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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I am glad you admit that the Dems knew Biden could not handle a primary. 80% of Floridians voiced an opinion that Trump was our man, just like every other race in Florida history.
  2. Trump got almost 1 million more votes than Biden so I will give 10-1 odds that Trump wins FL in November, so how much you want to put up?
  3. I tried to find the budget of the movie to simply see if it was gonna be a $50 million loser or a $200 million loser and I cant find anything about the actual budget. I have a feeling that this was recognized as a loser a while ago and only released so they could not be accused of squashing it.
  4. Trump got 80% of all the votes today- how many did Biden get?
  5. Do you truly believe that crime is down in NYC and Chicago?
  6. Your defense of provable liars is hilarious and one of the reasons I like you on this site, it gives me a good laugh so often. NO ONE with any intelligence believed Hutchinson from the get go much less now with all the info out
  7. Liberal math is very special here. A member of Congress is actually arguing that lack of liquidity would be proof net worth. It is amazing to me that his economic illiteracy is a huge benefit to getting the vote from his constituents
  8. The concept of being proficient at math at these ages is much more along the lines of effort for 90% of students, because the math is simply not difficult. I have only had a few students, about 5-8%, who truly could not complete up to the level when they tried. Much of the issue is simply showing up to class and working through concepts, which is primarily on parents. The way that LeBron has set up the school is truly no better for these kids than the local public school since there is no requirement that parents be involved. LeBron is not the problem but he is not the solution at all.
  9. A good friend of mine is right now dealing a POS principal who has instructed her not to teach the "Outsiders" in 8th grade despite it being approved by the state for that level. The teacher has taught it for 10 years without objection because she informs parents at begining of year, in January and just this week before she starts it on March 25th. Parents can opt for an alternative assignment but the principal is pretending that she is concerned about the law when it has been approved for 8th graders. When I see headlines about how difficult this law is to follow I get pissed because it is easy to follow and this teacher has gone out of her way to ensure parents with immature children have an alternative.
  10. The Bills got the minimum from KC a on the pick for Mahomes and that was the next years 1st along with the current 1st and a 3rd rounder.
  11. First time jumping on this signing but how are people trashing the guy? He has to be used properly to flourish but that is why is not getting paid $30 million a year. If we use him and the other receivers properly I can see an offense where 5 guys have 60+ catches on this offense. I like the signing even if it seems like we have a lot of "slot" guys.
  12. These articles are hilarious in that they are celebrating that nothing has changed. The only people who are going to change are liberals who pretended the law said things it did not say. My safe space sticker on my door has remained up the entire time, my male students are always discussing their boyfriends, and the lesbian teachers have had their family pictures up the whole time. The law was aimed at a few terrible teachers and they are the only ones who had to change because they liked discussing their sex partners with children.
  13. i need an explanation of how the mother got in trouble. This was a good lesson to the bully, and if my kid was the bully I certainly would not be pressing charges
  14. If he is still available when we can trade up for him I would be very happy with that pick. Josh has shown he can work well with tight ends and he would give us a ton of flexibility on formations. No reason we can't use all three TE at once and use Kincaid and Bower as split out receivers.
  15. I know Buffalo can convert Josh salary into to bonus to clear up $15 million this year but can the Bills just do part of it? Basically can they do 5 million only?
  16. I will point out that I have seen this bite post many times on Twitter but never with that word. The algorithm they use determines which words/phrases get you to respond and gives you more of it. I get tons of stuff from 90s Bills and other sport items. Block the trolls and they go away
  17. @Joe Ferguson forever I am truly curious what stance you have ever taken in regards to COVID that was driven by concern for the young people? I know your concern for 70+ year olds is outstanding but I accepted shutting down schools for several months and did both online and face to face school at the same time for a while year to help out old folks, but what stance have you had that was not basically screw the kids.
  18. My concern will always be for kids over adults, yours is the opposite. Also your 30k number is not from COVID since the total since 2020 of COVID deaths under 30 still has not hit 10k in total.
  19. I can get Hemingway and Anne Frank from my local library so you are lying about the book ban, i appreciate that you don't want to discuss the fact that the vaccine did nothing to protect the young and healthy beyond what their own immune system already provided, as intelligent people thought in March of 2020 and knew with certainly by August of 2020. It is still a conspiracy that the US funded gain of function research in Wuhan on a Sars virus? You must have missed a ton of news over the past few years
  20. It was not novel, the US government had been studying it for years at the Wuhan laboratory. But two questions, how many lives to think we're saved by healthy 30 year olds getting vaccinated? Secondly can you name one book banned in Florida?
  21. I assume you live in one of the states that mandated the COVID shot for children, was that part of abundance of caution or was that simply evil to force an experiment on children?
  22. As I stated there were several articles of how ICUs were at capacity without pointing out capacity is a flexible thing for an ICU. Sam Attallah who you quote, works out of the hospital I go to for my doctor. His hospital was absolutely not being overrun at any point. They had to move non emergency appointments but he was being dramatic. The nursing shortage is real here, but that is due to an ever expanding population and is continuing to this day. By mid 2021 most of life Orlando was back to normal even at the hospitals.
  23. Far too often you sound like you never practiced medicine at all. "Filling up every ICU bed" is a line from a politician not a doctor- ICU is made to flex and few places ran out of beds. NYC ask for and received the floating hospitals and barely used them. In Orlando they shut down non vital services but COVID never overran any hospital in central Florida , though the loval media did lie about it a couple of times and then "correct" themselves a few days later.
  24. Wait, you expect me to read an article and not just go off a headline? You expect too much!!
  25. I agree with Williams, he physically fits the position well for us and I think he understands his role well. Our LBs could be insane for the next few years. I disagree with Elam but it is one of my few indictments of Beane, taking a man cover corner to play put zone is dumb, guys instincts work with one or other, rarely both.
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