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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I went to the Bills Raiders playoff game that about the same temperature and stayed the whole game when I was in my teens. My father left with my sister who was a preteen at the time at the end of first quarter because her clothes weren't warm enough. I have minimal sympathy for any adult because if you bundle up you will be fine and it takes several bad decisions to get to that point. As for kids, my sympathy is enormous and wish they had a father like mine.
  2. What Frank said about too high self esteem is not off the mark for many of these kids. I will state most of the kids I teach have parents who have money to pay full freight for a college, so scholarships and such are not top of mind. Also most colleges have acceptance rates north of 50% so being from my school and being a 3.0 gpa kid gets you into most schools. During 2021 COVID was top of mind and kids stayed home with minor colds, and that seems to be continuing, which is an issue. Lastly I definitely have the kids who don't care about college or the future also, but the issue we have is we can't kick them out really until they turn 19 even if they are not doing much of anything.
  3. If you hear about the absenteeism being out of control, it is not a joke. I have an Honors class in the middle of the day where 19 of 26 already have 10+ absences. Generally at 10 absences for the year and A is hard to reach. 10 of the students are on pace for 20 absences and at that point a B is generally unrealistic. How is a teacher responsible for kids they don't see?
  4. Hillary literally paid for the Steele Dossier, which is Russian disinformation, and you think Trump was the new "scale and willingness"? Secondly acceptance of foreign interference is applauded when it is believed to help liberals, such as foreign nationals whom work in Hollywood praise them.
  5. I do have a question for you- how was the interference in 2016 any different than the interference in every election since at least Reagan? The only major difference I see is that one of the campaigns was dumb enough to get hacked with classified information. Russians lied about Trump in the Steele Dossier, Russians lied about Hillary also.
  6. Any player not named Josh Allen should be available for the right price but I doubt anyone will offer what he is worth to us.
  7. UCF had some injuries in middle of year and got smoked by two middling teams. We lost by 2 to Sooners and by 1 to Texas tech and Baylor. We would have been 8-4 if not for some bad luck. All of our good luck came during that one game.
  8. I will ask again, if playing the odds, what is the most likely source of the illness to a child who has never traveled?
  9. I proved your statement that illegals don't live in "affluent suburbs" was stupid, but as for the third grader, if the child did not travel how did they come into contact with the measles? Lack of travel means it was most likely brought in with someone else from somewhere else. It is very likely the initial student with it did not go to a doctor because he was illegal.
  10. What is wrong with you? You throw around accusations that are juvenile and bigoted whenever you are shown that your "facts" are stupid. But I will show you how mixed some areas of Florida are as far as income. This is not my school but in my county, and these two would go to the same school. https://www.rockethomes.com/homes/13377-lake-butler-blvd-winter-garden-fl-34787 https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/720-Queensbury-Loop-211-Winter-Garden-FL-34787/2055523940_zpid/
  11. That is the dumbest argument I have heard, I teach billionaires kids and have several students who are illegal immigrants, they live with legal people with several families per house. But thankfully you did not try to argue how it was introduced to the community.
  12. Something I have been hearing from friends who teach down in Belle Glade area that NIL is coming to high school. Players currently go to local restaurants and get free food without concern about college eligibility, so how long till it is fully sanctioned?
  13. Shakir will be better this year than last year. He will be a top 8 slot guy in the NFL similar to Beasley was to us. When we drafted him I was thrill because in college he was like Beasley but more athletic.
  14. I am a UCF season ticket holder and our game vs OSU was the brightest spot of the season. That being said we had played extremely poorly the two prior games and for obvious reasons you thought that was who we were.
  15. For a "doctor" you seem to have a very poor understanding of how viruses are introduced to a population. If measles were eradicated from the area for the past 20+ years, where do you suggest the initial infection came from? Secondly only 4% are not vaccinated in Florida schools of people here legally, so it is amazing you think the majority of non vaccinated students got the illness that fast in the school
  16. Well Biden sent 600 firefighters to Canada when it was on fire but 100 to Texas, so the response is pretty much par for the course. Americans get minimal help while our foreign friends get maximum help. https://www.axios.com/2023/06/08/canada-wildfires-us-deploys-over-600-firefighters https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/03/01/remarks-by-president-biden-after-operation-briefing-brownsville-tx/
  17. In the thread about measles, which is now in the Latino communities in Florida brought by people illegally in the country you are railing against White supremacy and isolationism? Whites are not related to this story, but if we were isolationists this particular problem would not be here. Do you see white supremacy a lot in your area of the country?
  18. This whole story makes no sense unless it is a political hit piece or a psyop. This guy is an FBI informant who for years did their dirty work of Intel gathering, you would not publicly burn him unless the entire purpose is the optics. The FBI would lose any chance of getting any decent informant in the future if a source thought they could be outed for bad information, it is covert work. Secondly the FBI brought the source to Republicans, the Republicans believed he was a good source because of the FBI. Lastly the most damning evidence against Joe and Hunter is the laptop, which the FBI has already stated is real and they lied about to get Joe elected, so why is the media pretending this guy is the key piece?
  19. We have far more guns then the 1980s and far less murders with guns than the 1980s, but somehow you think the issue is the guns themselves. In my neighborhood I know for a fact that there are more guns than people but the worst crime in 20 years is teens stealing from unlocked cars. I also find it shocking how often liberals only care about gun deaths but don't worry about any other version of murder. My goal is to lower all murder rates but that clearly is not your goal
  20. Conservatives don't base our thoughts on what is funniest. It is hard to make jokes about what a crap show NYS has become because everyone I know who still lives there has a lesser life because of the government. It is hard to make jokes about the problems created by liberal policies since the issues are so serious. But in reference to John Oliver himself he has an average of 400k viewers, which makes him equal to a regular season WNBA game.
  21. Since half the Dems agree with the bill why are you against it?
  22. The report card for the Bills came out much better than I expected and if Terry wants to jump into the top 5 all he needs to do is copy what the top teams are doing for travel. The nutrition part I have no solution because you live in Buffalo.
  23. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/whats-in-the-senates-118-billion-border-and-ukraine-deal What does the other 82% of the bill look like?
  24. So your argument is ignorance and intentional naivete. Use Google and I asked for an opinion.
  25. Because your response is ignorant of the entire history of politicians of at least my lifetime. Politicians say money will be spent "here" and it is all spent "there". The break down the money of the border bill was the perfect example and would give Biden more power who is allowed in. Since I answered your, please answer mine, if Biden was morally or legally right in forcing the Border patrol to allow illegals in why did he allow Texas to stop it so easily?
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