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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I can't imagine that for the parents because so few understand the effects of tourettes. My student was actually told by another teacher that he was racist because of his "poor" reaction to a stressful situation and it bothered him for months. His "racism" was directed at another Latino student who found out his father was full Mexican and gave him crap, and his tourettes took over. I admit I had no idea of the extent of tourettes until I let him.
  2. I like the touchback rule, the risk/reward of stretching out for the end zone is something that needs to remain in my mind. I know I am in minority but that rule is not one that should change.
  3. I had a student who had a non verbal tourettes and when stressed the symptoms generally came on much stronger than normal. I am assuming she was stressed from interview so it is definitely possible, but also possible she threw in a few extra flourishes either for tv or dislike of Chris
  4. Gabe though has many good games(100+ yds) and is top 5 in current players in playoff TD catches. He is average with a chance at great a few times a season.
  5. It is always odd to me that someone could find more fault with Trump paying for sex than Clinton who simply assaulted women for sex. I am not happy with either but one is far worse in my book.
  6. He is a statistical outlier in many ways, he is not a #1 but he still has NFL record for most TDs in a playoff game. Last year he ended up the 32nd player in yards I believe despite being far behind in catches. He is willing to do the hard work needed to succeed, even if he is not beneficiary, and he is a great blocker.
  7. I am definitely of the opinion I want him back at the right price but I am quite sure someone believes they can turn him into a great receiver and will pay him 3 years $36 million to have the chance. If he was available for 2 years at $12 total I would say yes.
  8. https://www.yahoo.com/news/49ers-investigating-noose-seen-tailgate-222542997.html It is now racist to hang opposing QBs as an effigy. I am apparently racist vs Dan Marino, Joe Montana, and Vinny Testaverde.
  9. I say this with only a small amount of schadenfreude, because I truly wish it was the Pats*, but that loss last night was so much along the lines of what the old Bills did I can not believe it. I believe our chances of catching them is very high but certainly not a sure thing.
  10. The replacement officials were better than the current officials because they only called what they saw, much less made up calls. The "worst" call of the replacement officials was the "fail Mary" which would not be a top ten bad call against the Bills this year.
  11. Hey, this year competence from the officials is a surprise.
  12. I do agree, he was best player on field but my point is that he did not have to do it all, which is nice change from too many games.
  13. I am Happy with the win, Josh was not Superman, Diggs did not do much, and we had to rely on Cook and our Defense to hold the chiefs to 17 pts. Good win.
  14. That's what I said- just with more better words😁 What a very democrat response- no context or even basic understanding of the English language just a short quote that you pretend means something very different than what it does. Can you even define a militia? I can define shall not be infringed.
  15. The very argument that the founding fathers did not mean that individuals had a right to weapons is basically stating you have no idea what happened from 1770 to 1789 in the USA. The English had tried to confiscate the colonist weapons on multiple occasions and the only reasons we survived is the people willing to step up with their weapons. If you want to argue that we should change it that is a fine argument I disagree with but please stop saying such stupidity.
  16. I do agree with you but the NFL requires at least 30% be owned by one person and they much prefer at least 50%. His personal wealth at the time was not 300 million but why let facts get in the way of his slander.
  17. Donald Trump is the reason that Terry Pegula paid more for the Bills than Bon Jovi could have offered based on his net worth? Your TDS is amazing, Bon Jovi was never realistically buying the Bills unless the cost dropped by 30%
  18. It seems about right that you would use this to crap on McD. Tyler stated that 13 seconds broke the team that went 13-3 last year despite all the injuries and a player almost dying on the field. You believe anything that is garbage, so I am even more confident it is trash.
  19. This might be true but I would certainly prefer less time between the games where the difference in coaching staffs get exposed even more.
  20. You did not read the post at all, the score was closer than GA vs MI and each year at least one of the games is a blowout, usually 2 of the 3.
  21. I remember this discussion around the vaccine in late 2020 and being told by my cousins in NY that I was dumb to believe that a government would stop people from going places if not vaccinated. They of course all had that happen to them, but I did not, you enjoy your limitations, I will remain free here inFL.
  22. The Cincinnati game was closer than the other semifinal that year and about average for semifinals. In fact with the exception of last year every single year one of the semi finals has been a blow out of not both.
  23. Trump was planning to steal the 2020 election back in 2013 before he was running for office? The stuff you post without thought is amazing.
  24. UCF beat Auburn who beat GA and smoked Bama. The only reason you think Bama was better is you would not let UCF have an opportunity. Literally your argument is that no matter what they did UCF would be below Bama unless Bama lost twice when playing a weak schedule, truly UCF would have been undefeated playing Bama 2017 schedule
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