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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Goose you make a good point, this person should have his gun removed since he has shown an inability to use them properly.
  2. @BillStimecan you tell me all the laws passed or even proposed by Trump that were similar to the Nazis during his first term?
  3. This article is someone basically stating that they did not fill out the homestead paperwork at closing and the blaming someone else for her stupidity. My annual property taxes are currently about $200 more than when I bought the house in 2003 and it is worth multiples of that cost. When she signed the mortgage they gave the estimated taxes for the next year and it would remain there for all eternity. I would be embarrassed to be her not complaining to the news. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/felt-d-baited-switched-florida-104200397.html
  4. Picking the player with the most receiving yards in a playoff game in NFL history to represent the non playoff Bills is a bold statement.
  5. Not saying it has happened but they could have a deal with him on the table right now that will signed right after the salary cap shifts.
  6. Are you saying that our offense will be derailed if any of the top 3 receivers are injured? This offense is being built to be better at running and to spread the wealth passing. With the exception of Josh this offense is going to change week to week and no individual receiver will matter that much. The talent in the receiver room currently is equal to what we had at the end of the year last year when Diggs was playing poorly.
  7. Obviously the biggest question with Claypool is how much will it cost to jettison him if he decides that he does not need to work anymore? His upside is great but he is a guy I want to be sure I can cut bait on easily if it goes poorly.
  8. Bishop is the one draft pick we need to be good right away. If Coleman comes along slowly we still have other ways of winning, if our safeties are bad we will have a hard time winning.
  9. I believe we already had the murder vs suicide discussion, but regardless of your personal experience, acting as if the two events are comparable is improper. Suicides are a tragedy that need to be dealt with differently. As for the correlation, the highest murder rate in the civilized world is in Brazil and guns are not nearly as plentiful. It is easy to find correlations, but simply removing legality of guns will not stop evil.
  10. I missed all this previously, I am glad you are doing well and hope back to new normal soon.
  11. The people who think anyone other than MHJ is a slam dunk good pro are delusional. Everyone else has issues and we will have to work with Coleman to improve his route running but anyone who does not realize he is similar to DK Metcalf in profile is not paying attention. He is a big dude who can jump and has hands that catch the ball, he will be fine once he settles into the NFL. I would not bet he is great week 1-8 but I expect 500+ yards, 40+ catches and 5+ tds from week 10 on this year, which would make him a major part of the offense.
  12. I have already shown multiple times that more guns does not equal more gun deaths. In macro and micro instances, we have way more guns then in the 1980s but much less gun murders then at that time. In my neighborhood we have more guns then people but not one gun death, or even injury in the 20+ years I have lived there. The truly connected stat is Democrat run areas and murders. The only more direct link is fatherless homes and criminals in general.
  13. I'm pretty sure murder is against the law in every jurisdiction, I am pointing out that Democrats don't follow basic rules, what point are you trying to make?
  14. Nothing is funnier than liberals inability to do real research- the majority of these countries are deep blue. I just took the top 3, not sure when you will first hit a Red county, I don't have that much time, but of the counties that are on this list year in and year out at least 90% of them are deep blue. In the last Presidential election, Phillips county remained very strongly Democratic, 58.0% to 38.7%. In Leflore County, MS 70.2% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 28.7% voted for the Republican Party, and the remaining 1.1% voted Independent In Lowndes County, AL 72.7% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 26.9% voted for the Republican Party, and the remaining 0.4% voted Independent
  15. You are trying to make complicated what is tried and true and actually simple. A large scale introduction of money without the product to back it up has ALWAYS caused inflation, generally quicker then what we have seen but ALWAYS. To nitpick why since 2019 the overall inflation impact is now 40% vs possibly 35% can be discussed since it is not as if we can carve out every detail easily.
  16. So you farm out your thinking to "experts"? Any expert that denies that putting 5 trillion dollars into an economy without any sort of increase in production in a short period of time would cause quick and massive inflation is stupid. We have simply stretched out the inflation for a while longer than it would have hit without the government hiring more people.
  17. Are you actually this blind to how bad the government has screwed things up that you believe the inflation is even 25% from a hot economy? The inflation is from printing a huge amount of cash and paying it to people for not working. If you want to blame Trump for not squashing it is one thing but to pretend that this inflation is from a good thing is absurd. Anyone with a minimal amount of understanding of economics knew the inflation from the pay puts would be massive, the only ones saying different were being paid by the government.
  18. My question is what successful team runs an offense this way? I don't mean just now but ever? If I know what team you want to emulate I will at least understand where you are coming from.
  19. I don't mean running Josh, I mean let Josh use his arm and brains to distribute the ball. If Josh is playing well we are unstoppable. In the perfect game vs the Pats Diggs only had 3 catches for 60 yards but we had 4 receivers with 3 or more catches. That is the offense we want to go to IMO.
  20. I have to assume that most of the people roasting our receiver talent did not watch the last 8 games of last year when we went on our winning streak. Our offense did not run through Diggs, it ran through Josh and then through Cook, then through Shakir. Diggs was able to be jettisoned because they have a plan to have Josh play like the GB offense last year, everyone is involved. We likely won't have a 1000 yard receiver this year, but we might have 4 guys with 700.
  21. Where did you read this about Yuri? I have only heard of him the past few months so maybe there is more to him then I know. Everything he discussed that I have read/saw does not predict the collapse of the USA, unless you are counting what he said before coming to the west.
  22. Let me try a simpler way- you responded exactly as Yuri would have predicted a low information highly partisan person would respond. Instead of showing why he is wrong, you make an unrelated comment to make yourself feel better.
  23. Obvious this is not expected but getting a guy who has never played football competitively and making him into a viable player would not be unprecedented. Antonio Gates had only played basketball before entering the NFL on his way to the HOF.
  24. How small and petty but that is how a liberal is. If Marco is not retained as senator then the next Republican wins Florida anyways. I actually admit it scares me a bit that our state is so red because politicians often get lazy at this point but I prefer all red to all blue.
  25. I want to preface this with the fact I have 150 kids this year, about 25 fully supportive parents and 2 that suck, the rest are fine but nothing special to me. But this kind of situation could happen at any school but it is only with minority students, and it is only given to students with horrible parents. I currently have no students with this designation but I have a coworker who has 4 kids throughout the day who have accomodations that she is not allowed to stop the child from being on phone or video games. All 4 parents have written that she is a racist because she won't help her kids unaware the women has a mixed race spouse and child. Thankfully the kid in article will lose in FL but in other parts of country he would be paid for the teacher trying to do her job. If you want decent teachers you all better put this kid in jail and remove his siblings from his parents. https://www.yahoo.com/news/student-accused-viciously-beating-aide-155948035.html
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