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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. This is why I don't drink at stadiums, too many people have no idea how to behave in public.
  2. I would love this, especially if the phins beat the Ravens, we could rest players and get ready for the playoffs. Unless we can win division that last game does not mean much to me if we have playoff spot locked.
  3. At this point I am blaming you for responding any further, if the ability to score points is not the largest indicator of a good QB then what intelligent discussion can happen?
  4. I can't tell if you are just trolling or actually think Christmas does not mean "Christ Mass". Either way I wish a merry Christmas and hope the good Lord helps you see the light.
  5. Christmas predates Christ? Do you argue that Super Bowl predates the NFL because we had sports championships prior to it? Christianity began with his disciples and it is literally based on his life and the holiday is based on his birth. The fact that they chose the date without aiming to actually make on his birthday does not change the fact that CHRIST- MAS is based on CHRIST. But I appreciate you proving that you believe the dumbest things posted ever.
  6. this is a sad little man responding to Sorbo, who actually argued that Christmas predates the dude. He apparently tly believes Hillary Clinton is named after Edmund Hillary also. Sadly I also have to also point out St Nick was a real person who was a Christian, so just using ignorance to be a petty jerk on a holiday.
  7. Tyreek is definitely behind CMC to me since CMC can attack in every possible manner, and Tyreek is "just" a dominate receiver. I always think when discussing MVP part of the equations should be who does the other team fear, and Purdy is not in the conversation but Hill and CMC are.
  8. It has probably been said but luck is when opportunity meets preparation. We are the better team, we made dumb mistakes but we're able to pull it out anyways. It was also bad luck we lost to the Pats* and Denver so sometimes luck is good and sometimes bad.
  9. I appreciate you proving my point without a doubt. The second receiver with KC has 30 more yards than Gabe and all three Jags receivers have less than 70 more than Gabe. You have two teams with a #2 WR who is really outpacing Gabe with yards and no other #2 WR has more TD receptions. You have confirmed everything I said.
  10. You know there are 32 teams so at LEAST 75% of teams have zero players with more TD recpetions and more than 50% likely only have one receiver with more yards. I agree he benefits from the team he plays on but these are good numbers for a number 2, even without discussing his blocking which is elite for a WR. I doubt he will ever be #1 and as I stated before we should offer #3 receiver money but I think someone will offer him Bobby Trees money.
  11. At this point in the season Gabe is 40th in yards, 8th in TD catches, and blocks better than almost every receiver in league. I do want him back because he helps us be better but he needs to be paid as a high 3 level not a 2.
  12. I am communicating with you and Joe Ferguson a lot therefore when I use my big words you guys clearly get confused. Also you stating you "don't mean to be blunt" is hilarious, you are the most blunt tool on this site.
  13. Thank you for proving my point. Hate all you want but FL is the highest rated education system in USA. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education
  14. I recommend only interact with him when you feel like punching down, he is not able to defend most of what he says and when he does it is below what I expect of my high school freshman I teach, so tread lightly. I posted this for you once before but I don't mind doing it again https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/roosevelt-s-prewar-attitude-toward-hitler No mention of Hezbollah but those Jews think Dems suck
  15. I posted playing political games is not a crime, you are the ones arguing otherwise. Enjoy your trip.
  16. My statement was factual, Dems in 2016 tried to stop certification and liberals praised them, what are you saying no to? And who are my patients? You might want to take a break for the holidays.
  17. Wow that got personal fast, I wish Trump had not done it without having rock solid proof of the cheating but my point is that what you are calling him a criminal for was done by Dems in 2016 and most liberals praised it.
  18. I accept that Purdy has better numbers than Josh in some ways but if we are going to value to their team then Josh is clearly higher than Lamar or Jalen. I honestly would argue CMC over Purdy and can accept that he is best player in league but going straight by stats is dumb.
  19. If it happens I am going to blame you, because obviously it is not the Bills fault for losing to the Pats*, Jets and Broncos.
  20. I had to look up what cheat motion was before commenting and it is the short motions of outside guys and snapping it when they are still moving lateral but most guys that they use cheat motion with are the speedsters, so it would be useful with Harty types.
  21. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/no-trump-electoral-college-challenge-233294 Of course that election had no actual questions of votes, just liberals doing what you are now calling Trump a criminal for.
  22. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4372470-orlando-newspaper-publishes-spread-of-673-books-banned-in-florida-county-in-2023/amp/ I am shocked that Billsy did not link to this article somewhere around here, it is just up his alley, poorly researched and inflammatory. The reason it is so funny to me is that one of the few books actually listed is "Fahrenheit 451" which is one of the book choices for a required project for the freshman English class. Secondly Beloved discussed bestiality and has graphic sex scenes, no reason to have that book in an elementary school library, but somehow that idea is controversial
  23. Reading this thread I have a different question- did anyone think Bernard would be good? I was praying for mediocre and he is in the pro bowl discussion. I also am pleasantly surprised by Spencer Brown, who I thought could be this good but did not have faith in it.
  24. I was showing my wife the Minnesota flag that existed for a few days and the Somali flag it emulated and it linked to Wikipedia. It is apparently a conspiracy theory to state that the similarities were not happenstance when the flag is almost identical to the jubaland flag in color and design in the state with the highest Somali population in the country. If Massachusetts suddenly had a flag that simply white, green and orange stripes I would certainly state it was due to the high Irish population, but apparently having basic knowledge is now forms conspiracy theories.
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