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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. What does Ladd do so we'll that Coleman does not do?
  2. So we should expect 2k in yards from Coleman over the next 2 season just like Benjamin? should we also expect him to then eat his way out of the league? Besides being tall they have little to compare.
  3. If they are going to stretch the season to more real games, which I like, they need to put in two stipulations: they need two bye weeks and they need to make the Thursday night game teams be two teams coming off a bye. I would be surprised if the extra game does not happen especially since the time line would be perfect from Labor Day to Presidents day.
  4. The people using Kelvin Benjamin as a bad example apparently don't realize he went for 2k yard combined his first two years played as a pro, and the dude then stopped trying to keep in shape. As for Coleman he is closest receiver in draft to Diggs, Diggs is not a true burner but he fights for the ball and will catch jump balls. He has to learn how to run better routes quickly because the FSU offense ran on Jordan Travis improvising and it is built into the plan.
  5. The fact that I acknowledge the climate is changing, state we need to adapt to it, and then point out, that not one of your crisis situations has occured is me "denying climate change". No major water rising, still plenty of snow on mountains, no wild fires where the forest are culled but keep telling yourself you understand the science. Climate on the planet is forever changing and chances are the more people that like be on the planet the more we will affect it.
  6. https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/desantis-has-one-of-the-highest-disapproval-ratings-for-governors-poll/ This is clearly an over sampled Democrat survey. NBC knows the data is garbage but made sure they printed it. You can argue it is technically correct In that they actually did a poll but any poll that only has Desantis up 2 pts in Florida is crazy. He has not only the die hard political people, but the vast majority of the "normal" parents, and of those that did not like him 2022 many have moved out of state.
  7. I am very rooted in reasonable explanations, which is why I always like more data. The investigation into stratosphere has only been done by those who wanted one answer. I will point out again that the historical trail of temperature in the stratosphere is very limited and any discussion of a larger time frame is reliant on computer modeling. I understand the climate is ever changing and recently it has been getting warmer, but climate change has become the boogie man and unrelated things have been blamed on it. Truly you and I will never agree because you only see what you want to see, which is government is the answer. To state a more free market solution would have overloaded hospitals is in direct opposition to what Sweden showed fully and Florida showed in the US. FL despite being one of the oldest populations in the US was below average for death rate while being far more open until at least 2022. I will allow you the last word this go round but your solutions rely on government being honest and using financial restraint, which when we are 34 trillion in debt and members of Congress are worth 100s of millions makes the start of the discussion seem ridiculous. I will ask you to point out one prediction that was correct that was trumpeted? Simply showing temps have risen in the past 50 years shows me nothing. The fact that 7 billion people affect the planet and the climate is changing is obvious and will always happen but your solutions are not only ineffective but damaging to our economy
  8. Stories that the MSM lied about since 2020: COVID origin, Hunter laptop, "most secure election in history", outdoor protest are safe but school is not safe, police brutality. Those are the things I can think of in less than a minute. Your assurance that they hit .800 is laughable. CNN actually went to a news first concept and their ratings tanked because no one was interested, though I did actually watch more then. Your grabbing Pizzagate as your example is the definition of cherry picking, because so few believed it.
  9. He stated "that's different than actually making stuff up out of whole cloth at the urging of a particular candidate" which is EXACTLY what CBS did. I am very aware s lot of these smaller "news" organizations take a small piece of info and blow it up beyond reason but to pretend that the MSM is not doing the same when you are our age is being intentionally stupid.
  10. CBS made up the story about Bush in 2004 wholly and completely and they were debunked with 24 hours by a bunch of basement dwellers. Your statement is not only wrong but if you believed it when you wrote it you are stupid.
  11. Do you think the people moving to FL are coming because they want liberal policies? Florida will be all red except the 3 idiot counties in the southeast. Florida demographics have changed since 2018 when a liberal had a chance.
  12. You are delusional, Trump wins Florida by at least 500k. I may as well state the Bills have a chance at drafting MHJ without trading multiple ones, it could happen in everyone in Florida goes brain dead.
  13. Those are all valid points, we do need a outside guy more so I will state Legette or we can try and move up for someone who could be special.
  14. I like Legette more of these two but I don't see why Keon Coleman is not being discussed as our Diggs replacement- he likes to fight for the ball and would round out the WR room nicely.
  15. The cooling of the stratosphere I finally looked up and it was presented less than 5 years ago based on the findings of people looking for global warming. I am not stating the cause is not what they state it is, I simply will wait for a little more time and until more people have gone through the data. This does bring us to our next point, which is what is the solution? Is turning it over to the government a good idea? We just saw what happened with COVID and how they messed it up, why do you believe they will do better?
  16. My kids don't get the way Bills fans can be but we went to a Orlando Solar Bears hockey game and I was wearing my Sabres Jersey and I got dozens of "Go Buffalo" and when in line one guy all but hugged me as we discussed Sabres and Bills. Both kids asked after how I knew him, and I of course had no idea who he was. I also gave high fives to at least 5 other guys who I did know either. Our friends in Lightning jerseys did not have similar experiences.
  17. Both can't be correct as they both state they have already seen the changes happening time wise, you cannot have both a longer day and a shorter day at the same time, they are mutually exclusive. I also understand both versions of science are valid, I acknowledged that when I said " both study models are valid" but each weighs it's own variable as the more important one and does not take into consideration the other variable. Finally acknowledging the massive changes the earth has gone through you seem quite confident that all the changes happening now are man made, vs all of the massive changes that have happened throughout time with minimal impact from man
  18. You do realize you are proving his point? The way the Russians kept the population under control is to make them respond as you just did. Your deflection because you don't like his completely true facts is to attack with unrelated information.
  19. @ComradeKayAdams this is what I mean by computer model start with assumptions. Both study models are valid, but at least one of them is fundamentally flawed and in such an enormous way that not only is there reasoning wrong, but the conclusion is 100% wrong. I want to point out that I don't which is correct but both are stating the change has already started.
  20. If you are a proper representative of liberals in the USA then I am frightened. You believe the Steele Dossier was put out by the Russians to help Trump and nothing anyone has said for the past 8 years has made you even reconsider that thought for a moment.
  21. When it was written it meant people here legally. If legally in country you get protected by Constitution, if you are a foreign national who is here without permission you do not get protections. There is not a question of what they meant only what dishonest politicians/judges do. The system is phenomenal until you have people believing they are moral by allowing criminals into their community
  22. The $8 cap is stupid and only sounds good to people who are economically illiterate, right along with $20 minimum wage laws. Biden pushing the idea of putting all non negotiable costs up front makes complete sense.
  23. I have twice been through voir dire and I was rejected both times based on my answer to a couple questions. I gave honest answers but in the one case it was clear the prosecutor wanted people who believed the guy was guilty because of almost exclusively testimony, where I need solid evidence
  24. I don't know hockey like I know football but the lack of defensive structure this year was far too evident. We far too often would be scrambling on defense when it would have been easy to snuff out the chance if we simply knew who had to be where at all times. In October I can blame a player, in January forward it is coaching. The offense is acceptable but the defense is not even close.
  25. Late in the draft I would like Will Shipley. He could be the poor man's Cook. He catches well out of backfield and seemed to find open spaces when I watched them.
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