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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. What interpretation makes 137 yards passing per game with 5 picks vs 2 tds seem good to you?
  2. I am not sure what y'all had as an opinion in 2018, but I was one of the minority who argued to give Josh a chance. I knew he was gonna suck early, he made bad choices his first half of the year hence why when he was hurt against Houston he was completing 52% of his passes for 137 yards a game and had 5 picks to 2 tds. Without good coaching and a large allowance to learn while sucking Josh is never given a chance. By the end of the year I knew he had grown substantially and argued on this site that he was gonna be a top 15 QB in 2019 and got obliterated, so pretending that many people thought he was good in 2018 is disingenuous, I even was called a racist for stating in 2019 I would rather have Josh than Lamar for the future. EJ looked like a top 15 QB early in his rookie year and regressed, which I put on the coach telling him not to lose the games instead of learn the game. You, and several others, also seem to think the 2013 defense was good. The Bills won every single game that the team gave up less than 23 points.
  3. EJ was better statistically than Josh in every passing metric through their first year. Literally yards per game, tds, interceptions, completion percentage, not sure how you think Josh looked better though his first 8 games, EJ progressively did less and less because Marrone told him to not lose games. Josh was allowed to grow and finally had a good game as a QB vs Miami in final game of season. Your love of Marrone makes you unaware of even the most basic statistics.
  4. Do you think EJ or Josh had better first seasons? EJ was clearly better but Marrone did not want to let him grow into the role. Truly EJs best two games were his first two and from there he was handcuffed.
  5. It is always a fun trial when your "star" witness has to admit he committed perjury multiple times before, but this time it is the truth because this is for democracy not personal gain.
  6. If the Bills had drafted Allen under Marrone we never get to the point where Josh is Josh. Marrone made sure EJ Manuel never had a chance to grow, and Josh would have sucked his first 3 games and never seen the field again. We seem to forget that Josh was AWFUL his first 6 games, so bad even I thought we might have screwed up drafting him. And before anyone thinks I am saying EJ was gonna be similar to Josh, I am simply saying EJ was better his first few games than Josh but was never shown how to grow at all
  7. @BillStime since you clearly have never worked in any version of finance, education, or medical field, amy I ask what field you did work in when employed?
  8. Tibs is the ultimate guy who knows just enough to be proud to be stupid, Galileo is certainly a time the Church failed but it has been correct much more often in promoting science and prosperity to the world. Galileo was 400 years ago and Christianity has done more to bring peace and prosperity to more of the world than any other religion, or do you want show some other religion that is so willing to allow others to keep their beliefs when they are in the majority?
  9. https://www.newsweek.com/florida-rent-drops-people-flee-state-1901951 People are fleeing the state according to the headline, but they admit later on that the state is experience a net influx. Honestly I am assuming the lower cost is due to it being more one bedrooms vs larger apartments because I have spoken to several people who are still seeing increase in cost of anything decent.
  10. This thread is fun because Billsy is so proud of being economically illiterate. The tax cuts do not cause bigger deficits, too much government spending does that. Lowering tax rates does not cause income taxes collection to drop. Anyone who argues otherwise has no idea how businesses and rich people do things. https://www.irs.gov/statistics/soi-tax-stats-irs-data-book
  11. I will have to stop repeating this at some point but this team is built for Josh to move the ball to each receiver in turn. We do not have a #1 like Diggs but we have guys who have roles to fill and should all be good for 50+ catches. Having 2 more receivers does not do us any good unless we can get the right Safety because we won't stop anyone.
  12. If I am Tua I am holding out for sure. This is his best chance to get paid and the Phins don't have any other options right now. If Phins start over they are likely 3 years from being good and Hill will be cooked by then.
  13. This is one of the most ignorant statements on this site- the hard core political people will pay to see him, while everyone on the left gave money to BLM and all of the other leftist causes. CK was literally the best selling jersey for a year, but I bet Butker still does not even make the top 10.
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.boston.com/news/local-news/2024/05/14/markey-warren-sign-letter-asking-feds-to-investigate-gunshot-detection-technology-they-say-may-violate-civil-rights/%3famp=1 Apparently this technology is helping solve crimes, but Warren needs her base to be terrified.
  15. You mean they hacked the computer that Hillary left unsecured with top secret info on it? I care but you see no fault in Hillary being openly incompetent
  16. Russians have a willing ally in Dems since without Hillary no one believes the Steele Dossier for one minute and without Biden the war would have already come to an end with a treaty and the destruction of Ukraine would stop. Why are you so excited to watch the entire young male population of Ukraine be thrown through the shredder of war?
  17. To influence the conservatives the Russians created bot farms that tried to influence the election by overwhelming people with all of the small examples of dishonesty until it was apparent you should not trust them. To influence liberals they gave clear and obvious lies to the leading candidate and let the Media go to work. Obvious interference but you seem unaware who was actively involved.
  18. Which part do you disagree with? If that incompetence did not embarrass you then your expectations of government are even lower than mine. We have always had 95%+ of the vote counted in every state by the end of Wednesday in my lifetime. We have had a few extremely close state situations of less than 1000 total votes separating candidates but never in a century did it we have margins of 10k be unknown for 3weeks days. The fact that you and Tibs are fighting for a repeat of that mess is amazing to me.
  19. https://www.ajc.com/politics/georgia-election-board-reprimands-fulton-for-double-scanned-ballots-in-2020/G3H27SUHGFDRHAOZSG4JQJ2F7E/ We know for a FACT that several thousand ballots were double counted in a Dem stronghold. We know as a FACT that many ballots were not maintained in proper chain of custody. We know as a FACT that it was the only election that we did not have 49 states called properly within 24 hours since at least 1900. If we acknowledge the fact that 2020 was a crap show and we fix it then we won't have so many questioning the situation. I have stated many times I accept Biden is president but to pretend that the election was not an embarrassment for our country is something special.
  20. Every one of these would be dependent on the cost, as none of these are THE missing piece to me. In order of preference: Davante Adams, by a big margin DJ Moore, I think he would not be as focused on money as much as winning. Metcalf, he is a beast. The rest I don't particularly care about.
  21. https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/2012/05/why-the-nhl-is-hot-and-the-nba-is-not-again/#:~:text=In The NBA was never in competition with the NFL. In the Mid 90s it was competing with the NHL until the NHL allowed stopped pushing for great skaters to be the best players.
  22. Only you would think the women featured here are the women who think.
  23. I will explain one last time in the simplest way I can. Having a local Dem controlled government is a requirement for a high violent crime rate. The fact that you can't show me ONE example to counter my factual statement, that liberal cities are more violent then the surrounding conservative areas, is not something I need a study to tell me. You are either not intelligent enough or too politically bent to recognize that conservative areas do not have similar crime rates to liberal ones, and arguing otherwise is insane. Truly your entire point is guns are needed for gun deaths? So when we eliminate guns and knives become the primary weapon of murder will you want to ban them also?
  24. You keep asking, I keep answering, but you don't like the truth, State laws do not matter to criminals, what matters is how citizens react to bad things happening in their neighborhoods. I find it hilarious that you are holding onto one fact as your defense now and can't give me one example of a liberal area surrounded by conservatives where the Dem area is safer, not one.
  25. Letr ask you in a general sense- can you name one liberal city center that is safer then it's more conservative suburban areas?
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