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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. With the way I think we are going to run our offense going forward I definitely would prefer 3 separate 10 million guys then one 30 million player. Josh makes this offense run, not the receivers and giving him plenty of good options is preferable to me vs one stud and 3 jags. I also think there is 99% chance we go WR at least once in the first two rounds.
  2. I used to fly in and out of O'Hare often and if they were where 90 and 94 meet the mess would be impressive. I can't believe these morons believe these stunts will get people on their side.
  3. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-04-15/californias-population-is-on-the-rise-so-much-for-claims-of-its-demise#:~:text=California California is still losing citizens of the US l, but they are making up for it with illegal immigrants. They lost 91k more than they gained of American citizens but they are proud to have illegals filling that void.
  4. If you ever wonder why I assume you are a right winger truly pretending l, this video is one of the reasons. Every reasonable person believes a COVID vaccine being mandated for kids is evil, who do you disagree?
  5. You are literally the only person over the age of 6 whom is fooled by these short clips being strung together.
  6. Billsy most common state, confused by a logical progression. He wants me to target pedophiles but can't explain how I can do that if the pedophile is not open about it.
  7. The guy is jail, hopefully for a long time, but serious question for you- how do I or anyone "target" pedophiles who don't brag about it openly?
  8. Imagine linking to an article that says 6ft and a cloth mask would make things better in 2024.
  9. If you aren't defending him then what are you doing? LOTT outs pedophiles and people that sexualize children, which this guy clearly is in that category. You defend these people on here, not sure how else you put this guy in a thread with LOTT.
  10. I can't believe you are defending this guy, he is a creep who belongs in jail and you are here trying to to act like it is ok.
  11. Right now Sydney is happy a good guy with a gun was able to stop the dude with a knife. Anyone who focuses on the tool and not the person is too dumb for this conversation.
  12. Frankish do you actually believe the Central Park 5 are innocent? Those dudes are guilty, the only question is whether the prosecution handled the case in a proper legal manner.
  13. I should not have called you nuts, that is definitely my mistake. You are one of the people here who always respond with a well thought out response and I regret posting that. I will blame it on dealing high schoolers all day. To the science part: I hate extrapolation because it always starts from your assumption. You are arguing that the stratosphere and troposphere going in different directions is a historical outlier, but truly we don't know. What was the stratosphere and troposphere doing in the last ice age? We can only guess. When I was in high school in the 1990s I was told the finger lakes were carved by glaciers, but I have been informed by my nephews that is not the belief anymore. But you and I have one major difference which we will never bridge- I don't trust government to enact meaningful change. Lowering pollution is a good thing but not at the cost of stopping our economy. Politicians main goal is to get re elected, and that is why California is a mess despite being an "environmental" state.
  14. This is actually an interesting dynamic here that I want put to a test- what percent are you sure he is a pedophile? If you say 100% either way you are being a political hack. I am about 30% there but this diary alone is not enough but it does look bad. It also looks worse that they treated this the same way as hunter laptop, first it is fake, then it is real, then you should not believe it. I ask this of @BillStime @The Frankish Reich @BillsFanNC @Doc most pointedly.
  15. I actually thought you were educated but you are nuts. 1) there is no evidence that ice sheets less today than 100 years ago because there is no starting point from before satellites. Rainforest threat is much more related to over building. Your arguments are based on 30 years of knowledge and pretending you can extrapolate them. 2) the only way to plan to for electric cars is to build more power plants and they are snuffed out by liberals. 3) you are arguing that adaption is what saved us with population but not this. 4) environmentalist claim it, which you know. 5) you think the US 5,% drop in pollution is counteracting the 300% increase in China and India? Literally my high schools know that is dumb.
  16. You truly are special, you believe an insurrection occurred from some of the most well armed men on the entire planet but they all forgot to bring their guns. Anyone violent deserves jail, the rest is a political with hunt for the mentally disabled
  17. I actually follow this account and they literally never show there source and never respond to where their info comes from. If you believe it you must have thought the national enquirer was hard hitting journalism. BTW- actual money situation https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trumps-palm-beach-fundraiser-joined-melania-trump-rakes/story%3fid=108949489
  18. Do you intentionally put up stupidly incorrect posts? Is someone paying you to be this dumb?
  19. Frankish and I agree a lot on the idea that climate change is something we simply have to learn to deal with, especially since we know man does affect the climate since there are 7 billion of us here. I though see the government more along the lines of the oil embargo of the 70s than actually doing anything useful. We can pretend that California can handle 20 million electric cars in 10 years but without a greatly improved electric grid that is not happening. In the past 50 years I have been told the earth was overpopulated at 3.5 billion, we were gonna run out of oil several times, and acid rain was coming. I was just told by@ComradeKayAdamsthat the ozone is in great shape so that is another problem government promised to fix, never did anything but still no issue.
  20. One of your words was censored, I assumed it was like the word crap, maybe it rhymes with duck, which does change the sentence
  21. I find it funny you are throwing around the concept of conspiracy theory when you believe that if I simply give the government money they will control the weather. I will also point out that requesting a peer reviewed study when you admit the raw data is not available is absurd.
  22. Not sure how old you are but I am certain you live somewhere liberal and likely don't travel much. Our country is not garbage, most of it is great, even places like NYC will be great again when they get real leaders. Before I started teaching I had a job where I worked in 50+ cities over 7 years and the only two I really disliked was LA and Vegas, because it was the only place where it seemed most people were willing to lie to get ahead. Our country is awesome, but in general we still have crap politicians.
  23. You showed entirely empty shelves, which we never had at all. Some items out of stock but I could always just get napkins vs paper towels and oatmeal vs cheerios. One of the articles you link to literally shows one brand of paper towel being out and acting like that is a big deal
  24. That top photo was never my local stores, only authoritarian governors caused that.
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