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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. The article is written with morons in mind and only morons believed it for a minute. Gay days have always existed outside official Disney policy, it has been going on at least as long I have lived in Florida. Right now the only possible tax increase is the one that Demings has tried to get passed a bunch of time now is for public transportation, which he started pushing before Disney situation and is unrelated. Lastly Disney would never move from Florida after investing as much as they have so anyone who listed that as even a 1% chance is stupid.
  2. https://www.newsweek.com/anti-desantis-voters-could-foot-billion-dollar-disney-tax-bill-1700103 You linked to this or a similar article back then. It is ok you know it is true but probably went back and deleted it.
  3. I read the piece again and it says the first lady is "middle of road Republican" but did not want to discuss politics, you assume it is maga because is makes it easier for you rationalize, but much of Orlando went for Biden. Secondly they make a statement in the article that is factually incorrect, property taxes in FL stay about the same because of state law, my property taxes are $200 more a year now then in 2004 when I bought home despite it being 3 times the value. Williamsburg VA is more sophisticated than where in FL?
  4. @BillStime remember when you warned me that Disney would leave and then it would cost us in Orange County $2 billion? Wow literally nothing you said was even remotely correct, but the Disney CEO was ousted and Disney is no longer formally pushing Trans crap, so an overall win for Florida in every way.
  5. Once again do your homework, both areas are the bluest areas of Florida. https://www.politico.com/2020-election/results/florida/
  6. I used to work in insurance so I have a better understanding than most so this is longer than need be probably. I left insurance world in 2013 to teach and my last year there was with one of the 4 biggest Property insurers in FL. At that time we were spending more money on lawsuit claims then on straight paid claims. The law on the books until 2023 was if someone could prove insurance owed one more dollar than was paid that the insurance company had to pay out for the insured lawyers. Over time lawyers when they were confident they were going to get paid started getting engineers and other people to fluff the bill so that 10k roof which was fluffed up to $12k became a 40k payout. The reason for the 9 year old roof is most likely one or more of these three 1) roof is not of better roofing materials 2) they have already shown a penchant for calling in claims 3) the insurance company is shrinking their coverage in the area and want only the best risk, so if they want to lose them or their neighbor and they want the better risk. I was able to keep my roof until it was 21 years old, I paid to have it changed myself and my insurance dropped by 25%, so I was paying for the higher risk. FL insurance has made definite improvements over the past year but it will take time for it to shake out. That happens on average three times a year in Orlando, the record is 7 days in one year and that was a century ago
  7. A few items to mention here: 1) Orlando is now absurdly expensive and not dropping soon most likely, supply is low for homes and demand is huge. In 2018 I recommended many people move south where similar cost for better lifestyle, now it is better lifestyle for much higher cost, unless you are moving from NYC, or other major city. 2) the article quotes people who moved to an extremely expensive area (West Palm) and seemed surprised at the cost and congestion. Moving somewhere without research is on them. 3) anyone moving to Orlando to buy a manufactured home is about 40 years late, they are cheap to buy because they are expensive to maintain and the land rentals are very unstable. Also car insurance doubling means she was in accidents for certain, my insurance has not increased by even 50% since 2016. 4) last point is before moving here do some research, the costs are continuing to rise because it continues to grow. Know what it costs and expect it to be whatever the national inflation is + some.
  8. You can get SS even without putting any money in, look at all of the people who are on SS disability. The fact that they give more to the rich in some situations is not proof it is not welfare. Secondly I want all politicians to lower the budget, I can't imagine who you think I worship but you seem to think anyone smarter than you loves Trump while I simply despise Biden.
  9. Social Security is welfare, it is not presented as welfare but it is complete welfare. You take from those who are producing and give to those who are not producing by force. Discussing what it was "supposed" to be is assinine and unproductive unless you feel politicians will start separating the money at some point.
  10. This is a weird victory lap for you since we now know that 90% of what fauci said is garbage, your side destroyed millions of childrens lives, and we still had a huge loss of life. Your side did everything wrong.
  11. I am glad you recognize that what Trump did was free market activity, especially since the bank did it's own due diligence and stated they would do the loan again. The arguments against Trump are insane from anyone who understands banking in the least
  12. Can you name the cops who died that day? I think you are an honest person but how you don't realize he was an FBI plant is beyond me. He is one of the few actually on tape advocating entering the Capitol but somehow was not given jail time while those who simply walked around the capitol are in jail for years. Literally everyone else had the maximum thrown at them but he skates despite having the most damning evidence.
  13. Thank you for agreeing that people who mess with children in any sexual manner should be sent to jail. You seem confused though because I praise these jail terms but wish they were longer.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/didn-t-trust-police-sought-101030621.html Let me report this accurately, a mentally ill man who had delusions and hallucinations went to a police station accusing them of harming him ended up dead after he attacked police for not "helping" him the way he wanted to be helped. He was on illegal drugs and most likely off his prescription meds. This is a sad story but making racial is improper.
  15. You are defending a stupid attack by talking about unrelated items. I made statements of fact about the COVID shot and your response was to argue that the shot works as advertised, which only the dumbest believed.
  16. Any argument that 2020 was a more secure election than any of the previous ones for at least 100 years is stupid and intentionally ignorant. Everytime you add an additional layer between the voter and machine you add a chance of malfeasance/incompetence. Every time you don't verify the voter you greatly increase the chance of malfeasance. And if the vote is not done quickly and efficiently you add in the ability to mess with it. All three of these items were present in 2020, and GA and PA had them in huge amounts. These points are inarguable to an intelligent person, the only question is what conclusions we teach from these facts.
  17. I got the original Johnson and Johnson one, nothing since. My kids are not vaccinated and I am thankful since to a healthy 18 year old the vaccine is more threat than help.
  18. Depends on your definition of vaccinated Do you actually think the computer simulations are the same as actually having even 10 years of research? I can't remember if you were one of the people who told me that there was no evidence of long term issues with the COVID shot in summer of 2021 but several people here did, proving the lack of understanding of all scientific principles. A five year study still takes 5 years at a minimum, which you seem confused by.
  19. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/02/06/us/california-measles-vaccines-map.html Before COVID conservatives were the ones who believed in vaccines, while liberals, especially in places life California, fought against the mandates. Now you equate a shot that protects you for 6 weeks with unknown side effects with a vaccine that has 4 decades of information. You truly are gullible
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/news/time-ignore-trumps-trials-criminal-130006255.html This is the biggest admittance of guilt in political prosecution. Imagine arguing that whether a person is an actual criminal is immaterial. They want people to stop asking questions about the validity of the accusations.
  21. If no one died that day then why did Dems lie about it? Remember it was an insurrection?
  22. Both phenomenon are from the same source, liberals. School shooters are 80%+ liberals and illegals are 80%+ liberals. As I have stated multiple times, guns in my neighborhood outnumber people but I don't fear being shot. I fear evil people and those that allow them to flourish, hence I will never move to an area run by liberals.
  23. Can you list the police officers who died on January 6th from the riots at the Capitol?
  24. Florida squatter right laws kick in after 7 years of continuous residency, which means you would have to be unaware of your property for 7years, not 3 days
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