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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I agree overall but more importantly if our running game improves like I think it might Josh being superman might be unnecessary. He can be superman but why use it if we can win without it?
  2. Do you believe that south Chicago is safer than suburban Orlando for gun safety? We have far more guns here per person than there and more legal access but are much safer. You are truly cherry picking data to believe what you do, but keep pretending.
  3. I don't know if anyone can truly get great at kicking in weather like Buffalo, but he definitely drops accuracy in the late season. That being said Justin Tucker hit two uprights in Buffalo in the playoffs so how much can you plan? I will state though if the punter/holder is the issue, get him a good holder because 5 yards on punt is not worth 3 pts on the board.
  4. The non-Bills guys all have only played with below average QBs and still have had good years. Each of them should have near career years if not even better, and I am not counting the RBs who seem capable of adding a few catches a game. That being said I would be happy with an established outside WR but I think the love of a #1 receiver is improper, I would rather have 5 guys I can count on then even 2 great ones like in Miami
  5. Best year- Samuels 851 Claypool 873 Shakir 691 Hollins 690 Knox- 587 Kincaid 673 That is more than 4000 yards And that is without Keon Coleman. I stated a while ago that I expect this offense to be a pick your poison deal, not mainly force feeding Diggs and I think that is great.
  6. People discussing Claypool think his best case scenario is being a decent player for us when his best case scenario is being a top 3 receiver. He was very good on a bad offense with a QB who was on his last leg. In less than 40 games with the Steelers he had over 2000 total yards, and then became a problem when teams started to try and make him into a TE type receiver. If we leave him on the outside and let him play his game he could be a great pickup. If he is garbage or a headache we cut him, the upside is far more than the downside, assuming the Bills discussed with him his issues in Chicago
  7. I would say yes since you are guaranteeing us it will work just as well as the Hughes trade.
  8. Maybe we can't even agree on a simply concept that violence is very prevalent in some areas of the US and basically non existent in others. If we can't agree on that we can't agree
  9. Violence is a local problem, not a national problem, or even a state problem. There are more murders in some week in Downtown Orlando then have occurred in my area in the past 20 years combined, and that is only 20 minutes away. If I live in Williamsville vs West Buffalo the crime rates are not similar, but all the high crime areas are run by Dems.
  10. The guy who accused me of cherry picking data by pointing out the 90% is choosing one city to prove his point. I will give you credit that in your myopic nature you are a true Dem, solve one problem while creating a bunch more for others. Of course you don't care about the single mother with the abusive boyfriend so your solution works for what your myopic aim.
  11. Every single local government with high crime is Dem controlled but I am "cherry picking". The biggest cause/correlation for a violent man is lack of father in his life and that is definitely something that is much larger issue in Dem areas then Republican areas.
  12. I know you are a bigot but I live in an area that is less than 50% white and teach at a school that is less than 50% white but will likely still have the highest achievement levels in Orange County and top ten in all of Florida public high schools. I don't care about what you look like, I care what you believe. The students who never miss days and do homework are impressive across the board, those who choose not to show up and don't do work fail.
  13. Do I believe violence is an issue in America because of Dem run areas? Yes. As pointed out in a multitude of ways that in both macro and micro situations more guns has little to do with violence and murders, and a liberal is much more likely to use it.
  14. As previously stated, if we simply got rid of Dem run areas we would have similar numbers as NZ. You can keep pretending the issue is something different but it is liberalism.
  15. NZ does not allow guns but had a guy kill 6 people a few weeks ago, should we removed knives from people also?
  16. Goose you make a good point, this person should have his gun removed since he has shown an inability to use them properly.
  17. @BillStimecan you tell me all the laws passed or even proposed by Trump that were similar to the Nazis during his first term?
  18. This article is someone basically stating that they did not fill out the homestead paperwork at closing and the blaming someone else for her stupidity. My annual property taxes are currently about $200 more than when I bought the house in 2003 and it is worth multiples of that cost. When she signed the mortgage they gave the estimated taxes for the next year and it would remain there for all eternity. I would be embarrassed to be her not complaining to the news. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/felt-d-baited-switched-florida-104200397.html
  19. Picking the player with the most receiving yards in a playoff game in NFL history to represent the non playoff Bills is a bold statement.
  20. Not saying it has happened but they could have a deal with him on the table right now that will signed right after the salary cap shifts.
  21. Are you saying that our offense will be derailed if any of the top 3 receivers are injured? This offense is being built to be better at running and to spread the wealth passing. With the exception of Josh this offense is going to change week to week and no individual receiver will matter that much. The talent in the receiver room currently is equal to what we had at the end of the year last year when Diggs was playing poorly.
  22. Obviously the biggest question with Claypool is how much will it cost to jettison him if he decides that he does not need to work anymore? His upside is great but he is a guy I want to be sure I can cut bait on easily if it goes poorly.
  23. Bishop is the one draft pick we need to be good right away. If Coleman comes along slowly we still have other ways of winning, if our safeties are bad we will have a hard time winning.
  24. I believe we already had the murder vs suicide discussion, but regardless of your personal experience, acting as if the two events are comparable is improper. Suicides are a tragedy that need to be dealt with differently. As for the correlation, the highest murder rate in the civilized world is in Brazil and guns are not nearly as plentiful. It is easy to find correlations, but simply removing legality of guns will not stop evil.
  25. I missed all this previously, I am glad you are doing well and hope back to new normal soon.
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