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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. What the supreme Court rules has no bearing on whether the ruling is garbage? Interesting take. I find it funny that you admit to being a gambler but won't do it here, makes it clear you know your original point is garbage
  2. Daz how about we bet on what the actual SC says about CO has done? I doubt the liberal justices even defend this crap but I would honestly bet a good sum of money, or something non financial, that if it makes it there it will be overturned
  3. Lanza, Uvalde, and Cruz were all from Dem families and all gang bangers are Dems because they like loose laws. Please show me one who was from the right or accept it as fact
  4. If that is the entire bar then simply not allowing Dems to own guns would solve it quickly, since basically everyone that has gun down children indiscriminately was a liberal
  5. Do you actually believe a simple accusation is enough? By that standard Obama found not run because Hillary claimed he was born in Kenya.
  6. I knew we would have issues defensively when Jones went down and am happy with the defensive play the past few weeks despite his missing. To rotate him and Joseph would have to give centers and guards nightmares.
  7. I definitely would prefer the officials simply do their job but since watching them allow Cam Newton get whacked mercilessly because he never flopped I am all for it. If the officials start to be competent I will hope the NFL does something about the flopping.
  8. That is his way, he is often just trolling
  9. He has no idea what he is even discussing, someone explained how reimagine works and dose not realize that files need to be changed in order to get the computer working again. Sometimes new files will be created to ensure the same break down does not happen again. His belief that any computer has been reimagined from a damaged point without changing files is hilarious because it shows he has minimal understanding of a computer.
  10. So to verify- every single word I have said is correct, and you are adding in "context" that makes it possible for you add on some pointless addendum later. I will ask directly, what information was changed post Hunter?
  11. That is a psychological question not a math question, because they are still alive for division either way at end of game. So I am rooting for Seahawks
  12. Where is the nuance if everything he has been accused of is accurate? Truly you agree everything said about him is true and you argued the point as if you had a differing view. What was the point of getting involved if you were just going to admit I am right and Billsy was wrong?
  13. Can you give me one accusation against Hunter you don't believe that has surfaced? His drug use, his prostitutes, Hunter acting like his father was part of his business deals? Your accusation that I can't understand nuance is hilarious when you can't give me anything specific just general concepts " someone somewhere could have messed with it."
  14. Is Leonard Smith the dude who took out Derrick Burroughs with a dumb play? I like Rapp overall but he truly needs to learn that sliding QBs are not to be touched.
  15. Please explain the parts of the laptop you think we're created by someone other than Hunter?
  16. Bless your heart, you really think someone created the pictures of Hunter and the prostitutes don't you?
  17. That actually happened in a UCF game vs USF not that long ago, USF was driving for a tying TD at end of game and they reviewed something with less than 10 seconds. It might have been whether they got a 1st on 4th down but at the end of the day the review meant game was over either way.
  18. Sorry you must have missed the fact that the laptop has been authenticated since 2019 by the FBI and then Hunter sued the guy to get it back.
  19. The only "allegation" I have made is that Hunter Biden used that laptop to set up influence peddling deals using his father's name. That is factual.
  20. I find it hilarious when a liberal tries to be clever like this because it shows how any amount of critical thinking makes it impossible for you to form a proper response
  21. The part of the fan base that does not like him is too stupid for words. He is a great blocker, is top 10 active players in playoff TDs receiving, and is generally reliable. He is not a top 4 TE but when healthy is is in top 10.
  22. How did they just discover this vital information was missing? Literally three years later it is now important but not before? Billsy even you have to see this tweet and realize this is a garbage report, right?
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