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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. My son will get through undergrad school debt free for sure because of the work of me and my wife. My brothers daughter will also be going to FSU without much debt because he is divorced, his wife is primary caregiver, and she does not own the house she lives in, and makes less money. Niece has been offered pell grants and subsidized loans because of her parents situation and my son was not offered a dime in subsidized loans because apparently two teachers are better off than two parents who combine for $250k a year. Our college finance system gives preference to the parents who do all that crap you mention and it kills me because my choice is either front him the money or pay interest and the pressure to perform is not there as I would like. The current system is garbage and intentionally bad.
  2. I am the same as you, I had someone who is not a Bengals or major NFL fan tell me today that Chase and Higgins are holding out. 8 years ago I would have known that within an hour.
  3. This is correct, there was at least two situations last year where the picks he threw caused our "win %" to go up because of field position. If it is 3rd and 16 with Josh I still think we have a decent chance of making the play, with EVERY other QB we have had since Kelly my confidence would be in single digits. With those plays I accept the turnover as part of the risk, now his Jets game and Denver game were horrific, but otherwise most of his TO were acceptable
  4. The government in many instances just made children take a shot with unknown long term repercussions without any benefit to the kids and you think our biggest issue is what the government does not regulate? Government should absolutely make sure there is truth is advertising but if you actually believe that government is good at weighing pro and cons for individuals you are insane. So many of the problems you speak of solving only exist because government caused it originally.
  5. Libertarians are correct that a country that relies on its government to run well is doomed. The government should have as small an impact on life and overall should only impose laws when one persons liberty directly infringes on another's persons liberty. I overall am a libertarian but also understand the impracticality of it as long as we have liberals.
  6. You seem to have the 3rd grade definition of Libertarians down well, but I am curious what do you think Libertarians get right?
  7. DEI is simply the Jim crow laws with a different set of skin color preferred, instead of picking the best person the primary determinate is the color of your skin. It was wrong before and wrong now.
  8. I am not shocked that Trump was booed, he is not a libertarian, I am surprised that they chose Chase Oliver. I heard of him for the first time a few days ago and it is like the picked the guy simply to help Trump.
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/25/business/burger-prices-memorial-day/index.html The article basically says, if you shop sales you can save money. I would call them evil but truly they are just stupid.
  10. You are special, instead of admitting you are gullible you double down on stupidity. There are more than 2 people that have endorsed him from his cabinet, but your statement is a lie to impress the stupid
  11. Mark Meadows and Richard grenell are not cabinet members? Nice job of proving your ignorance and gullibility
  12. Houston and GB at this point last year had worse receiver rooms then we do at this point, and KC receivers were clearly worse during year but all 3 teams ended up top 8 in league passing yards. The only teams that threw the ball well where the QB was not the star is SF and Miami. The whining sounds just like last year with Bernard because people don't recognize that the profile of the team will be different.
  13. I am not old enough to remember the ear slap, why was it removed?
  14. You might want to hit Treehouse soon, they have some lawsuits flying between owners for basically embezzlement. I never got to hit it when we visited but we did hit Trillium, which was real good but too pricy for a regular place. If you ever come to Orlando I can recommend several good places, depending on what you are looking for, though as you said the lesser breweries are dying off.
  15. Going on your own analogy, this will be a minor surgery if we need to cut him, if he makes the team. I do not see any version of the season where he is so good that we have to keep him but where he is unhappy with his role. On this team it is known Josh is the leader, just like Big Ben was when Claypool behaved.
  16. I am not sure if this is sarcasm, but if not, Sean deserves credit for not panicking when Josh was horrible his first 6 games and giving the freedom to work through his issues, but Josh gets the lions share of credit for who is is now.
  17. If you consider the AFC East started with the AFL the division has existed since 1960. In that time frame the Jets have 4 division titles, one every 16 years. They have less than the Bills, Pats*, and Dolphins by a good margin. They though are also behind the Colts for division titles, who left the division 20 years ago. They are also tied with the Houston Oilers who left the division in 1970.
  18. How am I irrational? My expectation is that Josh will be spreading the ball around more and not worried about Diggs and his feelings. Each receiver on the roster has had good seasons with lesser QBs. GB last year had no good receivers either yet a lesser talent than Josh helped make them dangerous. Finally your actual comment was disingenuous but it had to be in order to make it seem like I am the one with the issue.
  19. I just looked at my history and my only comment on Sheffield was referencing what my student told me, which is he works best against a zone. In regards to Harty I only mentioned him a few times about individual plays, so would you like to tell me what you are referring to?
  20. What interpretation makes 137 yards passing per game with 5 picks vs 2 tds seem good to you?
  21. I am not sure what y'all had as an opinion in 2018, but I was one of the minority who argued to give Josh a chance. I knew he was gonna suck early, he made bad choices his first half of the year hence why when he was hurt against Houston he was completing 52% of his passes for 137 yards a game and had 5 picks to 2 tds. Without good coaching and a large allowance to learn while sucking Josh is never given a chance. By the end of the year I knew he had grown substantially and argued on this site that he was gonna be a top 15 QB in 2019 and got obliterated, so pretending that many people thought he was good in 2018 is disingenuous, I even was called a racist for stating in 2019 I would rather have Josh than Lamar for the future. EJ looked like a top 15 QB early in his rookie year and regressed, which I put on the coach telling him not to lose the games instead of learn the game. You, and several others, also seem to think the 2013 defense was good. The Bills won every single game that the team gave up less than 23 points.
  22. EJ was better statistically than Josh in every passing metric through their first year. Literally yards per game, tds, interceptions, completion percentage, not sure how you think Josh looked better though his first 8 games, EJ progressively did less and less because Marrone told him to not lose games. Josh was allowed to grow and finally had a good game as a QB vs Miami in final game of season. Your love of Marrone makes you unaware of even the most basic statistics.
  23. Do you think EJ or Josh had better first seasons? EJ was clearly better but Marrone did not want to let him grow into the role. Truly EJs best two games were his first two and from there he was handcuffed.
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