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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Before I respond, are you just trolling or is this your real thought out response? I sometimes do that on here when I get real bored and want to be sure.
  2. The source of illness is the illegal immigrants, which is caused by your side. The anti vaxxer movement was much more a leftist issue than a right issue also until the COVID lies from the government. All of the cases in Florida so far in the heavily immigrant communities, so your policy of open borders is once again having the entirely predictable end result of damaging children.
  3. Protecting a child is something you don't understand, I get it. But your happiness at damaging children with the lockdown was crazy on any level.
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nyu-doctor-dies-dining-disney-175014430.html I wish articles like this did not get printed because the only fully honest part of it is, a lawsuit was filed. Every Disney restaurant asks immediately upon sitting down if you have allergies and has for years, and if you say something like dairy, wheat, or anything common they will send the chef out to your table, I have seen it each time I have dined with anyone with an allergy. I feel bad for the family but there is definite missing info.
  5. Your belief that the right is the anti Catholic side is hilarious. I have never been mocked for my faith by anyone on the right, but many on the left have attempted to mock my faith. You literally must call anyone who's not a braindead liberal a right winger with this kind of characterization
  6. Nothing you are discussing is all related to where our world is today, the impact of an over abundance of low education people on our population. The jobs these people could fill based on skills and education are not the ones we have to worry about filling. The jobs they can't do are the ones we need to get people from other countries for but we stop them and let in the wrong ones. Not one of these jobs will be filled by 99% of the people coming here illegally
  7. So your belief is that everyone is equal, regardless of education, work ethic, or criminal intent? Got it. If you don't believe that you really need to look at how you express yourself. Also the proper way to address your point is to encourage Americans to have kids through tax incentives, not spend the money on illegals. If you believe birth rate is an actual issue your solution is the most illogical, expensive and bureaucratic way to solve it
  8. It is even sadder that you can't name one thing all the undocumented people have down to benefit the country but still run out an ignorant platitude.
  9. Why would someone pay you when you willing are this stupid for free? I do truly ask one good thing that has come from the mass undocumented immigrants over the past 3 years? Which choice did I make that is related to this outbreak from people forced on my state by an incompetent president?
  10. We have to accept the illegal immigrants into our schools. Seriously how dumb are you that you think this is a problem happening in red areas?
  11. I have seen several mention two receivers I saw a lot of this year and I believe one will be over drafted and the other under. Johnny Wilson of FSU will be over drafted based on his height and perceived ceiling l, but he is not the hardest worker so likely tops out as a 3rd receiver. Javon Baker of UCF is going to be a 4th or lower and will be a #2 by end of second season. Baker is not quick/fast enough to be a top end #1 but he fights for balls and when on the same page as QB is willing to be the dog you want.
  12. I ate there this weekend in Tallahassee and the sign said "if you lost your boo we will smash you" because they have a item called the smash
  13. Kay the Mashable article is used to point out that precise data collection for a large swath of planet is a recent phenomenon. No precise data is available for the vast majority of the world until the past few centuries. In that time frame we are arguing 2 degrees as if that is not in the normal change in temperatures on the planet over a yearly basis, even the data from 1920 is questionable in how it was collected. But you hit on a good point with climate vs weather. Next year I know Josh will score 45-50 TDs, that is the climate vs weather which is game to game and quarter by quarter.
  14. You can't sum it up better because you still pretend Hunters laptop is Russian disinformation, the entire 2016 investigation of Trump was not a political operation, and act like Biden did not brag publicly about using American money to get the guy who was investigating his son fired. But yes no evidence Biden ever was involved.
  15. Clearly you agree that the FBI would do this and then drop the charges right after the election, because no one believes this trial happens before the election. I will bet you whatever you would like that the trial does not happen before the election.
  16. Do you think people at the FBI would lie about something like this in order to keep Trump out of office?
  17. As we have discussed this is factually incorrect in small and big numbers, only morons can't learn.
  18. I am curious what you mean by expert? What makes someone an expert at global warming? Also which predictions from 20 years ago has been correct? You and Kay keep acting like there is no evidence to the contrary because the facts don't agree with your beliefs. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2217286/amp/Global-warming-stopped-16-years-ago-reveals-Met-Office-report-quietly-released--chart-prove-it.html The information is out there, you just to read it yourself, not have someone tell you what it says.
  19. You do know Phillips county and Lowndes County are both Democrat strongholds and majority black? As I have stated previously if your goal is to stop gun violence stop Dems from buying guns, they don't value life.
  20. This comment is actually even more telling then I initially noticed. When I had to to have minor surgery because of a health issue I did research what was best way and which doctor was best in my system. I went to different hospital than I normally go to so I could have the doctor with 15 years experience vs the guy with less than one. Unlike you someone who refers to themselves as a expert does not impress me unless I see some evidence of what they can do, the fact you listen to Greta Thunberg shows how much thought you have.
  21. In this forum I am being mocked by people who clearly think climate science is like other hard sciences. People who work for SpaceX use modeling software to predict how a launch will go. The launch of a rocket has a fraction of the variables that our climate does but until they test it in real world situations they often could not make proper predictions. The people who believe the climate models without question are people who were shocked the rockets sometimes explode, that is what science is, mess around and find out.
  22. Do you actually think a person who creates a computer simulation is a scientist like Tesla and Edison?
  23. imagine Republicans complaining about a problem that is 100 times worse in Republican areas and blaming Dems for the failure. This dude is such a a joke
  24. Global warming alarmist are some of the dumbest people on the planet, they believe that the earth has had the hottest and coldest weather in the planets history all within 150 years of each other and within 3 degrees of each other. https://mashable.com/article/climate-change-cold-records-rare
  25. You set a standard that we all know won't happen, a bunch of people whose jobs rely on the climate being a problem need to come out and admit their jobs are meaningless. You also are comparing actual scientist- the FAFO type- with computer modelers. The models are often garbage but we don't discard them entirely if their results are favorable.
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