree with this take. I think the overwhelming majority of Americans do not spend their time thinking about politics. They are thinking about their family, their jobs, bills, (and The Bills for most on this board), etc. What news they consume is what is most convenient or what makes them feel the best. They are not especially well tuned in to the discourse and if you asked average people about Smollett or Covington, I would wager most would have no idea what you're talking about or have completely forgotten.


I also do not believe that Democrats are inherently more susceptible to falsehoods than Republicans. For all of your examples, there are countless examples of Republicans believing ludicrous claims like JFK Jr. is still alive or Barack Obama is secretly still controlling the presidency. There was a very interesting story from Planet Money a while back about finding the source of some of the viral fake news on Facebook. They interviewed a guy behind a lot of it and he mentioned that he originally targeted both liberals and conservatives but the liberals didn't engage while the conservatives completely took the bait. I don't think it means that conservatives are inherently more susceptible either, but Democrats certainly do not have a monopoly on getting hoodwinked.


I am also very wary of people doing "research" on the internet. Most of us are not trained to do research. When I am trying to figure out the efficacy of a particular COVID test, I cannot run clinical studies. I don't know how to interpret the p-value of a particular study. I just don't have that background and neither do the vast majority of us. I am not saying this of you in particular because I do not know you, but generally when I see someone saying "do your own research" on the internet, they are advocating a position that is demonstrably false.


2. Media Criticism in General

I generally try not to engage in media criticism, but I'll dip my toe in for a moment. I think CNN is one of the main root causes of why everything in our politics is awful and I think Fox News is a truly, truly evil company. I do not watch television news because it is just empty infotainment designed to create an emotional reaction in the viewer that keeps them glued through the commercial break.


I find that so many posts on PPP devolve into how the media covers things instead of the thing itself. While it is fair to criticize the way things are covered, it generally just ends up derailing the conversation. It also routinely ends up into straw man arguments where people end up arguing about what some outlet said instead of what actually happened.


That being said, I do not believe the "mainstream media" is as much a monolith as you claim. Media outlets, especially television ones, are incentivized for revenue and will present what gets the most engagement. MSNBC targets people on the left, Fox Targets people on the Right, CNN targets shooting itself in the dick every day.


Generally, I try to avoid looking at what the media says and instead look to what the principle actors are saying and doing. I care far less about what a media outlet says Richard Donoghue testified at the hearing than taking the time to read or listen to his actual words.


3. Democratic Party intentionally destroying America

I have worked on a campaign or two, I have friends working in the government. And from that small experience, I can say that getting things done in the government is incredibly hard and complicated. Government is complex and it is chock full of rules and bureaucracy. People cannot generally snap their fingers and get something done. It often takes quite a bit of time and work to get something meaningful done, if you ever get it done at all.


When Trump came into office and tried to institute the ban on travelers from Muslim countries, it failed twice before he finally got it done. Why? Because his advisors did not understand the rules nor the process. They were incredibly inept at administrative law, which resulted in them running into hurdles they could have avoided with better experience or knowledge.


Look at Biden's whole Build Back Better debacle. You had the far left arguing for an incredibly expansive program while moderates were pushing for a much smaller package. They spent months arguing about it in private and public before it actually tanked. They blew up most of the administration's political capitol for absolutely no gain.


At the federal level, the filibuster sets a very high bar to get most anything meaningful done. Even when Obama came into office with 60 votes, it was a mess for him to get the ACA across the line, and the effort cost them that power in the midterms. This stuff is really hard even for people who are good at it. The Dems are not good at it.


For example, your claim that the Dems could pass a common sense abortion bill. That would require them getting rid of the filibuster, which they do not have enough votes for. You could argue that they could try to get GOP votes, but why in the world would the GOP senators do anything that would make the Dems look good? They would either propose poison pills or just not come to the negotiating table at all. In a two-party system with an election coming down the line, delivering a win for the other party just doesn't make sense.


Finally, I have a hard time understanding what the point of the Dems destroying America through incompetence would be. Why wouldn't they just do it competently?


4. Pointing at each other and civil war

I really wish we could break out of this "us vs them" mentality, but I am skeptical it can happen in a two party system in a world with social media and 24/7 news outlets. The easiest way to get someone to support you is to tell them that some "other" is bad and they will save you from them. In a two-party system, it devolves into anything the other team does is bad, therefore if they do something, it must be bad.


But this is not exclusive to the Left. I have never heard anyone say "own the Cons" unironically but "own the Libs" is a common discourse from the Right. Even on this board, I frequently see people seemingly celebrating that Dems are not happy, as if their follow Americans are their enemies.


This is why I try to avoid language that points at voters. I try to use "GOP" or "Republican officials" to make it clear I'm talking about party officials and electeds, not voters (though I am not perfect and probably have missed that at times). People vote the way they do for a variety of reasons and neither side is a monolith. 


While I do not think we're actually headed to a civil war (partly because the geographic breakdown would be more urban vs rural than a clean break of states), I think the best way to turn down the heat is to change our political incentives through electoral reform. We currently have a system that incentivizes candidates to move to the extremes of their parties to get elected. The Dems electeds are getting more liberal (look at the backlash to Pelosi endorsing Cueller) and the Republican electeds are getting more conservative (look at Elise Stefanik's ongoing shift from moderate to the extreme). There are a raft of electoral reforms I would like to enact that might solve this, but even something as small as outlawing gerrymandering nationwide would dramatically change the type of people being sent to Congress.


Maybe if we changed the kinds of people going to Congress (on both sides), and incentivized them to actually *do* something instead of pandering for media, we could make some beneficial changes.

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32 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

Go.  Gtfo


We're all gonna be just fine




Green Day Rocker Billie Joe Armstrong Renouncing His Citizenship over Roe Reversal: ‘F**k America’




Irony is once again - dead



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8 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

I honestly very much disagree with this take. I think the overwhelming majority of Americans do not spend their time thinking about politics. They are thinking about their family, their jobs, bills, (and The Bills for most on this board), etc. What news they consume is what is most convenient or what makes them feel the best. They are not especially well tuned in to the discourse and if you asked average people about Smollett or Covington, I would wager most would have no idea what you're talking about or have completely forgotten.


I think this used to be true 30 years ago.  With so many people on FakeBook and Twitter etc these days they are bombarded with politics politics politics.  And it's mostly the other side is bad and be afraid, be very afraid of them.  And the way the "algorithms" work they just see more and more of one side of the story.  This is a big part of why we are so divided these days IMHO.


I can remember growing up in the 1960s/1970s/1980s I had no idea what my Aunts' and Uncles' political views were.  Nowadays my brother-in-law posts political garbage and my daughter and his sons argue about it online and feelings are hurt.




3 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

We're a parody of the movie Idocracy.  


Great movie. If you haven't seen it you should.

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3 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:






Pretty much all of Chicago is done with her, to be honest.


I've never seen someone manage to alienate basically all groups. Cops hate her, but the anti-cop people also hate her; the teachers hate her but also I think CPS hates her.


She won 73% of the vote in 2019 and there's a good chance she doesn't even make the run-off next year.

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On 6/25/2022 at 2:00 AM, reddogblitz said:

What a crazy world we live in now when people choose to have sex knowing the possible consequences. When said consequences occur they cry not fair not fair and flush it.


every time someone has sex they should only do so fully prepared to raise a child from birth to adulthood from the act?


that’s absurd. 


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On 6/26/2022 at 4:45 PM, Chef Jim said:

Sorry to interrupt this amazingly well thought out thread but……

One week to get your 4th of July BBQ menus in order.  

I’m thinking classic burgers, hot dogs, beans and potato salad. 

Whatcha all working on. 


Chiavetta's chicken and sahlens.

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2 hours ago, DRsGhost said:


Chiavetta's chicken and sahlens.

Publix has Sahlens but I swear they are different, but it could be that I don't have the hot sauce. I had them tonight and they were good but not as good as a foot long at Ted's 

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7 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

every time someone has sex they should only do so fully prepared to raise a child from birth to adulthood from the act?


that’s absurd. 



Is this sarcasm?  I would think so, but I have a faulty sarcasm detector.

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10 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


Is this sarcasm?  I would think so, but I have a faulty sarcasm detector.

No it is really not. I understand there are millions upon millions that are convinced that some well documented biological process is really some kind of miraculous Devine intervention from god himself and all that, but humans have intercourse without intent of reproduction on each and every occasion. The majority of humans in fact. This is undeniable. 

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On 6/28/2022 at 10:35 AM, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

No it is really not. I understand there are millions upon millions that are convinced that some well documented biological process is really some kind of miraculous Devine intervention from god himself and all that, but humans have intercourse without intent of reproduction on each and every occasion. The majority of humans in fact. This is undeniable. 


I never said anything about God or divine intervention.  Of course humans have sex without intent of reproduction.  But biologicaly that's the whole point of sex. To reproduce. That's why it feels so good to quote Chuck Mangione, so people will do it a lot.  


Come on man, EVERYONE knows this. Its a risk we take when we have sex.  What you are describing is abortion as a means of birth control.  But it does answer a question I often ask.  Why are there so ***** many?  



In 2020, the report shows, there were 930,160 abortions in the United States, up from 862,320 in 2017. Slightly more than one in five pregnancies - or 20.6% - ended in abortion




1 in 5 pregnancies end in abortion. Surely birth control isn't that ineffective is it?


In this day and age, contraception is everywhere and there are many choices. Pills, YAZ, diaphragms, patches, shots, vaginal rings, rubbers (always worked for me as a young man on the loose).  Planned Parenthood lists 12 types, most effective 95%+ of the time.  Only spermicide, rhythm method, and pull out are lower than 95%.




If you have health insurance, contraception is free. No copay.  ACA stipulates that. If you don't have insurance you can get it from planned parenthood or other places.  If you can't do that, within a mile of every person in every city is a place that sells rubbers.


What you describe is just a lame excuse.


Edited by reddogblitz
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